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Rose Elizabeth Thomas (neè Nicolas) is 27 years old. She has dark brown hair, and medium-brown eyes. She wears glasses, and is very good at her job. She was born in New York City, and attended Duke University, where she majored in Visual & Media Studies, and Linguistics with a minor in Creative Writing.

She got her current job, at a Brooklyn-based public relations firm right after college, and has been in love with it ever since— PRight Now, LLC.
Rose and Michael Thomas married on May 5th, 2018 in a small town in northern New Jersey. They met after a traumatic time in Rose's life, and only connected two years before their wedding. She was 24 when they wed, he was 36.

Their relationship was rocky at best. They fight more than they are happy, and he quickly became a very controlling person.
Rose's parents were killed by a drunk driver when she was just 22. She graduated college, and started her first day at her job at the PR firm when she got the call from her uncle. She was able to take some time off work and process her grief.

It was during this time, that she met her now husband, Michael Thomas, Esquire. He was in charge of her parents' estate and will. He was seemingly the perfect man— Dark blonde hair, blue eyes, muscular, with a killer smile...

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