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**Harrys POV**

Today was a good day. In the morning, I wasn't woken from screaming kids the first time in years. I actually thought I was dreaming.

After this delightful start in the day, I made myself breakfast which didn't taste as disgusting as usual, but I think that was just because I was a little happier than normally. When I was done with my breakfast and got dressed, it was time for my daily walk.

The first thing I noticed was the silence. At any other day there would be chattering of people and screaming of kids but today there was complete silence.

The second thing that was abnormal was that there was no one absolutely no one on the streets.

And the final thing that made no sense at all was that it was raining. It never rains in heaven. The angels who control the weather don't let it rain, so either there were new weather-angles or non at all. I really appreciated every single one of these things. But I also was suspicious. There couldn't happen so many good things at the same time.

With these thoughts in mind I said fuck it. There never happens something good in my life so I have to take advantage of this. That's why I, with no worry in the world, walked to the gates of heaven.

Just that there were no gates.

Or at least you couldn't see them, because thousands of angles stood and flew before them. This certainly wasn't where I expected them to be. I mean they are pretty strange and care about the dumbest things, but this was a whole new level of strangeness. Just standing at the Gates of heaven to do nothing? Sounds weird to me.

I tried to get through them and the nearer I came to the gates the clearer it was that they were staring at something. When saw what or more like who they were looking at I froze on my spot.

This couldn't be true right? It couldn't be that there was this annoying little demon standing in front of heaven obviously waiting for someone.

"Harry?! Harry! Are you here too? Guys chill I only came here to talk to Harry!"

Fuck no. I tried to turn around as soon as possible, but of fucking course he looked directly at me before I had the chance to.

"There you are! I've been waiting here for ages! I have to talk to you, it's important!"

All the angels glared in my direction while they started going back home. Of course, the weird one would be friends with a demon.

"What do you fucking want Lewis?!", I growled. I saw him flinch at my aggressive tone, but he recomposed himself quickly.

"I have a deal for you- ", he started, but I cut him off.

"Tell me why I would want to make a deal with you?"

"You'd know if you stopped interrupting me.", he sassed back. I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways", he continued. "I need you to show me how to be mean AND BEFORE you interrupt me yet again, what you get out of it, is that I'll grant you a wish. And before you say that I can't, my dad is Lucifer, so yes, I actually can grand you any wish."

I look at him with a mocking grin and then burst out laughing.

"Wait, YOU want ME to teach you how to be mean? You're a demon!"

I saw him pout, soon his bottom lip started to tremble, and his eyes became glossy.

I stopped laughing immediately, "Wait, not please don't cry! Any wish you said?"

He looked up at me with a sniff, smiling and nodding his head.

Any wish. I've never wanted to have an afterlife. That's the whole reason why I killed myself. To not live.

"What about if I didn't want to be an angel? Would that be possible?"

He lets out a little laugh, "You do know that you can fly to hell anytime and be a demon, right? But yeah, sure, if that's what you want."

"That's not what I meant but- "

I interrupt myself. Even if Lucifer couldn't give me full death, it was worth a try. I've had enough of this hell hole of heaven. No pun intended.

"I'll do it."

The small demon jumps up and down squealing and then he hugged me in a tight embrace.

"Thank you thank you thank you! You don't know how important this is to me! Meet me in Hyde Park in London tomorrow at 2 p.m.!"

What happened next happened so fast that I couldn't even react. His lips left my cheek as soon as they touched it and left a lingering warm feeling.

"Bye Harry!", he said before jumping of the cloud.

I just stood there, looking like the biggest idiot, holding my warm rosy cheek while watching him fly away. 

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