chapter 13: flirting in the broom shed

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December 5th, 1994

Naomi took the news of her detention much better than I expected her too. Though she did take every opportunity to tease me for getting in trouble the very first time I hung out with Fred outside of Gryffindor tower alone. It took me by surprise how laid back she was about the whole ordeal, especially since only a few weeks prior she had been so on edge about me messing up when I went to class with her. I was glad though. I didn't want to go home anytime soon.

"Other than the whole, getting me a detention thing," Naomi said as she laid across her bed, her hands resting on her chin, a huge grin plastered across her face, "How was your date?"

"It wasn't a date." I said as I attempted to warm up with as many blankets and sweaters that I could find.

"It was definitely a date." Anna chimed in, putting the book that she was reading onto her nightstand and scooting closer to the center of the room, "That boy has a thing for you."

She was right. I mean, she had to be. He told me he wanted to kiss me the other day after the party, and then today, we were so close. He had the perfect chance to kiss me as we laid out in the snow. I just wasn't sure why he didn't do it.

"If it were a date, I would know." I stated, "We were just hanging out; he was teaching me quidditch."

"Just teaching you quidditch?" Naomi said, raising her eyebrows up and down.

"Yes, Nom." I said dryly, "Just teaching me quidditch."

"And how exactly did you get a detention from a quidditch lesson?" Anna asked.

"Ooo yes, I need to know the whole story in case anyone asks." Naomi said, leaning in closer to me.

"We, uh, we may have been sharing a broomstick." Naomi squealed with laughter and I threw my pillow at her. "Not like that! We were actually riding on his broomstick- STOP- we were riding on his broomstick to catch the snitch that I accidentally released."

"Gem," Anna said, "If it were a practice snitch, and not a game snitch, they can be called back with a simple spell."

I stared at her, shocked. There was no way that Fred knew that but still made me fly with him to catch the snitch. If he did, I had some words to say to him.

"You're kidding."

"Nope. It's common knowledge really, especially for an experienced quidditch player like Fred."

"I'm going to kill him." I said, jumping off the bed and throwing my slippers on. I didn't know what I would say when I reached his door, but I knew I had to say something, I still felt like I was going to be sick every time I thought about being on that broomstick. If he didn't even need to catch the snitch, I was going to be very cross with him.

"Gem, you can't go to his room right now, it's past curfew." Naomi said, sitting up in her bed.

"Screw curfew, I already have a detention."

"No. I'm the one who has detention; you don't even exist in the eyes of the administration. Please just sit down, you can talk to him tomorrow at detention."

I took a deep breath before closing the door and heading back over to my bed. Maybe he didn't know about the spell. He was a beater, not a seeker. He mainly dealt with bludgers, so the snitch wasn't something he would have to pay attention too. Not only that, but he didn't have practice very often this year since the teams weren't competing, so maybe he just forgot about the spell.

Or maybe he didn't.

Maybe he knew all about the spell, yet he ignored my plea to let me stay on the ground. I was hoping it was the other answer, but I knew deep down that this was the only reasonable answer. Quidditch was a huge part of Fred's life, so it wouldn't make any sense that he would forget such a simple spell. I wasn't going to think about it anymore. I would just go to bed and talk to him during detention tomorrow.

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