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**Louis POV**

"Dad, Im home!", I said while locking the door behind me.

"How was your day?", Lucifer asked, his hooves clattering on the red marble floor.

I've been living at my dads since my mom passed away two years ago. My parents had divorced right after my mom found out she was pregnant. Dad wanted her to come to hell with him, but she told him that she'd rather stay on earth. She raised me alone and the only times I saw my dad was every second weekend where I'd stay at his house in hell.

"It was fun! I met someone", I frown at the thought of the angel I had met today. I was still upset that he didn't want to be friends with me.

"Look Louis, wanted to talk to you about something", he looks at me with a stern look and then walks over to the couch.

I follow him, sitting down beside my dad and waiting for him to talk.

"I know that it's just your personality and all, having grown up on earth and all, and please don't take this the wrong way-"

"just get to the point please", I say with a breathy laugh.

"Louis, you need to stop being so nice to everyone. You are ruining my reputation. Im giving you two weeks to be a better demon. I believe you'll find a way to do so. Otherwise Im going to have to send you to demon school and I really don't want to."

I look at him with shock.

"Of course, you dont need to change completely, you can still be yourself with your friends behind closed doors, but please change your attitude when youre outside. Especially when youre on earth. It's important that theres a balance between good and bad on earth, thats why some people are chosen for the afterlife and some not. To keep that harmony."

"But I was born a demon! I couldn't choose!", I said in a frustrated tone.

"That's because youre my son and I wish I could have changed that, but I cant, Im sorry...", he pated me on the shoulder.

"I know you can do it; I believe in you. Dinner will be ready at about seven, Ill get you when its ready.", with that he stood up and walked into the kitchen.


I was sprawled out on my bed, thinking about what my dad had said.

I believe you'll find a way to do so.

He was right I would probably find a way to be bad. But the problem was I didnt want to. I really didn't want to be a proper demon. Or at least not my dads version.

But I knew there was nothing I could do if I didn't want to go into school again. So, I thought about ways to become evil.

I wouldnt manage it on my own. I needed help.

Suddenly, something clicked in my head and my thoughts came back to the angel.

He wasn't really evil, but he wasn't exactly nice either. But there were two problems: one, he was an angel and two, he didn't like me so it would be a bit difficult to get him to agree.

As a demon, I wasn't allowed in heaven so I couldn't just find out is address and ask him. I could however try to catch him at the entrance to heaven. Then there was only the problem that he didn't like me.

I had to think of something that would convince him to help me.

My first idea was to just annoy him so much that he would give in. But this was stupid, because if he would give in, he would be no use to me as I needed someone who didn't give in easily. There were a lot of not really thought through ideas until I had one that could actually work.

As my father was Lucifer, the Devil himself, he had some pretty good connections. My plan was to make Harry the offer to get anything he wanted from my father if he helped me be evil.

I knew it still wasnt the best way to convince someone, and he could easily say no but it was the best I could come up with. I needed to at least try.

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