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^^I recommend you listen to this while reading^^

      I saw our friend Nari beaten and stripped and there was a video that came with the message, " Aren't you coming over honey? Are you really gonna let then take advantage of them? Come over. I've been waiting for you. Especially Nari"  Kai threw his phone across the room which made a huge thud. Takeo wanted to see what was going on but Kai pushed him out of the way. " What happened? Did I cause this" He looked like he did something he regrets" No it's just that was saw, Nari...she" He looked at us and I think he knew what happened. " Is she...dead?" He looked away. " No, she was almost beaten to death. The girl that sent the message to Kai sent us an image and a video" Nari was not only our friend but was Kai's sister.


     I ran out the door as fast as I could but I knew Kai was faster since he was in the track team during our high school years. I knew a place he could be at but there was other places he could be.  ' Ugh god danmit Takeo. Why did you talk to him like that. You knew he was sensitive sometimes depending on the subject and you brought up the wrong thing!' But I'm glad I didn't say it after he found out about his sister. I immediately thought of a place that I could find him. At his older brother's house. Tenmon was a guy that worked a fancy ass business with his dad. He was sweet, kind-hearted and attractive. I'm surprised he didn't want to work with them. He has the richest business in town.


     Instead of going to Tenmon's house, I find Kai on a swing talking to a mysterious lady who had black hair and to top that all off, she wore black clothing. There was something suspicious I noticed on her neck. It was something in Japanese but I understood what it said. We went to a zoo and since Kai is Japanese, he started naming all the animals in Japanese. ' Boa?' I thought  in my head. Kai suddenly noticed me and whispered something in her ear. His hazel eyes looked darker than it usually would be, and his hair is almost as if it's the colour of fire.

     " Hey Kai! Over here" I ran over to him and I realised something on his eye. " Wha- what happened to you?! Is your eye okay?" He scolds at me and said " Yeah don't worry about me. It's not like my sister almost fucking died or something" Tears start running down his face. Not only could I tell he was in mental pain, he was in physical pain as I noticed the scar on his eye. I embraced him to a hug and he started to cry even more. " What am I g-gonna tell papa? He h-hates me and he doesn't trust me to m-meet him face to face." His voice started cracking now and I rubbed his back to comfort him." Shhh. It's okay to cry, okay? I'll message your brother to tell him about...the news. For now, let's go home. I'm pretty sure they're worried about us." I smiled a bit. " And let's get some ice cream. Salted Caramel" 

     " Takeo, am I a bad brother for not protecting my sister? " I whispered in his ear, " No, you're not. If she was staying with your dad, that makes him a bad father" He tenses up after he recieved the answer he got. But that doesn't mean I still had thoughts on who the girl Kai was with was. And how did he get that scar? I knew for a fact, Y/N would be worried because she's a risk taker and if she found out Kai did something stupid, she'd be pissed.



     " I don't think he's  gonna be okay for a while" I say as I get out of bed. Again. " Takeo and Kai were best friends ever since 6th grade. They'll be okay. Well except Kai. We're here to support and help him. We're friends after all." I nod in agreement. The person that texted him probably did that to lure him into something, but I didn't know what it would be. Or who it would be. Apart from his dad, I don't know anyone that would hurt him that bad. I checked my phone and I got another message. ' What's up with people messaging me after Dad's death?' It was his sister. She texted me to say that his funeral will be taking place in 3 weeks from now. I looked up to see that it was almost 19:00. " Hey, Myeon" she looked up at me. " Have you ever got a message from an unknown number that threatened you to go to a place?" She gave me a confused look. " No that I could think of. Why?" She then put out her hand to indicate that she wants to see my phone.

     When she took my phone, her eyes widened at the message I got a few hours ago. "Are you telling me that you know nothing about ' The Python's Nest?'" I gave her a blank face because I didn't know what kind of expression I should give her right now." Uh, no. Why am I suppose to?" She looked at me and brought me to the living room and sat me down on the couch.

     " The Python's Nest is an organisation that nobody talks about because of an accident that happened years ago. As you know, a python is a snake. What ever snake you are is what rank you are. For example, if you're a 'Saw-Scaled Viper', you're the most dangerous of all the other 'snakes' i guess. You do not want to make them angry Y/N. You should go and follow their orders before something happens to you. I'll come with you because an amazing person told me ' If you can't throw away ice cream, you can't throw away your friendship'. I've got your back, Y/N"




A/N  That last quote I added was made up by yours truly and shall be reserved for important situations. Don't question my love for ice-cream. It's amazing. The next chapter may contain a traumatic incident so if you're uncomfortable with those, I'll put a warning before you reach it. Take care and always love yourself!<333

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