The Reunion

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"What if I just didn't go?"Hermione whined looking around her closet "It's not like I have anything suitable to wear anyways and I'm not even sure anyone would miss me if I weren't in attendance. Besides Ron isn't going."

"Hermione Jean Granger!" Ginny playfully scolded "You planned the reunion and in case you have forgotten these are your friends. Of course, they would notice if you weren't there. Ron is going to join us later in the evening after he closes the shop. Besides, you have to come; Pansy told me Draco plans to make an appearance."

"Oh, I sincerely hope he does. Maybe he will bring Astoria along" she said sarcastically

"You haven't heard? They're broken up. He's Britain's newest and most eligible bachelor." Ginny goaded "So we will have to make you the star of the evening!"

"You can't honestly believe I am still interested in him Ginny. It's been five years I doubt he will even recognize me" She said turning back to her clothes pretending to be uninterested.

Of course, she knew Draco and Astoria were no longer together. She thought about Draco often. The boy she hated but found herself fancying. They hadn't spoken in 5 years but that time period had not been nearly long enough for her to push away her feelings for him. She began to think about what it would be like to see him, in person, after all these years. She had seen him in the Daily Prophet, mostly on the front cover due to the high publicity cases he counseled for, but it wouldn't be the same as seeing him again, feeling his presence.

"Hello!" Ginny walked to her waving her hands "Earth to Hermione"

"W-What?" Hermione stuttered, her daydream being interrupted.

"I was talking to you about how we have to make you look your best tonight to see your future husband, Draco Malfoy" Ginny smirked.

"Oh come off it" Hermione laughed and playfully slapped Ginny's arm

"Fine Fine. You can keep lying to me but it's harder to lie to yourself." Ginny laughed as she passed Hermione and walked into Hermione's closet. "But I will say you are correct about having nothing to wear this evening. But you're in luck I think I have the perfect dress for you."


As Hermione apparated to the front doors of Hogwarts she couldn't escape the feeling that she was home. So many adventures had come about within the walls of this castle and despite her nervousness about the party, she felt a sense of comfort as she entered the Great Hall. She glanced down to pull her tight red sequined cocktail dress further down her thigh. She had insisted this might be too scandalous but Ginny swore she looked delectable. Before she could look up again she felt an arm wrap around her waist and pull her close.

"Wow Hermione," Dean said examining her body "I've seen a few pictures of you in the Prophet but I have to say the pictures surely do not do you justice."

Hermione pulled gently against his grip. Although it was early in the evening it was apparent the fire whiskey had been flowing. She could smell it heavy on Dean's breath. She slapped him playfully.

"Oh, Dean you are so kind." She unwrapped his arm from her waist "It is so good to see you but I am a bit thirsty at the moment so how about I catch up with you later?"

He looked a little disappointed but pulled her close once more "Only if you promise to save a dance for me." He smiled playfully before allowing her to free herself from his grip as she nodded in agreement.

She made her way to the back of the Great Hall and poured herself punch from the enormous punch bowl. She took a sip and had to stop herself from spitting it out. It had been spiked already. She stood for a moment glancing around the room and met eyes with a tall, blonde-haired boy. She felt her stomach tighten. Throwing caution to the wind she downed the rest of her drink and poured herself another. She downed that one too before she felt a presence behind her. She stiffened as someone whispered in her ear.

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