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     "So *chuckles* you or should I say, you all have made it haven't you?" The guy with the purple suit said. He looked up at Y/N without moving his head. He looked at everyone else and finally stood up and switched his poker face. " My name is Luciel, not Lucifer. I've only invited one of you myself but it seems like you invited more people than usual. Kuro, invited one of you as well, but there's two extra." He seemed angry at the group but, he was suddenly calmed down by the other person he was accompanied with. " Hey don't worry. At least we have more to play with" the mysterious guy Myeon found attractive said.

     " I'm Jeon. Nice to meet all of you" Myeon squealed as soon as she heard his voice echo around the room. Kai jumped when she squealed in her ear. " Well, as one of you know, you have now entered the Python's Nest. I'm not the leader of this group. The leader is off on a, business trip and I feel bad that he couldn't come here and see our new toys" Luciel said as he approached Y/N. "This is gonna be just like old times isn't it, my old friend?" As he placed his hand under Y/N's chin, Myeon immediately whacked his hand away from her. " Why are you doing this to her? We're not toys that's gross you dickhead! And what do you mean 'just like old times'?" Luciel was suddenly irritated at the action Myeon just did. " I feel like we need to send her to the, y'know. " He smiled and looked back at Jeon. Jeon realised what that meant and took her arm and had a firm grip so that ' his victim' wouldn't run away.

     She looked back at her friends frightened on the outside but she had a little bit of excitement inside, but all that excitement drained out when Luciel said " Don't be too nice now, ahaha. We don't want her hopes getting to high for the ritual" He had a mysterious smirk that looked like it would kill anyone in seconds. Takeo tried going back for her until they all realised, they were tied up in chains. " You really though you could escape, eh? I'm no fool. We all have plans for you but since your other friend has left us, we're gonna have to proceed without her" Kai started getting frustrated and started pulling on the chains. "You can't do this to us! We listened to your orders and this is what you do to us?!" Luciel looked back at the boy and just laughed "Don't worry. After all, Y/N has gone through this. I will never forget that day"

     ' I wonder where we're going! Father always took care of us and gave us surprises! I'm excited for this one'   ' Don't get your hopes up too high. It could be anything. Y/N, what do you think it is?'   ' The person you call father is not my dad. I miss my real dad. Don't you miss yours?'   ' I knew she wouldn't change. You have to accept that they're not here and that they left you, Y/N. Kuragari is our new father now. Our old parents were useless and left us to rot and die on our own......'


     I swear to god this guy was hot but his arms were hurting my wrist. " Hey could you not grip on my-" "Silence. Don't bother me unless you're willing to die now" I immediately shut up when he said it. He didn't sound so sweet, but the way he said it gave me butterflies. ' Ugh, you're so hot. Can't we just get a room and spend the night together.' I imagined if he could read my mind. Nah, if snakes can't do that so I doubt he can. " We're here. By the way, this is not a joke. I keep my word. If the co-boss says I have to do this, I'm not disobeying his orders" He looked angry. Why though? What did I do wrong? I just slapped that bitch's hands away from her chin, why did he get mad at me? " Hey can I-" "You wanna know where we're going? We're going to a room" 'Yes.' I thought in excitement. " We're only going there to check your blood type and you're gonna get yourself changed. I'm not into doing bullshit with females, at the moment" I suddenly felt a pain in my chest when I hears that. 'Why, you're literally so attractive. I'm dying to know why.'He opened the door with a key that looked like it was chewed by a dog.

     " Here. The other's are gonna do a different task to what you're doing. I'm gonna give you a quick summary on what it's like. Use your head. Now get ready, or you'll be thrown out on an island on your own with many dangers and high risks of you dying. So, don't perish." He said that to me as if he's lost someone he's loved. " Um, are you okay? You look like you're hurt." He turned to me and said, " Tell me, why did you come?" He frowned a bit but then gave me a little smile. " You don't even know me. I'm dangerous and you're willing to take the risk and talk to an eighteen year old demon like me? I might not be the lust one but as Luciel said, We'd be willing to do anything to destroy the fuck out of you"

     Y/N'S POV

     We were sent to a changing room and we were given a black and green jumpsuit. I'm gonna be honest, it was pretty cool. I wonder how Myeon's doing though. A few minutes later, we were sent to a dark room filled with holes on the wall. There was an exit in front of us but then he heard a voice above us. " Okaii. So you guys are the only transfers we got this year huh? We'd get more than this but, eh, whatever. Don't tell him this but Luciel's a whole bitch. You don't want to know what he did to the others last year. Boss got really mad at him and they're still trying to think of a way to execute him. You wanna know why he's on his Business trip? Well all I know is-" Water started flowing from the holes on the wall. I'm pretty sure all of us were able to swim but it was when I realised it wasn't water. It was hot lemon juice. We started running to the exit but the door wouldn't open. Takeo looked up and found something that could be useful to us " Guys, there's two levers up there. If any of us can get to it, I'm pretty sure that would open the door" Kai said " No, think of it like this, if one lever opened the door, we have to know which one because what if it's a trap" I tried calming the guys down until I saw something that i didn't expect to be there at all. Hot lemon juice was enough but leeches?! " Guys! There are leeches in here! We gotta think quick!" " Why would-?" I interrupted Kai to say " No, no, no, no. They're eels"





A/N:  When I say this took so much brain power to develop this chapter, believe me. I probably have scoliosis now because I've been sitting on this chair for a while and only slept for 30 minutes. Oh yeah and btw, there might or might not be a smut in the next chapter👀👀 Anyways. I hope you all have a nice day/ night and don't be afraid to tell me where I should improve <333

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