chapter 11: fire-breathing dragons and damsels in distress

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November 24th, 1994

The first task of the Triwizard tournament did in fact involve dragons, just as George and I had suspected. I did feel slightly bad that I never let Harry in on this specific insider knowledge (that I so cleverly figured out all on my own without the help of anyone else (especially George)) But Ron eventually got over himself and told Harry— or, had other people tell Harry for him. It was all a bit confusing and entirely too complicated.

I would never let Gem know that I was slightly regretting my decision to keep the information to myself.

I couldn't give her that sort of satisfaction.

It wasn't fair that she had to sit up in her dorm, all alone, while the rest of the student body got to watch what could possibly be the most exciting thing to happen at Hogwarts in centuries. I would make it up to her somehow though. She deserved to have the full Hogwarts experience, dragons and all.

As George and I began to collect bets for the tournament, I kept that thought in the back of my head. How could I come up with something so exciting that missing out on dragons wouldn't seem so terrible?

I'd figure it out eventually.

"You guys really have to gamble on today of all days?" Naomi sighed as she sat down next to George in the stands.

"Of course, love." George said, leaning over to kiss her cheek. Disgusting.

"We have to make it exciting for us spectators." I added, trying my hardest to pay attention to the stadium and not the two of them. Don't get me wrong, I love them both, but I could do without their constant show of affection. It's revolting, honestly.

"As if the dragons weren't exciting enough?" She said, raising her brow.

"It's even more exciting when you personally have something to gain from someone else winning." George said as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

"Fine then," she said, rolling her eyes, "I just don't like you betting on people's lives."

"It's not on their lives, Nom." I shouted over the crowd. The champions were making their way to the tents now, and the crowd was exploding with excitement.

"They wouldn't let someone die in this tournament." I added.

"Exactly," George chimed in, "It's all in good fun. You should put some money on it! Krum's got the best odds, but if Fleur can pull through and win this thing, you could win big!"

"I think I'll just watch." She replied as she laid her head on George's shoulder. My own was feeling particularly bare, but I ignored it.

The tournament began and one by one each champion retrieved their golden eggs, but I couldn't help but think about what Gem was doing all alone in the castle. I had the most exciting tournament happening right before my eyes, and yet the only thing I could think about was what shirt Gemma was wearing, and whether or not it looked nice with her rich, brown eyes. (I'm sure it did. I don't think there was a single thing she could wear that wouldn't compliment her eyes)

I thought about the way she absentmindedly bit her fingernails while reading the other day and how mesmerized I was by this simple action, and how I would much rather watch her bite her fingernails than watch my fellow students fight actual dragons.

Mental. She was driving me absolutely mental.

And she didn't even have to do anything at all.

George nudged my side as Jordan announced that Harry was about to step into the stadium. He was up against a Hungarian Horntail, which Charlie had told me was the most dangerous out of the four dragons. Figures Harry would be the one to have to face it.

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