The Beginning

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"So was it Malfoy?" Parvati said leaning against the office door frame.

"Was what Malfoy?" Hemione said, not looking away from her work.

Parvati sighed loudly causing Hemione's focus to break. "You know what I'm talking about. The 2,000 galleon check that came across my desk this morning. I heard that you two spoke at the reunion but I didn't think you would bring up something like this."

"Maybe it was maybe it wasn't," Hemione said annoyed

"The way you're being so tightlipped gave me my answer," she said teasingly. "And maybe the fact that he's here to see you.

Hemione sprang up from her desk and quickly followed Pavarti to the front desk and found the gorgeous, blonde-haired man she had been dreading seeing. She felt her stomach drop but she had to be professional. She quickly gathered as her eyes met his.

"Mr. Malfoy." Hermione said "You can follow me"

She walked quickly back to her office and ushered him in before shutting the door behind her. He walked to the front of her desk, examining the papers that were scattered across her desk. He picked one up and began to read it silently to himself.

"What are you doing here?" She said annoyed

"I am merely here to ensure the check I sent to you was received and being put to good use." he smirked, his eyes not leaving the paper "We ended rather abruptly the other day"

She silently cursed herself as she recalled their last meeting. She had kissed him and then abruptly came to her senses. She basically ran through the front doors of the manor. She had been so stupid to believe that she could trust herself around him. He made her become a different person, a more reckless person. She couldn't risk being that person, especially around Draco. She needed to focus and remember that she hated him, purely hated him. He wanted her and she couldn't argue that she wanted him too but she couldn't ignore everything just for him. She was ripped from her thoughts when he lifted his eyes to meet her. Those beautiful silver orbs. She cleared her throat as she looked away from him.

"Yes, my apologies," she said. She felt the heat in her cheeks and knew for sure that she was blushing. She bit her lip and looked back at him.

"Well I guess after that night in the common room the tension might be expected." He looked to her lip "But if you continue biting your lip you might find out my preferred method of diffusing tension"

"You are vile, Malfoy," she spat, releasing her lip.

"Our last two encounters give me cause to think differently Miss Granger" he smiled as he walked towards her.

He spun her around and backed her up so that she was pressed into the front of her desk. His arms rested beside her on the desk preventing her movement, preventing her escape.

"If you want my opinion on the matter" he whispered, "I think you want this so badly. Every fiber of your being wants me to touch you. Like this" he pressed a kiss to her neck. "And like this," he said placing a kiss on her chest. "And like this," he said wrapping his arm around her waist and jerked her to him.

She gasped as she felt his body pressed against hers. She realized she had been breathing heavily. She, again could not believe how her body betrayed her. She knew she should be revolted but, Merlin, she couldn't help how good his body felt against her own. She could feel his muscles budge slightly underneath his shirt, his breath hot against her skin, his rings digging into her back as he led her in place.

"Tell me you don't want me, Granger." He moved to her ear "lie to both of us again."

Her body stiffened "I don't want this"

"See Granger, lies are like unforgivables." he moved one hand to her neck and wrapped his thumb across the front of her throat. He brought his mouth to her ear once more "You've got to mean them for them to be effective"

And with his words lingering in the air he stepped away from her. He exited her office without looking back at her. She sat back against her desk. Merlin, she needed to pull herself together. She took a deep breath as she felt her heart thumping. Why did her body react to him? Every touch every glance. She walked behind her desk and flopped into the chair. She would have to table this discussion with herself.


She had attempted to busy herself throughout the rest of the workday. She stayed even after both Padma and Parvarti had long left for the day. At 7:00 she glanced at the clock and began to gather her belongings. She cursed herself before apparating to Malfoy Manor. She rapped heavily on the front door. She stood for a moment, more nervous than she had been the last time she had visited. The door opened slowly and a small house-elf appeared.

"Is miss here to see master Draco?" the house-elf said

Hermione was shocked "Yes as a matter of fact I am. Is he expecting me?"

"Master Draco is in the library readings. But he said miss might be here tonight"

Hermione was fuming. How could Malfoy be so cocky as to assume she would come running after him after he stormed out on her? She quickly strode past the house-elf with a quick "Thank you I'll find it myself" and followed the hallway she knew led to the library. She passed the drawing-room along the way and was brought back to the memory of that atrocious night that had earned her the scar that adorned her forearm. She arrived at the library and pushed the door open. She saw him sitting stoically in a green armchair in the corner. He was buried in a book. She tried to read the title but couldn't quite make it out. She cleared her throat loudly and grabbed his attention.

"Oh Granger!" he said startled for a moment before returning to his usual stoic appearance. "How did I know to expect you this evening?"

"Your cockiness is such a turn off Malfoy" she shot back. "I'm here because I have a proposal for you."

He cocked his head to the side as if to say he was listening. She strode to him and grabbed the book he was reading to toss it aside. She joined him in the armchair on his lap and slammed her lips against his. She could tell he was shocked at her actions but he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer against him and kissed her passionately.

"What changed your mind?" he asked as he pulled away.

"Shut up and kiss me," she said before pressing her lips to his once more.

She ran her fingers through his hair. It was soft and styled perfectly but he didn't seem to mind her messing it. He continued to kiss her and began to travel to her neck.

"But there are some things we need to discuss before this goes any further," he said against her neck.

"Like what?" she said quietly, nervously.

"Astoria and I are back together," he said quickly, blurting it out

She pulled back, away from his embrace "You are?"

"Yes." he said curtly "We spoke that night at the reunion and reconciled."

She blushed and attempted to stop the tears from flowing. She felt so incredibly stupid. She had flung herself at him and he had been with someone else but hadn't mentioned it to her.

"But if you still want this. I still want this. I mean it's not like we were intending to be together." he whispered pulling her into him once more "We aren't friends Granger but maybe we could make friends with benefits work."

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