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**Louis Pov**

To be honest this went much better than I imagined it would. I thought Harry would straight up ignore me and just walk away but that's not what happened.

He actually agreed! But I also think he wouldn't have said yes if there hadn't been about a thousand curios angles in ear shot. I mean, declining an offer like this would, in most peoples eyes, be very stupid.

What he said about not wanting to be an angel was a bit strange though. If he really wanted to be a demon, he could just fly to hell and stay there...


As soon as I was back in hell, I went to see Niall, one of my best friends, to tell him everything.

Niall's a demon. But he wasn't born as one he became one when he died. He never told me what he did to get here but I don't really care. There was one other demon who was my friend. His name is Liam and he's also not so bad company.

I rang Nialls doorbell and had to wait a good two minutes until he opened.

„Oh, hey Louis! I didn't know you were coming. Did we have anything planned? "

„No, but I have something I have to tell you. ", I said as I entered his house.

„Okay, then come on in ", he answered with a chuckle.

We sat down on his couch and he asked me to tell him what happened. He listened while I told him about how I met Harry and that my father told me to get more evil. I went on about the way I felt when there came more and more angles to the gates as I stood there and how I was relieved when Harry finally came and even accepted my deal.


Niall and I had had a nice afternoon. His only reaction to my story was "Cool...Do you want to play some fifa?". And that's basically all we did after that. Hanging out with Niall is so relaxing and fun, even though the only thing he does all day is eat and chill.

I made my way to my room after brushing my teeth and slowly sank into the soft green covers of my bed. They somehow remind me of something, not really sure what...I pay the thought no more attention as I let my thoughts drift to the curly haired angel.

I've never met any angel like him before. I wonder what happened to make him so grumpy but an angel.

I laid down on my tummy and hug my wings close to my back while slowly drifting off to sleep... Maybe even dreaming about someone with a certain shade of green eyes...


"No! Your doing it wrong! Be more aggressive and much louder. JUST LIKE THAT! Ok?"

Harry and I were currently in the park having our first lesson.

"It's important that you show your rage when screaming at someone. And don't let all these people walking by disturb you, I have the feeling that you sometimes forget that no one can see or hear us right now."

I look at him with wide eyes and try it again.

"F**k you..."


"F**k You!"

"Is that really all you have in you? I've never met such an insecure demon. You're so pathetic it's funny-"

"F**K YOU!"

He looks a bit taken aback by my outburst but slowly starts clapping.

"See, you can do it...Now try and make it sound less like...ahm how should I say this...less like a kitten?"

He has been making me say this for 30 minutes now and I've never been this annoyed before. It's like a fire starts inside of me and I need to let it out on someone.

"I F**KING HATE YOU!", I scream at him at the top of my lungs. I can feel my cheeks redden instantly and instantly start to apologies.

"No that was great don't apologise, this is what I've been wanting to get out of you for the past 40 minutes. I think we've had enough screaming for today. For the rest of our today's lesson, I'll tell you some more swear words and as a homework I want you to scream them at yourself in a mirror. And try to really be loud. We're doing this so you'll feel more comfortable using them in a normal conversation."


After another hour of working on being evil or whatever this was, I felt completely exhausted.

We decided to meet up the next day and after a bit of convincing, we also agreed to get ice-cream after the 'lesson'.

And maybe I couldn't resist to give him a small kiss on the cheek before flying home...

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