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**Harry's POV**

It was now two weeks since Louis and I started dating. Well...we'd been on a couple of dates, but we weren't official yet.

We were sitting on a cloud above the Pacific Ocean, eating pears and apples while drawing. We came up with the challenge of drawing each other.

"Wait look at me again", Louis said with a soft voice. When I looked up at him, I couldn't contain a small grin. He looked so cute, frowning at his paper, switching looks between my face and his drawing.

"Lou you do know that this is not an art contest, do you?", I said with a small chuckle, the demon responding with a small huff and pouting at me.

"Your face is too pretty...I just can't get your jawline right..."

I crawled over to him, taking the drawing out of his hand, holding his cheek softly before leaning in for a slow and loving kiss.

After pulling apart we lock eyes and smile at each other.

"Your eyes are the same colour as the ocean", I whispered.

"Is this your best attempt of getting me flustered?", he laughed at me, flicking my nose.

"Ouch, I don't know I'm just trying to be romantic", I rubbed my slightly sore nose.

"Who would have thought big bad Harold was a sappy kitten inside", he laughed.

Suddenly he tackled me to my side forcefully and got on top of me, straddling my chest.

"You're a big baby, you know, that right?", he smiled down at me, tapping my chest with his pointer finger at every word.

"'m your baby though...right?"

Louis got silent at that, his cheeks slowly turning pink, eyes not meeting my gaze.

"Louis?", he looked back at me, anxiously biting his lips.

I softly pulled his lip from between his teeth with my thumb.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

A few more seconds of silence and then there were soft lips on mine, kissing me hard.

"Will you answer before suffocating me?", I laugh while pulling his face off mine.

"YES I WOULD LOVE TO BE YOUR BOYFRIEND! Now kiss me you fool!"

And that was that.


Later that day, the sun had already fully set, Louis was laying on his back with my head on his tummy, both of us gazing up at the stars.

"Louis?", he let out a small noise at the back of his throat.

"Do you remember when we started the deal with me helping you out with being mean and in exchange, I had a wish?"

The demon slowly sat up and looked at me, slowly nodding.

"Well...I think I have a wish."

"Ok...go on...", he nodded, his look a bit anxious and fiddling with his fingers.

"You said that I could wish for anything right?

He nods again.

"After a lot of thinking and consideration I...well...I want to be a demon..."


"Are you sure about this?", Louis asked me for probably the hundredths time.

"Yes I am. I want to be with you and it's easier this way. I never really liked heaven anyways...everyone is way too nice...but like in a creepy way", I told him making him laugh.

"Dad said he will meet us here at five so he should be here any minute."

We were standing in front of the Big Ben, waiting for Lucifer to come and grant me my wish. After I told Louis that I wanted to be a demon he was reluctant at first but after a while he was totally okay with it.

I knew that I could just fly down to hell and become a demon, but I wanted to make it kind of officially and additionally I could meet Louis' dad.

"Oh, Harry look! There he is!", Louis told me excitedly and pointed to a tall man with black hair in a suit.

"Louis why am I here? And who is this angel?", the man asked Louis.

"I also think it's nice to see you dad", Louis said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Ok Louis what do you want?", his dad snarled.

"Well...this right here is my boyfriend harry", I waved awkwardly, "and I need you to grant him a wish."

"And what makes you think I would do that?"

"Because I'm your son and you love me, and I needed to lure him into helping me become meaner which I only had to do because of you.", Louis said smiling up at the man.

"Well okay. What is his wish?", Lucifer asked, clearly annoyed.

"I want to become a demon", I told him firmly.

"A Demon."

I nodded.

"Then why the hell did you not just fly down there and automatically become a demon?", Louis' dad said with an angry tone.

"Dad please don't get mad. He wanted it to be more official and he also wanted to meet you because he has manners", Louis said trying to calm him down.

"Yeah, well nice to meet you Harry and ahm...maybe you could come over to have dinner some time so I can properly get to know you", Lucifer told us. Louis was beaming when he finished talking.

He then proceeded to hug Louis and patted my shoulder. When he did that, I closed my eyes and suddenly felt a burning hot shiver running through my bones.

When I reopened my eyes, Lucifer was gone.

I turned to Louis.

"That went well.", I say with a laugh.

"Yeah...he likes you...I think....I hope...Soooo...do you want to fly to the Grand Canyon?", he smiled up at me shily.

"Yea that would be nice.", I breathed out smiling back.

I took his small hand in mine and when we opened our wings to fly away, both of our pairs were as black as the night. He held hands flying over the ocean, and I could tell by the spark in Louis eyes, that I wasn't the only one who's never felt this happy and loved.

The End

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