Leave now!

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•Morning time•

You felt blue, but you took a shower and put sweats on. You walk down to the living room and you saw your parents

Mom:"yo! Why you look sad?"
You:"I'm not but if I was I know to tell you guys"
Mom and dad:"Ight"

You walk back to your room. You were watching tv, and into you heard a knock on your window. You know who was it. So you got your gun, you saw Carlos.

Carlos:"Chill, I know.."
You:"Fuxken cheater"
Carlos:"I was confused"

You put your gun down

Carlos:"I know I cheated she just caught me from surprise and after we finish making out you get scared meanwhile I not going to hurt"
You:"Fuxk you! You hurt me you left me. You left like you didn't love me"
You cried
Carlos:"I didn't-"
You:"Shut up! Your little lover is dead. I don't believe you! You know why I won't let you take my virginity cause what happen if you walk away from me away even you saying all this crap. You still cheated"
Carlos:"No, listen I love you. I didn't mean to do that. It didn't meant nothing to you that all"
You:"Leave before I tell my dad your here and leave now! I want you to leave now! I never want see you again you Fuxken lied to me and after I finish beating her ass up for you for you! You go and cheat on me with her! Fuxk you, you're a piece of shii."
Carlos and you started crying
Carlos:"No, I just got you back"
You:"Yeah and you lost me already! I will find someone a new vato who doesn't lie to me"
You:"Idc go with your lover already cause that's who you love more! Leave! Now! Dad!"
Carlos:"you won't do it?"
You:"Dad! Come!"
You:"leave now"

Carlos started to left

You:"Ayy Carlos, I never want see you again"

He left.

You cried and just tired to sleep

You sure you never want see again?

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