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     'Mom? Dad? Where are you guys? It's getting cold out here and I'm scared. Did you forget about me? Please come back. I don't like it here. It's too dark and I don't know these people. I want to go to bed. Somebody, save me!!'

     I woke up frightened when I got woken up by Kai. His red hair was tied back but there was some strands hanging out. " Guys she's up! Somebody get her some ice-cream!" I saw the amount of worry he had. I could tell he didn't get any sleep because I noticed the bags he had over his hazel eyes. " Are you okay? You look like you've seen a demon?" He's the type to worry about someone that he's close to. Not to mention he gives the best hugs. That's why we nickname him 'The Teddybear.' " Why would you feed her ice-cream after she went unconscious?" said Takeo from the other room.

     "It was just an idea I guess" pouted Kai. As he got up and left the room, I checked my phone to see that a message just popped up. It was from an unknown number so my curious ass wanted to see who it was and what it was about.


       Hello, Y/N. You may not remember me but that's okay.

      You've been invited to your new home, the Python's Nest.

      Yourself and a few other people you may recognise may or

      may not be there. We won't hurt you unless you decide not to

      come. Everyone misses you. Come to this location at 19:30 

      sharp or else----

     I was cut off by the sound of Kai coming in the room with Myeon. " We got you your soup. Myeon got you an ice pack and-" He was suddenly cut off by the sound of his phone beeping. He set everything up before he left the room and left myself and Myeon together. " Are you okay? You suddenly passed out on the ground. Was it because of what happened to, you know, Bong?" I almost forgot about what happened last night. The person that took care of me like a father died. Even though we didn't get on quite well, we still took care of each other. We'd joke around with each other and do stupid stuff together like setting a tissue on fire inside the toilet and other dangerous stuff I'm not really bothered to mention. Myeon noticed the tears running down my face before I did.

     " Oh my God. I'm so sorry I mentioned it" She said looking worried. " Nah, it's good. I'll be fine" I start drinking my soup and I placed the ice pack at the back of my head. This was an awkward position but I still managed. Kai then came running in the room as he clutched Takeo's arm." Guys.... I...I got a message from this anonymous number," I had a weird feeling about this." Apparently, I've got a date with a chick that said they've met me before and thought I was attractive" He smiled happily. I sighed in relief but there was one person that was suspicious. Takeo.

     "Wait, so you're thinking of going?" He said with a questionable tone." Um, yeah if that's okay with you guys" Kai said while rubbing the back of his head. " Well, I've gotta get rea-" He stopped at his tracks when he felt Takeo's grip on his arm. " You don't even know who it is! Did they state their name?" He said with a bit of anger in his voice. "Well, no but I-"

 "Then don't go! If it was someone you knew, wouldn't you know their number? See, this is the thing about you. You don't think about the possible things that could happen! Look, I'm not gonna let you go until you do your research" Takeo let go of Kai's arm and stormed out of the room. I could feel the rage raising inside of him. Takeo has always stopped Kai from dating someone. Especially someone he didn't know that well. " This is the only reason we fight. Why can't you fucking leave me  alone and let me date who I want!!" I stood up and placed the ice pack on his neck. He flinched a bit. " HEY WHAT WAS THAT FO-" " You need to calm down. We hate to see you angry." I said to him calmly. I could tell he wasn't paying any attention. "Why can't I just date whoever I want?" He said almost tearing up. "Anyone?" I heard Myeon saying behind me. " Are you sure about wanting to date ~anyone~" I could tell she was smirking.

"Well, not everyone" he pouted. I lifted him up since he was curled up into a little ball. " C'mon. Let's go get some ice cream okay?" He immediately sprung up when Myeon mentioned the word 'ice cream'. "Can I get salted cawramel?" he said with puppy eyes and a childish voice. " Sure! You can get any flavour that is EDIBLE that you want" Kai's smile was adorable. All of a sudden, his phone and my phone beeped at the same time. I looked at it and it was the unknown number again.


Well? Tell us if you're coming or not. I can tell you 

didn't tell them yet huh? Well, do it before it's too 

late Y/N. Or will it be too late?


Tell me who you are right now.

Why do you keep bothering me and 

how do you know I haven't told my friends 



We're keeping an eye on you and

every action you take will be recorded

in here. Your home that you've abandoned


     I look at Kai and the frightened state he's in. " Um guys, I got a message from that person." He showed his phone to myself and Myeon. I was speechless to what I just saw. That was Nari. One of his closest friends. Her body looked pale and fragile.

 ' Nari, what happened to you'





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