Back to school🙄

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Summer break end and and guess what comes again? School comes again, you force to go to school. You head to the shower and do your skincare. You finish and almost forgot your backpack.

Dad:"You done?"
Mom:"Shii girl, you going be late"
You:"I know"
Dad:"Fuck! They here"
You:"Ugh your guys gang are here again"
Mom and dad:"Be quiet, they family remember"

You walk to the living and you all ready

Dad Friend 1:"Wassup flaca"
You:"Hey Luis"
Luis:"Come on homies, he in the backyard"

One of them put their Derby on your head

You:"Tio stop!"

You walk to the bus stop, you saw Anna

You:"Hi Anna, ugh they there but I know they always there cause my dad is the gang leader"
Anna:"Isn't cool like I always knew since we were little and plus remember the prank we made to your mom"
You:"Yes, you act like you got jump and she straight went to smack you"
Anna:"Ik, I was like mom it's a prank"
You:"Yeah, and she got mad at us"

Anna calls your mom, mom and you call Anna mom, mom cause since you guys knew each other since you guys were babies.

You:"I miss summer"

You guys got on the bus, you guys head to office and got you guys schedule. You guys saw Nikki, Alvaro, and Cynthia.

Alvaro:"Anna, why you left?"
Anna:"Cause I want be with y/n"
You:"Yea loser"
Cynthia:"Can you going make fighting, I heard there new students"
You:"Girl, no"
Nikki:"You with your boys"
You:"Anna and I have the same classes again"
Nikki:"Let me see! How?! Ayy I have 2 classes with you guys"
Cynthia:"We all in the same 2 classes"
Alvaro:"Lame, I like the hat again"
You:"Everytime it's the first day of my tios and tias come but I don't mind a lot. But my Tio gave me this hat"
Alvaro:"Your family is really cool"
You:"I guess but it what's happens for I love a boy from a different gang like it can get him killed and maybe me, but it will never happen cause someone of these kids are wannabe"
Anna:"Yeah, like the Northside wannabe there and the new Northside hanging out with them. It's so bad"
You:"I know who the new Westside gang cause they have go threw my dad first so yea ma'am"
You guys laugh and head to class

Anna and you were in class and you guys were talking into the teacher said

Teacher:"Good morning class welcome back to school and I hope you had the best summer ever and today we have a rest day which means you guys can talk and get to know each other and get to know me. But first we have new students here so I want you guys to stand up and say your name and something you like. Ummm you first"
Anna:"Hi am I Anna and I doing tiktok videos plus I love dogs and sleeping"
Teacher:You next"
You:"Umm my name is y/n, I like to play some videos games and dress the way I dress wearing baggy clothes and yeah"
Anna:"Good one"
Student:"Wassup my name is Jacob and I like y/n style plus I love the color red"

The teacher kept picking students and she finish and the whole class started talking a student walks in

Student:"Oh yeah"
Teacher:"Class this our other new student name and something you like"
Student:"Sup I'm Carlos and I-"
He looks at you
Carlos:"And I like girls who are so beautiful"

You look at Anna

Anna:"woah! He looking at you"

Teacher:"Wow oh ok thanks Carlos for that go sit next behind Bryan the one next to y/n, umm y/n rise your hand"

You rise your hand, he walks to you

You laugh
Anna:"Damn girl"
You:"Shut up"

Class ends

You and Anna start walking to your friends, but you guys got stop

Carlos:"Sup, can I can get your snap? Or Instagram?"
You look at Anna, she smiles

You gave them both of them. You smile a lot.

You:"I know"
Anna:"Hi guys"
Cynthia:"Ugh! I'm tired"
Alvaro:"It just our first class"

A girl:"Eww look at her"
You:"Who you talking to you?"
Girl:"You, I'm talking to you"
You:"Oh you talking to me? Girl haven't you see yourself yet?"
Girl:"Girl chill"
You:"Don't tell to me to chill"
Girl:"Just don't think you all that cause your daddy is rich or whatever he is"
You:"Bitch- tf! Wassup then"

You took off your backpack, Nikki hold you back. You relax

Oof! What a first day of school

Loving a boy from a different gang...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora