chapter 29: a perfectly imperfect chocolate cake

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April 1st, 1995

Things were better after I realized that Fred had the same feelings towards me that I had towards him. It was as though all of this weight that had been crushing me over the past few months was beginning to crush me just a little bit less. With Fred there, I was able to talk to him about whatever I was feeling, though it was still hard to get used too. I still wasn't the biggest fan of expressing all of those emotions. I just felt so vulnerable, leaving everything out there in the open. But Fred accepted my struggles with open arms, listening intently as I spoke, offering advice when needed, and making sure to crack a joke or two to lighten the mood.  

After that night in Fred's dorm, we decided to tell the rest of our friends about our relationship. Most of them weren't surprised, and claimed that they knew all along and were just waiting for us to confirm. Fred and I really were terrible at keeping it a secret. The only one who was shocked was Ron, but that was to be expected.

Cassius and I spent many afternoons in the library researching the Langlock spell for DADA. Just as we had suspected, it was exceptionally easy, and we finished it after only a few afternoons in the library. Naomi was glad that I was willing to work with Cassius, since she had been upset when she learned that he was her partner. I didn't mind spending the afternoons with him, since everyone else was always busy with other things in the castle and I usually found myself alone in my dorm during those hours.

Hanging out with Cassius was surprisingly better than I expected it to be. Of course, Fred didn't like how often I hung out with him, but I assured him that he had nothing to worry about. Because I loved him and only him. And no one—especially someone like Cassius— could ever change that.

Fred didn't seem to worry too much about it, which I was grateful for. He and George were too busy planning a huge party to celebrate their seventeenth birthday.

Naomi and I had been planning a surprise for them for the past few weeks. We had borrowed the Marauders Map from Harry and studied the passageways to the kitchen. Hermione helped us talk with the house elves to let us sneak in early in the morning. That part took a bit of convincing, but eventually they agreed to not start making breakfast until at least six in the morning. Everything was falling into place for our surprise. The only thing we needed to do was wake the boys up much earlier than they had planned and hope that they would come with us.

I wasn't too worried about that. The twins were always up for an adventure.

I opened the door of their room, cringing at the sound of it creaking on its hinges. Glancing around the room, I quickly realized that all three of the boys were still sound asleep in their beds, and I breathed a silent sigh of relief.

I made my way over to Fred's bed, careful to avoid any creaks on the ground and pulled the curtain back on his four poster. He laid there, sound asleep, looking so peaceful in the moonlight. I almost felt bad about waking him so early on his birthday.


I crawled into his bed, straddling my legs around his body, leaving a trail of kisses up his bare chest. No matter how many times I saw him like this, he still took my breath away. He was absolutely gorgeous without even having to try.

He stirred beneath me, but was still sound asleep.

I thought of many different ways to wake him, but decided it would be the most fun just to shake him awake. Maybe not for him, but definitely for me. I grabbed his shoulders and shook them as he awoke underneath me.

"Bloody hell." He whispered, his eyes droopy and his voice low, "What time is it?"

"Four in the morning." I said cheerily. "Happy birthday, by the way."

Everything Changes  // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now