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**Harry's POV**

The day had already started bad. So basically, like every day.

I woke up because of loud kids screaming outside my window after not getting enough sleep, having dark circles under my eyes and eating some gross cereal for breakfast. After that I hit my toe on the couch and burned myself in the shower.

I just really needed this walk to be normal and relaxing. But of course, something had to happen.

This little shit had been following me for what felt like eternity and no, I was not being dramatic.

"My name is Louis by the way! What's your name?", he asked me with a big grin on his face.

"I don't know why this should matter to you", I grumble.

"Well, I need new friends, who are not human and as you are an angel, I thought that maybe we could get to know each other a little bit."

I just kept on walking. I mean, of course I needed some friends, and he looked really cute and nice. But I don't do friends. I don't think I've ever had real friends. All the people I thought I could trust turned their back on me eventually.

So Instead of telling him my name and starting a conversation with him I told him as nice as I could to go fuck himself. Which still wasn't very nice, but I tried. I'm just not a nice person or at least I wasn't nice to little and annoying demons who followed me around.

Of course, luck wasn't on my side and he continued talking to me, coming up with the dumbest explanation and question in the Universe.

And if that wasn't enough, it felt like he almost told me his whole life story. And I don't care if it was only one sentence, it felt like it wasn't. How can someone talk so fast?

It was then that I couldn't hold it in anymore, so I told him what I thought of him.

It was not nice, but is there even a nice way of telling someone that you don't give a fuck about them? If there is, I don't know it.

"Look I'm really not interested in you, your life or anything else about you. So, if you could stop following me around, I would really appreciate it. Don't take it personal I am in general not interested in anybody."

I really don't know why I told him that I hadn't had something against him specifically, but people in general. I think it was this thing called conscience. I didn't know I even had it, but you learn something new every day.

When he finally left, I continued my walk. Finally, I could relax. Finally, there was nothing that disturbed me. Finally, there wasn't anything to bother me. Or at least it should have been like this.

But in reality, things are never how you would like to have them. Because yes, I could relax and yes, nothing disturbed me, but something bothered me. And I couldn't stop thinking about it.

It was this tiny little voice that told me that I shouldn't have been so rude towards the somehow nice demon. I knew I shouldn't even remotely feel bad, but I did. Not much, but a little bit. I mean he kind of deserved it, like trying to get me to talk to him even when I'm obviously, not interested? No just no. But on the other side, he was just being nice, and he was really cute, and maybe I should have been nicer to him.

It would probably be best if I just forgot about this strange encounter. It's not like I'd meet him ever again.

So that's what I did I just forgot about this little demon called Louis and walked home. Well not really home, but the place I had to call home now. Heaven, where all angels live.

It wasn't as nice as everyone thought it was. Screaming kids everywhere and everybody was so happy as if being an angel was the best thing that could have happened to them. I myself would rather just died and neither went to hell or heaven. Just not existing anymore. That would have been great but sadly that isn't what happened. Because life never goes the way you actually want it to go.

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