Illicit Affairs

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And that's the thing about illicit affairs
clandestine meetings
And stolen stares
They show their truth one single time
But they lie, and they lie, and they lie
A billion little times

She looked in the mirror one last time before she applied a fresh layer of lip gloss. She glanced at the bottle of perfume on her vanity and thought of him. She remembered the day she stood in the small store with the saleswoman smelling a multitude of expensive perfumes before choosing the one she hoped he would like the most. She knew that these meetings were secret but she couldn't help but want to have something special that would remind her of him. She picked up the bottle and toyed with it in her hands before she sprayed two sprays, one behind each of her ears. She smiled as the scent hit her nostrils. Her attention was snatched away as she heard the familiar tapping of an owl beak on her window. She quickly retrieved the small piece of parchment and unrolled it out to reveal familiar, slanted handwriting.

Tonight. 7 pm. The usual spot. Can't wait to see you G.


She sighed at his brevity. She quickly slipped into her trainers before exiting her room and making her way down the stairs. As she reached the bottom she heard Harry and Ginny in the kitchen laughing. She quickly passed by the doorway and thought she was free until she heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, Mione. Where are you off to?" the voice of Ron Weasley boomed as he smiled the smile he seemed to reserve just for her.

She silently cursed and turned to find the eyes of Harry, Ron, and Ginny all on her. "I'm just off for a run. I should be home soon. Just need to clear my head, it's been a long week and I just need time." She said quickly. She babbled when she was nervous and they all knew it. Ron and Harry looked quizzically at each other.

"But it's dark outside maybe one of us should come along with you." Ron insisted standing from his chair. "I wouldn't want you to get into any trouble you being alone."

She smiled at his protectiveness as she retrieved her wand from the side pocket of her leggings. "I would think after all our near-death experiences you would expect me to be able to defend myself, Ronald"

Ginny stifled a laugh before saying. "I agree Ron. I have no doubt the brightest witch of our age can defend herself. We will be here when you get back." Ginny said warmly attracting the attention of the two boys long enough for Hermione to sneak out the front door and onto the street. She breathed in the cool night air and wrapped her arms around herself. She began jogging away from the doorstep just in case she might have been being watched. She kept her eyes down as she reached the corner and turned left into an alleyway. She checked her watch. 7:01. She sighed as she pictured the hotel in her mind and apparated quickly. She quickly found herself in front of the familiar spot. She pushed through the doors and glanced around the lobby until she met his piercing silver eyes. She quickly walked over to him. He stood before she reached him and walked to meet her. He then wrapped his arm around her waist and led her to the elevators.

"Granger we have really got to work on your timing," he said with a soft chuckle.

"I hadn't realized we were on a last name basis with each other again Malfoy." She said as they entered the elevator.

As soon as the door closed she found herself pushed up against the wall by him. His lips slammed into hers quickly as he pulled her further against him. His lips then moved to her neck as his hands entangled themselves in her hair. She felt his breath against her ear before he pulled away and met her eyes.

"Is that new perfume?" he asked amused

She nodded nervously

"I swear you are going to be the death of me." He chuckled "I'm glad we changed the location of our meeting arrangements."

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