The Proposal

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A/N: If you have made it this far: I'm sorry I suck at updating. Life has gotten a little crazy lately. I started a new job and it is taking up much of the time I was using to write. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I love you for supporting this story!!


The next morning Hermione awoke with the most awful headache she had ever experienced. The sobering potion had not done so well with getting rid of the hangover effects. She shook her head in an attempt to rid her memory of the dream she had just started awake from. Of course, Draco Malfoy was the star of the entire dream. The dream had been a replay of the events of the previous night but things went very differently in the Slytherin Common Room. She had allowed him to do much more than kiss her.

She shook her head once more before climbing out of her bed. She glanced at herself in the mirror and thanked Merlin that it was Sunday. She was not expected into the office today so she could lounge around the flat all day and not have to make herself look decent. As she was relishing the thought of staying in her PJ's all day and watching muggle reality TV she was jerked from her thoughts by a pecking sound of her window.

She stood and walked quickly to open the window. She untied the rolled-up parchment from around its leg and unrolled it. It was from Malfoy.

"Ms. Granger, I am intrigued about what we discussed last night. Please meet me for tea at the manor at 2 in the afternoon to discuss a business matter. Your response is requested."

She groaned. Why did it have to be him? She wished she was able to request that Pavarti or Padma meet with him tomorrow but she knew that she could not risk a potential donation on waiting. She saw that the owl was sitting, waiting for her response. She unrolled the parchment on her dresser and quickly scribbled a response.

"Mr. Malfoy, I would be delighted to meet with you today. I will see you at 2 o'clock."

She glanced at the clock on her nightstand and looked at the time. It was 1 o'clock. She cast a healing charm to alleviate her headache and quickly threw her hair in a bun to do her makeup. She wanted to look simple but not as though she had just rolled out of bed. She decided that straightening her hair would be the best way to tame it, which took the majority of the hour she had left. She glanced at the clock at 1:45 pm and raced towards her closet. She decided on a mint green loose-fitting top and a black pencil skirt that extended to just above her knee. Hermione smiled as she looked in the mirror one last time.

"Wow, where are you off to this afternoon Miss Office Sexy," Ginny smirked as she entered Hermione's room

"Oh stop it Ginny" Hermione flushed "I'm going to meet with Malfoy about a business proposal."

"What kind of business proposal might that be?" Ginny looked her up and down again.

"Something to do with SPEW I think. I mentioned it to him last night and he sent me an owl requesting tea today to discuss it. I hate to cut this short but I'm to arrive at 2 and I don't want to be late."

"Fine" Ginny pouted playfully "But you better bring some details back when you come" She winked.

Hermione glanced at her watch and cursed when it read 2:05. She quickly apparated to the gates of Malfoy Manor and made her way up the walkway. The manor looked much the same from the last time she had seen it. She pulled the sleeve of her blouse down over the word Mudblood that had been carved into her forearm by none other than Draco's aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange. The scar, much like the memory never faded away, even after multiple healing charms and treatments, it showed prominently on her forearm. She began to walk faster, anxious to get this meeting over with so she could be away from Malfoy and at home enjoying herself. As soon as she reached the door it opened to reveal Draco waiting for her.

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