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      When myself and Myeon got ready, Kai and Takeo came home. " Kai, what happened to your face?" The first thing I noticed was a scar on the corner of his right eye." It's nothing except my natural ugliness. Where are you going?" I looked at the state he was in and I was concern about what happened. "I've got a message from someone and I wanted to see what the fuck they wanted from me" Takeo gave me the same look he did to Kai. " I don't know much about them but I know that, if I don't go, someone's gonna get fucked up for sure."

     " I'm coming. I don't care what you say. I'm coming. I failed to protect my own sister, so why should I do the same to my friends?" He had this angry look on his face but his eyes showed pain. " If Kai's coming, I'm driving." Just looking at my friend group makes me realise how lucky I am to have them. What would I do without them? Who would I have? I don't even know if I'm an only child since I know nothing about my parents.

'Does anyone know what to do with her?'  ' No not yet. We've finished up with three others. They're pretty strong kids, but there's something up with this particular one. She's not taking any effect of the drugs we gave her. What do we do now?'  ' Throw her out to that junkie that works in that bar. We have nobody else to give her to. We'll come back for her soon'


      We've arrived in this sketchy-ass cave place and when I tell you, I'm terrified, I'm not lying. I haven't dealt with these guys before and I know that they're pretty dangerous people from the reports that I've seen from sixty years ago. I know it's only sixty years but that doesn't mean people that people don't have their bitchy attitudes unless they found a therapist that actually helped them. " My GPS says that we're here. Um, I'm afraid if I turn back, we're gonna end up dying so....Yeah everyone out" Myself and Y/N carried Kai out of the car but  Y/N decided to carry him herself. I walked over to Takeo to ask about what  he saw when he found Kai.

     " He was with some lady. She was dressed up in all black clothing and I found something I'm not sure he noticed. She had the word 'Boa' tattooed on her neck. Now that I know what the text was about, I'm regretting that he came with us, but he couldn't be left alone. We both know that" That's one of the ranks they have here. Why would they choose to lure in Kai- I get it now. They didn't have to do the poor child like that. He might be two years older than us but that doesn't mean he can't be sensitive. He had a rough childhood and I know that what they're gonna do here, is gonna fuck him up.

     We were, well I don't know the word to describe these fuckers, 'greeted'by these people that wore black clothing. I'd be watching my K-drama right now if it wasn't for them trying to stalk my friend. " Address your name and age and we'll let you in without being harmed" Why the fuck do they sound like robots tho? The worn-out Kai stood forward and addressed everyone's name. The, ugh I'm tired of calling them fuckers already. The 'snakes', nah that's even worse. Well these bitches indicated us to follow them and what did we do? We followed them, why? I'm not ready to die lol. I need to see my soulmate first.


     As we entered this so called 'Python's Nest', we saw people who look like their about the age of seven were being strapped into a chair with head gears covering literally strapped on their faces. They didn't look comfortable- DUH they didn't. There were curtains covering some rooms. How the fuck did the manage to make some hospital trauma maker shit underground. I heard kids screaming echo from the corridors. ' MOM, WHERE ARE YOU. I'M IN PAIN' I heard kid screaming. I heard groans from behind. Everyone has a tattoo on their neck but they weren't all the same.

     I saw blood splatter from a door and the door immediately slammed closed. " Myeon I feel kinda unea-" Y/N was almost about to fall but thankfully, I caught her. She handled blood well, but I don't know what's wrong with her now. " It's okay. I got you"  As we got further into the corridor, the screaming got intense. Bruh, I should've brought my ear plugs if I knew this was coming. There were these guys walking out with red suits but they weren't dark enough to cover the blood on their shirts.


     We arrived at some place that had these huge-ass doors. The bitches popped in some pin in and it opened the door. There was more, but this time, there was children getting injections in their arms and it wasn't as bad as we witnessed what we've just seen. We entered this fancy-ass elevator and we arrived at this place that contained those fancy long tables. There were four chairs and only three of them spun around. When Y/N and Kai saw their faces, their eyes widened.

      A man wore a blue and purple suit with a choker on his neck. I think it said 'Killer' or some shit, I don't know. He was like eighty meters away from me. He had blue eyes and they glowed up as if they were glow-in-the-dark contacts. Where can I get those because they look amazing! He had black hair and this deadly stare that could kill you in an instant. Too bad he's not really my type. He looks like a thug anyways. There was this other girl with jet black hair and purple eyes. She had something, well, less fancy than the other guy. She wore a black leather jacket with tight jeans. He had those boots with the pointy heals and a black hat on. She had purple eyes that also glowed. What's up with these bitches and glow-in-the-dark eyes though? The last guy I saw was drop-dead handsome! He had black and brown hair and amber eyes. He wore something that was WAY attractive than that..other guy. Oh please forgive me for calling your whole community bitches, please.

     " So *chuckles* you or should I say, you all have made it haven't you"

     " So *chuckles* you or should I say, you all have made it haven't you"

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