The Meeting

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Chapter 10

She walked through the entryway to SPEW and was promptly met with the frantic looks of both Padma and Pavarti. She stilled immediately. The twins had been the bravest fighters she had known throughout their time in the DA and during the battle of Hogwarts, nothing startled these two until today.

"What is it?" she said before proceeding forward "Has something happened?"

"Well I told her that she had to make an appointment-" Parvati said quickly

"Who is she?" Hermione responded

"-But she absolutely wouldn't take no for an answer Hermione," Padma said as though attempting to corroborate Pavarti's story.

"Who is she" Hermione decided to try again

"She was very adamant" Padma continued

Hermione gave up on attempting to get an answer as to who or what was awaiting her within her office. She thanked them quickly for the little warning they provided and continued towards her office. She had helped defeat the Dark Lord she could surely handle whatever lie behind the door. She hesitated slightly before pushing the door handle down pushing the door open. What awaited her was a stunning young woman, with silky black hair that. The young woman she had seen grace the cover of the Daily Prophet on countless occasions, mostly in the arms of none other than the man she had been attempting to rid her mind of. And there he sat right next to her. Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass. The worst possible start to her week but precisely her luck.

She froze for a moment and attempted to gather herself before speaking "Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Greengrass. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. I was not aware you planned to meet with me today or I would have ensured I had reserved an appointment for you"

"We don't make appointments Miss Granger," Astoria said softly in the sweetest tone Hermione had ever heard "People usually clear their calendars for the opportunity"

Hermione wasn't sure whether or not to be offended. She shot Draco a quick glance and a nod of acknowledgment before sitting behind her desk. "Well, I assure you I absolutely appreciate the opportunity, Ms. Greengrass. Did you have a particular topic you wished to discuss?" she smiled towards Astoria refusing to meet Draco's eyes she could feel staring through her.

"PR. Good PR for you and your organization SPEW is it? Astoria responded

"Yes SPEW Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare."

"We would like to make a sizeable donation in the Malfoy name to celebrate a reconciliation and pending engagement!" Astoria said excitedly

Hermione's world began to spin Pending Engagement were the only words she heard. She painted a smile on her face and pretended to listen to every detail of Astoria's plan. Inside her chest, she could feel her heart-shattering. Her fingertips crackled with magic as she struggled to control and hide the earth-shattering feeling that had suddenly overcome her. She didn't dare look in Draco's direction, he would know, he would be able to tell everything she was thinking and feeling. She knew the second she looked into his eyes he would see. See that she failed at not falling in love with him. See that she always knew that they would never end up together but Merlin it stung to hear Astoria say those two words. She needed this feeling to go away. She needed control back. She quickly remembered a trick she had learned from Harry as Snape was attempting to teach him occlumency. She knew it was too simple, it wouldn't last but maybe it would last just long enough to get her through this meeting. A box, a mental box of sorts within the brain's subconscious. It stores portions of thoughts one does not wish to feel or handle. Everything stays safe inside the box until the brain eventually loses focus and everything comes rushing back at once. She knew there were more advanced levels, better ways to hide things but she didn't have time. She quickly constructed the box in her mind, shoved Draco and all feelings associated with him, and slammed the lid shut. The tears that were just about to escape faded away. She drew her attention back to Astoria just as her proposal had ceased.

"I believe that arrangement would be very beneficial for both of us. I will have you confirm the details with my associates before you depart today."

Astoria nodded and grabbed her bag to leave. She turned to face Draco and noticed he had not moved from his seat. He tore his eyes away from where he was staring and quickly stood, allowing Hermione to walk behind Astoria out of the office. Hermione felt a hand on her lower back before a familiar pair of lips was at her ear.

"Let me explain please." he said sounding desperate "I can read your tells just please"

Hermione nodded not turning to face him. The small occulmency box was so close to bursting open. She pictured herself holding the top in place not allowing her mind to break. She moved so Draco would pass her.

"Thank you again, Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Greengrass. I look forward to working together. Parvati, Padma will you please confirm the details of our upcoming arrangement. I will be in my office for the foreseeable future. Thank you both again for stopping by."

Hermione turned to walk back to her office. She almost expected Draco to call after her but she knew better. She heard the door click just as the box within her mind exploded. She felt the tears she had been holding for so long seep from her eyes. She was so stupid. She couldn't believe she had done this. She had let herself buy into the impossible dream that she could prevent herself from developing feelings for someone she would never be with. She huffed as she sat in her chair and held her head between her hands. She allowed herself to cry, to feel sorry for herself, to feel sorry for the relationship she had wanted but would never have. After what felt like forever her chest stopped heaving and the tears stopped falling. She gathered her hair into a ponytail and cast a few charms to reduce the redness of her eyes. Maybe she could see Dean. No, that fling had run cold. She had no one to talk to about what was happening. Not even Ginny, her closest friend knew and Hermione knew it had to stay that way. She decided to finally begin her work for the day. She began by reviewing her calendar and scheduled meeting for today. She froze as she realized the date.    

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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