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||C/A/N: Hey, I'm Kaisai. I just have a few things to say before you read this chapter. First of all, the characters in this book may have some names related to some people that I know, and that's something I've thought of for a while. Dani and I have tried our best to alter these characters so it would make the story a bit unique. Just because these characters act like this in the book, doesn't mean they may or may not act like this in real life. Secondly, if you don't like a character in this book, I would like it if you gave me some tips on writing a better book, but that doesn't mean I have to change the character because YOU don't like him/her. And thirdly, Dani won't be writing this book for a while since she's on a hiatus and we both agreed that she needs a break and she needs to take care of herself. So I will be taking over. We both agreed on what will happen in each chapter since we had a brief discussion about it and the outcome of Book:1 of The Python's Nest. Now that I've told you everything I wanted you guys to know, you can read THIRTEEN now.||

          "Nari...." I said as I saw her shyly coming inside. "Hey look, I might be a hybrid now but it doesn't mean I'm gonna-" I was stopped by her running towards me and pulled me in for a hug. I couldn't help but smile. It's been seven months since I've seen her. I knew she was crying when I felt her tears on my shoulders. I felt like the worst brother for not doing my best to find her. I don't know how Tenmon felt, but I was the closest to Nari. "I...I missed you. I'm sorry for running away. I just...I just never thought about how you would feel, and look at me. I'm the worst sister you've ever had. I was so full of shit, I thought running away would solve everything."

     " Hey, shut up. I understand how you felt. Ever since mom left, I haven't been myself. I was so angry at everyone because I felt like they didn't care when she left. I just needed a break from reality. Do you know how worried everyone felt when you left? Especially me." As I hugged her closer, I wanted her to remember one thing. Something that would be important to her. A promise that I would never break.

      "Nari, I would do anything to take care of you. Just believe in me."


     I'm gonna be honest, being away from those two bitches is something I wanted to do so badly. Luciel, I've never thought I'd say this, but your bitch-ass made a good decision. Sadly, I'm being separated by Jeon, but I have Y/N by my side. Why is it when I ask for the simplest things, IT'S SO FUCKING HARD TO GET!?!  Anyways, we're back at the lobby and Kaito leads us to some control room. As soon as Kaito opens the door, all we see is Dani playing video games while Jude is screaming at the microphone. That shit reminds me of teachers during online classes.

     Dani was doing the same thing, but she wasn't shouting into the mic. She was saying whatever shit they had to do calmly. "Jin-Seo, just remember, if Mr.Lizard-Legs does anything stupid with his little froggy-girlfriend, I'm here to listen and ready to leave a mark on their face anytime. Oh, hey guys!" 

     I couldn't help but say that this person was amazing, but no as amazing as Jeon. "Yeah, Lizard-legs said that we had to take shelter so, here we are!" Dani hopped off the table she was sitting on and she kindly let us in. This place was warm as fuck though! It was like -20° out there! At this point, I'm not even gonna questions how the world works because it's fucked up anyway. "You guys want food? I've got cookies here and we've got hot choco as well. Feel free to dig in!"

      I grabbed a whole hand full of cookies in one hand and choco milk in the other. " Hey, you sure you're gonna finish that?" Y/N says with a worried look on her face. " Yeah, why? Do you want some?" " Nah just wondering if we both know that we're gonna ask for more," She says smiling. I just realized, ever since we've been outside this dungeon, she hasn't spoken as if something was stopping her from saying anything. 

          "I swear to God, where is his fucking headset!!" Jude ends up throwing his mic on the ground, but luckily it didn't break. Then all of a sudden, we saw a flashing light coming from outside. Tell me why Light popped up in my head at this exact moment. "Everyone! Cover your heads as much as you can! This isn't a good sign." Y/N said as if she knew the future. "Uh...yeah she's right somehow?? But get down and cover your heads if you don't wanna die," The door opened and my eyes widened when I saw Kaisai opening the door with his hospital clothes on. Takeo rushed up to him and gave him a huge hug. The guy is in- You know what forget it.

     "Kai!! Are you okay? You're not half-dead are you?" Kaisai put a huge smile on his face but then it turned to a frown. " I'm not! I've got some news to tell you but there's something important I need to tell you." He said with what seems like to look like a serious face. Didn't really convince me but whatever. "So, Dvallin told me that whatever the guys outside were doing successfully took down the Team X shit, but there's something sus going on. The guys that did the Hikari Supaseru Tatsumaki, they....they're not dead but they can't walk since the asteroid hit the center of the tornado thingy. Those heartless bastards took them inside but they're still fighting something. I don't know what it is though."

     The first person I thought of was Jeon. He's not okay I could tell. Why the fuck did all this have to happen? I hate the people that did this to him. He didn't deserve this at all. "But...Dvallin said that Dani can fix them up in no-" Dani then ran over to Kaisai and Takeo and pushed their heads down and covered them. Out of no-fucking-where the place started shaking as if there was an earthquake. The was moving but nothing fell on our heads which was a good thing. Then everything stopped. It was all so quiet. " Kaisai, Myeon- actually all of you except Jude, come with me. I don't give eighty fucks if you don't like blood. You're gonna have to deal with a lot in the future." 

     If she's taking us to where Jeon is, I will actually make her my best offense Y/N. But I'm not prepared for him leaving the world. I won't ever be prepared at all. After all, he's special to me and that's all that matters.






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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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