Not Ending Things?

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Thank you again to everyone who is reading this. Thank you for allowing me to have a break a still come back to enjoy this story. It truly means the world. 

Enjoy :D

Hermione froze at his words, she simply didn't know what to say. Her heart skipped as he walked to stand in front of her. His hand brushed her face lightly before he grabbed her chin and wrapped his other arm around her waist and jerked her towards him. He kissed her harshly, saying everything she could not find the words to. He held her so tightly she could feel his muscles beneath his perfectly pressed shirt. When he finally moved away she found herself breathless.

"Hermione, do you want this?" he said slowly, almost as though he was terrified of her answer.

"I thought you were bringing me here to end things," she admitted.

"Why would you-" he froze "you saw the article I'm assuming

She nodded and avoided his eye contact

"I did my best to draw the conversation to SPEW but I guess my romantic life is more interesting. But you didn't care to answer my question, Granger"

"It's not right." she said "You're with Astoria. I'm the other woman"

"You don't understand Granger" he said before kissing her again and lifting her into his arms.

He pulled away to look into her eyes. He gripped her chin to look into her eyes. "If I ever see you with Dean fucking Thomas again I don't think I'll be able to restrain myself." He quickly broke their eye contact and kissed her neck slowly.

"I'm not sure you have much control over that," she said snidely.

He bit her neck softly, causing her to yelp. "You're mine" he growled against her neck.

Every thought that entered her head told her to run, run in the other direction. She pushed these thoughts away as she lost herself in him. Maybe she could do this. Maybe she could have Draco. The answer became obvious when his lips touched hers once more.


She awoke to the sound of his breathing and his heartbeat. She laid there for a moment, just taking him in. She leaned up slowly, and began to move towards the edge of the bed in an attempt not to wake him. She knew her attempt failed as he started awake. She had never seen Draco Malfoy wake up before but he jerked awake like someone waking up from a nightmare. She wondered if he had nightmares. He was probably made to do some horrible things during the war. She wanted to ask him but that was too personal. She snapped herself out of her thoughts and looked over her shoulder.

"I'm sorry I was trying not to wake you" she said softly

He ran his hand through his hair "I'm a bit of a light sleeper but I have to say this is a nice sight to wake up to"

She stood up off the bed and turned to face him. She was distracted from her actions as she was able to see him fully. From his blonde hair, to his toned chest with a Sectumsempra scar Harry had given him, to the lower part of his stomach that was just covered by the blanket. She met his eyes and he gave her a smirk. He reached out and grabbed her hand and pulled her back into the bed. He rolled over to be on top and cupped her face. He kissed her softly. She pulled away and pushed him softly away from her.

"I have to go" she said softly

She immediately saw the wall slam into place at her words. He immediately rolled off of her and to his side of the bed. He stood to his feet and turned to her.

"I understand" he said plainly

The Draco she had seen moments ago was long gone as he made his way to the bathroom. She stood to follow him. He splashed water on his face. She walked in behind him and perched herself on the bathroom counter. He ignored her and reached for his wand on the counter next to her. He conjured a toothbrush for himself and Hermione.

"Stop it" Hermione said frustrated

He looked at her confused "Stop what? You said you had to leave."

"And you are now a different person than you were five minutes ago."

"I have set up wards here. It will allow me to know if you are here." he said before walking back to the bedroom, getting dressed quickly, and apparating away.

She sighed and grabbed the toothbrush. They had such a wonderful evening and then for him to leave in that manner, she couldn't believe it. She looked into the mirror before brushing her teeth and attempting to wrangle her hair to look at least somewhat presentable. She then walked to the bedroom and grabbed her own clothes. She got dressed and apparated back to her flat. She unlocked the door as quietly as possible in hopes that Harry and Ginny were either sleeping or at Harry's flat. She breathed a sigh of relief when she walked by Ginny's open door and saw the two of them sleeping. She quickly walked to her room and shut the door. She threw herself onto her bed and attempted to process everything that had just happened in the last 24 hours. Draco had admitted feelings for her but then left her in a huff. She sat up quickly as she heard a knock at her door. She was ripped from her thoughts as she moved to the edge of her bed and then to her door. She opened it to reveal a sleepy looking Ginny.

"G'Morning" Ginny muttered. "I am about to send Harry for breakfast and I wanted to know if you would like something from the cafe down the street"

She was about to decline the offer when she thought of the pumpkin pastries they sold and her stomach immediately grumbled. She laughed softly "Yes I would like a pumpkin pastry."

"You were out late last night. Is everything okay?" she said before turning around "You just weren't back when Harry and I went to bed. I was a little worried"

"Oh Ginny don't be, I am fine. I just decided to have a few drinks with Dean and it turned out to be later than I thought. We kind of lost track of time." Hermione smiled and attempted to look convincing. It technically wasn't a lie.

Ginny smiled "Dean? Like Dean Thomas?"

"Yes Ginny. Don't worry I'm not intending on shagging him. I know you're with Harry but it just seems weird."

"Hermione, I assure you I do not care. Nothing ever really happened between us besides snogging. I also think he really took a liking to you, when he saw you at the reunion." she grinned "And not to mention he is totally available. I know you might still be upset about the Draco thing but maybe Dean might be a nice way to get over of those feelings, by getting under him of course" Ginny laughed

Hermione gasped "Ginny!" she squealed as she slapped her arm playfully.

"Okay Okay. Just know Hermione you are allowed to get the things that you want. You're allowed to be happy. You don't have to always worry about everyone else. Just do something for yourself once in a while" she moved to hug Hermione.

"I'll remember that Ginny" she said as she hugged Ginny lightly. "Now I just need to change out of these clothes and I can meet you in the sitting room and we can make plans for today."

Ginny looked uncomfortable "Actually, I forgot to mention it to you but Harry and I already made plans. I mean I can see if he wouldn't mind all of us doing something together" she babbled.

"Ginny" Hermione smiled "It's okay I was just thinking I would rather stay home today. I have some reading I would love to catch up on. You and Harry enjoy your plans" She said happily.


She could not believe that she had had the gall to owl him. They had a wonderful time last night and maybe there was something in him that a small part of her wanted to get to know more. She breathed softly before apparating to her destination. She was surprised he hadn't implemented wards around the property. She knocked slowly on the door. She waited for a moment and the door swung open.

"I was a little surprised to receive your owl," the male voice said.  

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