The Article

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She was started from her work when the day's edition of the Daily Prophet was thrown down on her desk. She saw none other than Draco Malfoy gracing the cover. He was arm in arm with Astoria Greengrass walking in Diagon Alley. She lifted her eyes to see Parvariti looking at her expectantly.

"Have you seen this?" she asked excitedly

"I hadn't but I'm not sure I needed to," Hermione said pretending to be amused.

"Not the cover Hermione. There is an interview on page 3. He mentioned us, well he mentioned SPEW and you."

She narrowed her eyes "He mentioned me?"

"Well mainly he talked about his donation but read it for yourself and see." she smiled before turning on her heel and quickly exiting Hermione's office.

Hermione turned to the third page of the newspaper and saw a picture of Draco at the top of the page. She pulled her eyes away from his handsome profile and skimmed down the page to read the interview.

The article asked a multitude of questions, mostly based on his personal life and his romance with Astoria. She skipped these questions and skimmed the interview until she reached her point of interest.

"Mr. Malfoy you haven't been in the spotlight until recently. What has changed now?"

"Well with my past following behind me it hasn't been the easiest road but I have recently reconnected with some amazing people doing amazing things in our world. Most notable Hermione Granger. She and her non-profit Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare are doing amazing things in the house-elf world. I myself have made a large donation to the cause. With Miss Granger's passion for her cause, I don't know how I could have refused. She has truly become a real friend in recent weeks. "

Hermione's mouth dropped open at his words. She closed it quickly and closed the paper. She was "passionate". She was heading up a non-profit that was "doing amazing things".

She grabbed a piece of parchment from the corner of her desk and wrote one sentence in the middle. She folded it and summoned her owl. She tied the parchment to its leg and sent it off. She smiled to herself as it flew away and she almost wished she was traveling with it.


She unlocked the door to her shared flat and pushed the door open. She set her coat and purse on the couch and was immediately bombarded.

"When did I miss the memo about you and Draco being friends," she said pretending to be angry "And here I am thinking that I am your best friend only to be replaced with none other than Draco Malfoy"

Hermione laughed audibly "Draco and I are not best friends. Ginny, you have not been replaced. I'm not sure where he got the idea that we are friends. He donated to SPEW, that's it, he is a donor, nothing else."

"Well where would he have gotten that idea?" she asked sarcastically "You haven't been home much lately. You're not shagging him are you?" She laughed

"Of course not!" Hermione lied pretending to be angry with Ginny's accusation

"Hermione why are you using the voice you use when you lie to me?" she said beginning to form the realization.

Hermione froze "I have no clue what you're talking about Ginny" she turned to walk to her room.

"You are. Aren't you" she said laughing "Now I'm really offended. How long have you two been together? And what the hell was he doing with Astoria in the papers. Was he finally ending it ending it with her so he could be with you?"

"We're not together Ginny" Hermione flushed. Her secret that she was working so hard to keep was found out by her friend, whom she was hoping to keep the secret from. She swallowed hard "We are not in a relationship. We are just sleeping together. I didn't know that he and Astoria were back together. So whatever we did have is over anyway."

"Hermione I'm sorry," she said rubbing Hermione's arm "Honestly you may have dodged a bullet with him." she said before turning back to the kitchen "But if you want to demolish this ice cream I just bought and watch one of your Muggle movies we can"

"I actually think I am going to turn in early. It's been a long day" she smiled

"Okay, Mione. But if you want to talk I'm here." Ginny said, pulling Hermione into a hug. Hermione had never liked hugs or the concept of hugs. Ginny, on the other hand, loved physical contact and Hermione loved her enough to allow it.

Hermione hugged Ginny for a moment before pulling away. She grabbed her purse and jacket and walked to her bedroom. She tossed her belongings in the chair and threw herself onto her bed. She laid there for a moment. She thought about the absolute mess she found herself in. She had no clue where Malfoy and she stood. She had only seen him a few days ago but Astoria certainly changed things for him. She wondered if she would ever hear from him again or if she was just the rebound that he played with and was now tired of. She was torn from her thoughts by tapping at her window. An eagle owl, she knew to be Draco's tapped aggressively at her window. She opened it quickly to reveal slanted handwriting she would recognize anywhere.

I have secured a location. 7 pm.

She sighed at his brevity. She looked further down the parchment and saw an address. She recognized it as a 5-star hotel in Muggle London. She moved the parchment down and looked at the clock. It was 6:30. Just enough time for her to change and make herself look presentable. She wasn't sure why she cared about looking decent. He was probably asking her to come so he could break things off. She didn't want to admit that in the past weeks they had formed a weird connection of sorts. They understood each other but how could she be angry at him for choosing someone he loved, someone he could actually have a life with. She groaned at her own selfishness. She tapped her chin as she thought of something to tell Ginny. Anything to tell Ginny that wouldn't make her suspicious. A run. She could say she was going for a run. It was inconspicuous and she could be gone for any length of time. She had taken up running after the war. It helped her to clear her head and she found she liked the pain of pushing herself when she thought she could continue. She glanced at the clock once more before walking towards her closet. She stopped at her dresser and grabbed a pair of black leggings and a violet athletic pullover. She threw them on quickly and pulled her, now frizzy hair into a bun that was situated right at the crown of her head. She pulled a few pieces out before walking to her bathroom and changed quickly before putting on light makeup. She took one final look in the mirror and grabbed her keys before heading downstairs. She reached the base of the stairs to see Ginny seated in Harry's lap on the sofa, facing him. She walked quickly towards the door in hopes of avoiding an interruption.

"Just going out for a run," she said as she turned the doorknob and exited when she heard no response. She walked down the steps and out the back door of the building. She walked quickly down the sidewalk before reaching a point that was private enough to apparate. She appeared in front of the Hotel Kingston. She pushed through the doors to the lobby and was in awe of the beautiful lobby that stood before her. After examining herself and immediately feeling out of place she glanced around the lobby and saw no sign of Draco. She walked to an open chair and sat, assuming he would find her. She felt a presence behind her and immediately stood.

"I'm surprised to see you here Hermione!" Dean boomed excitedly. He immediately pulled her into a long hug.

"I'm surprised to see you as well Dean," she said trying to hide her disappointment that he was not Draco. "What brings you to Muggle London?"

"Just sightseeing mainly. I am meeting with my mum this weekend and I got us a room here." he smiled "What about you? What brings you here?"

She froze "Oh, just out and about. Sometimes I take walks or runs with no real destination in mind. It helps clear my head and have some time alone."

"Well if you're alone tonight you should let me buy you a drink." he reached his hand out to her.

Then she saw him. He was watching her from across the lobby. She saw the intensity in his eyes. Was he jealous? She had been sure he had asked her here tonight to break things off. She broke their eye contact and looked back to Dean.

"Sure, Dean I would love that" she smiled before allowing him to take her hand and guide her to the hotel bar. 

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