chapter 6: what's quidditch anyway?

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September 3rd, 1994

I tossed and turned all night, nervous for my first day pretending to be Naomi. It was only going to be for dinner since I wasn't going to start going to classes for a couple weeks until Naomi got used to them and knew what she could expect, but the thought of pretending to be a student, even for just an hour or so, still made me nervous.

Naomi told me that she knew a spell that could fix my scar, but I didn't want to lose one of my few defining features, so I told her I would cover it with some makeup and that no one was going to notice any ways.

Fred noticed, she thought, with a teasing tone, he noticed a lot about you.

Shut it

Naomi laughed, I knew you would like him.

I don't like him I lied, praying she couldn't hear the tone in my thoughts.

Mmhm, keep telling yourself that.

The day dragged on as the excitement built for dinner. I didn't know I could even be as excited as I was at that moment. I tried to keep busy by organizing Naomi's trunk for her or reading the new book that she got me. This one was on potions though, which wasn't as interesting as the magical creatures one. It was basically a cookbook but with items I had never heard of. None of these things that I did made time go any faster, so I spent the majority of my day staring out at the lake, pretty positive that I had seen some sort of squid surface a few times.

Dinner began at five, but Naomi's last class ended at that same time, and we couldn't risk people seeing the two of us in separate hallways. I waited in my dorm, counting the minutes as soon as they hit five, waiting for the sound of her footsteps on the stairs signifying my release from this room.  When the large hand hit the three on my watch, I thought about asking Naomi what was taking her so long, but before I had the chance, the door knob began to turn and Naomi walked in, dressed head to toe in her Gryffindor robes with a huge smile on her face.

"I'm so excited for you!" She exclaimed as she threw her robe onto the bed, "You're gonna have so much fun!"

I nodded my head, letting out a slight laugh at her excitement while I grabbed her discarded robe and threw it over my sweater.

"How do I look?" I asked, straightening the robe out and examining myself in the mirror.

"Perfect." She smiled, grabbing the color of my sweater and flipping it out over the robe.

I took in one last look at myself before taking in a deep breath and turning towards the door, waving goodbye to Naomi as I turned the handle."

"Wait, one more thing." Naomi added as I went to head out the door, "You're going to be meeting George and Fred's roommate Lee today, I don't like him too much, he's too loud, so make sure you don't make him suspicious of us. George doesn't want to tell him that you're here yet."

I nodded my head, taking in the last-minute information I needed before my dinner.

"Oh, and George is waiting for you in the common room. You have to sit next to him at dinner, or else people will wonder if something is up with us, and I don't want anyone to think our relationship is rocky."

"You got it," I said, giving her a thumbs up and making my way down the spiral staircase.

"Have fun!" she called after me as I headed down the stairs.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and noticed George sitting on the armchair of the couch, talking with a Gryffindor boy I hadn't met yet.

"Hey Nom," he winked, turning away from his conversation. The boy excused himself and made his way to the boy's dormitories, leaving George and I alone in our conversation.

Everything Changes  // Fred WeasleyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant