chapter 4: the first night in the castle

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I awoke to the sounds of voices filling the staircase outside of my bedroom door. I figured that the Great Feast had finished and as I sat up, I felt a pain in my stomach as I realized that I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast that morning and a few snacks on the ride here.

Please tell me you brought me dinner I thought, mostly to myself, but also to Naomi, praying she could hear me from wherever she was and would be able to run back to the feast and snag me at least some bread and butter.

Don't worry, I wouldn't let my big sister starve I heard Naomi joke and I let out a sigh of relief.

No more than two minutes later I heard the door handle turn, expecting to see Naomi with a feast in tow, but instead it was a girl that I had never seen before. She was much shorter than me, which wasn't saying much considering most people were shorter than Naomi and me, we were both 5 foot 10, but she was at least 5 foot 4, if that. She had tightly curled dark brown hair and a rich complexion, and she was staring at me in disbelief.

"What..." she said as she struggled to find the words, "Naomi? I thought you were behind me looking for George, I- How are you here already?"

"Umm..." I stuttered, not exactly sure what I was supposed to be doing in this situation, I figured Naomi had informed all of her roommates about the unique situation we were going to all be in this semester before we got here, but by the looks of it, she had forgotten about that part of her master plan.

Umm Naomi? I thought, while her roommate continued to ask me what was going on.

I'll be up in a minute; I have to find George and say goodnight.

I think there were a few important people who you forgot to mention our plans too.

As I thought that, another one of Naomi's roommates entered the room, this one seeming to be the polar opposite of the first girl. She was very pale, almost translucent, and had the whitest natural hair I had ever seen on a person before, her eyes were piercing blue, and she towered over me, but I soon realized that she had heels on, for no special reason at all. As soon as she saw me, she had the same confused look on her face that the other girl had.

"What is going on?" she said to me and the other girl in the room, "I literally just left you downstairs with George, how did you beat me here? You know it's against the rules to apparate on school grounds Nom. Honestly, maybe you've been hanging out with the Weasley twins too much recently."

"Oh well umm," I continued to stutter, praying that Naomi would come through the door soon.

Shoot! I heard Naomi think in response to my previous thought I'm on my way!

We all turned as we heard the sound of someone running up the spiral staircase, and as soon as Naomi turned the corner, the confusion on the two girls face's turned to shock, and they both looked back and forth between us trying to figure out what was going on.

"I can explain!" Naomi said as she shut the door behind her. Her two roommates sat on the trunks at the end of their beds, waiting for an explanation. "This is my twin sister, Gemma!"

"The muggle?" the girl who came into the room second scowled at the thought of a muggle living in her bedroom. I wasn't sure if I was going to like this girl, or if we could even trust her, but it was too late, she already knew too much.

"Yes Jules, the muggle." Naomi glared at her and I felt a sense of pride towards her at that moment.

"What is she doing her?" the first girl asked, genuinely concerned, she was much sweeter than Jules seemed to be, "I thought muggles couldn't get onto campus, what happened to the protection spells?"

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