Our Own World

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Hi lovelies, inspiration struck so here is a new chapter. I hope you all enjoy!! Thank you all again for reading this story it truly means the world. I love seeing comments and votes (not expected but appreciated). 

I love you all!! Enjoy :D

Draco could not believe his eyes. She had the nerve to show up late and then get drinks with another man fully aware that he was just across the lobby, they made eye contact for Merlin's sake. He went through the trouble to secure a suite for them and she was so damn ungrateful. What did Dean possess that was attractive to her? She had never seemed interested in him at Hogwarts but he had changed quite a bit in the last 5 years. He couldn't ignore that he was a different person as well. War had a way of changing people.

He had to resist the urge to enter the hotel bar and drag her out, away from Dean. He didn't like the way Dean looked at her. She was beautiful but she was so much more than just a pretty face. Shit. He thought to himself. He couldn't allow those thoughts to consume him. This was the exact reason he had begun occluding in the first place, to push down the feelings he didn't want to feel. He quickly filed this memory onto his mental shelf to be left and ignored for all eternity. He sighed at himself. It was becoming more and more difficult to keep those thoughts in their assigned places. The memories of her didn't want to stay in their places and he was becoming more and more frustrated. He thought about going home, abandoning their plans for the evening. But she had seen him, surely she would not leave him waiting all night.


The hotel bar was empty by the time she checked her watch. It was late but she was having such a wonderful time with Dean she almost did not want to leave. Dean was so different from Draco. The two were polar opposites. She, however, did feel bad about accepting Dean's invitation when she had been there to see Draco. She bet he had already left. Serves him right, she was her own woman and he did not own her. She bid goodbye to Dean and dodged his attempt at a kiss that ultimately landed on her cheek. She stood from her barstool and felt the wave of alcohol hit her body. She was by no means intoxicated but she was definitely feeling a buzz. She grabbed her purse and slung it over her shoulder and made her way to the lobby. She glanced around and did not see Draco. She breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn't avoid him forever and she knew he would be upset with her but she certainly did not want to deal with the situation at the present moment. She made her way to the door and before she could exit she felt herself being pulled into a vacant hallway and her front being pinned to the wall leaving her back exposed. She yelped but her sound was silenced by a hand over her mouth. She felt the presence behind her and knew exactly who the perpetrator was.

"It's awfully rude to cancel plans without consultation. Wouldn't you agree Granger" he growled in her ear.

He was furious and she knew it. She knew he would be upset. She moved against him in an attempt to find an escape but his grip truly was ironclad and she was surely no match for him physically. He removed his hand from her mouth and walked away from her. She followed him and he kept walking as if he knew she would. He walked back towards the lobby and boarded the elevator, pressing the button for the top floor. The ride was painfully silent. He stepped off the elevator into an enormous suite. He did not say another word to her until he rid himself of his suit jacket.

"Why" was the one word that escaped his lips as he turned to face her. He sounded hurt.

"I'm not sure why you would care about missing an evening with me. Considering you've got Astoria back now" she spat

"Is that what this was about? I did the interview to give your charity publicity. You're welcome by the way."

"Screw you"

"After the stunt you just pulled that's what I should be saying to you. I set up this evening for us to be together and you choose Dean fucking Thomas over me."

"You choose Astoria over me"

He sauntered towards her and gripped her chin "If I chose her then why the fuck am I here with you when you insist on being so fucking ungrateful"

She stiffened "I'm not ungrateful," she said softly "I'm sorry seeing you two together it just.." she trailed off

"It just what Hermione?"

She attempted to turn her head away but he held her chin in place and looked into her eyes. "I'm trying to be okay with this arrangement Draco but it's not exactly the easiest thing in the world....seeing you two look so happy together. I'm the other woman and sometimes that sucks"

He sighed and released her chin "I thought we had an agreement. Why must you bring feelings into this? You and I both know why we can't be together."

"I know!" she screamed, interrupting "Just tell me that you feel nothing romantic for me so I can get this stupid idea out of my head"


He ran his hand through his hair and turned away from her. He couldn't tell her. If the words escaped his mouth they would be real...His feelings would become real. He had spent so many nights isolated, occluding every memory of her, placing it carefully on his mental shelf to be forgotten. If he told her he didn't love her she would drop the issue. Maybe it could go back to the way things were before, just sex, nothing more nothing less. He wanted more with her, but he knew he couldn't have it. She was too good for him. She would always be too good for him. He couldn't open himself up to her. He knew she would run in the other direction but Merlin, he wished they were different people in a different world. But the truth is they weren't and they never would be. He would play his part in her story and indulge her but he knew she would tire of him and this relationship if you could call it that.

"I do care for you Hermione," he said slowly, not meeting her eyes "But it doesn't change anything. We can never have a real relationship and we both know that. Maybe if we were different people living in a different world but we aren't"

He walked towards her "But within these walls maybe we can have our own world."  

Illicit Affairs DramioneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora