Kept your eyes open

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You and Carlos were packing more of your stuff and Carlos pulled y/n move to him and they start to kiss and start getting touchy

They start making love.

(An hour later)

They finish and head to the shower, they showered together and once they got out. They start putting their clothes and stuff in Carlos's car. The time hit 9:00pm. They started driving. Then someone almost crash into them. Carlos got mad.

Carlos:"Grab a gun"
You:"They ran out"

Carlos hand you a gun. Both of you guys get out of the car and Carlos pick up a note

The note
"You found us"

Carlos:"This is a trap"
You:"Oh no!"
Carlos:"They going to tired kill us! Run follow me babe. Don't be scared. Your going be okay"
Someone:"Eastside putos"

You shot him

Carlos:"I think you killed him"
You:"I don't care"

You guys kept running trying go back your house.

You guys shot 3 people.

You saw Cynthia and shot her

You:"Goodnight b"
Carlos:"Come on babe!"
You:"Why we running instead of taking the car?"
Carlos:"Because they know we would do that! We need run"

You guys saw a car pull up

You shot him in the head

You:"Babe! You stare that?!"

Carlos got shot by the guy

Carlos:"Keep running!"
You:"No! I"m not leaving you babe"
Carlos:"I love you"
You:"No babe your going be okay! I promise you!"
Carlos:"Listen I love you"
You:"I love you too"
Carlos:"Tell my brother! Tell my brother that I got died in the arms of my soulmate"
You:"You're going be okay! I love you"

Carlos closes his eyes

You heard 2 people talking behind you

First guy:"Found you!"
Second guy:"You're beautiful but your beauty doesn't mean anything"

You grab your gun and got to shot one of them and they shot you 15x. You fell on Carlos. They pick up your bodies and took your body in the front of your house and Carlos body in his house.

When you getting shot your getting flaskback

•Your flaskback•
~you when your a baby~
~when you started talking~
~you enter school~
~you talking to your mom about boys~
~your dad showing you to shoot a gun~
-you enter high school~
~when you first saw Carlos~
~you and Carlos started talking~
~When you and Carlos went to New York~
~when you and Carlos was force to forget each other~
~You saw Carlos again after an year~
~when you lost your virginity to Carlos~
~when Carlos gave you the ring~
~you cleaning Carlos's blood~
~You hugging and kisses Carlos~

You had an necklace that had Carlos's name on it and Carlos's had a necklace you gave that had your name on it. You had your promise ring, proposal ring. You had blood everywhere around your body.

Your mom came out of the house and fall over your body and she started yelling. That lead your brothers, dad, Anna, Gabriel, and your dad gang. To come to your house. Your mom was holding you.

Mom:"Not my baby! Not my baby!"
Your dad just fall down
Big brother:"Y/n..."
Older brother:"My baby sister"
Dad:"My princess!"
Anna:"Y/n! No not you!!! Why you!!"
Gabriel started crying
Your dad gang grab your mom and your dad pick up your body and just didn't let go of you
Dad:"My only girl! My princess! My hija!"
Tio:"My flaca"
Mom:"Ahhh!! Why my baby girl!!"
Gabriel:"Y/n.. no this is a dream"
Dad:"Y/n wake up! Wake up!"
Gabriel:"She- she gone"
Mom cries.

To Carlos family

Carlos's brother and his gang walking out

Carlos's brother:"Ouch that the hell was that"
Gang member:"Carlos!"
Carlos brother:"Carlos... no! Ese that's fake! Not my brother not my brother! Not my brother"

Carlos's brother grabs Carlos

Carlos's brother:"Carlos who did this to you?"
Gang member:"You think Westside?"
Carlos's brother:"Get in the car now!"

Carlos's brother pick up Carlos. They drive to your house.

Carlos's brother saw your dead body too. He fall down to his knees.

Dad:"My baby!"
Gang member from your dad side:"What they doing here"
Mom:"ahh! No!"
Carlos's brother:"who killed my brother and your daughter?"
Dad:"was one you guys?!"
Carlos brother:"No! We didn't you know why! Cause I thought they forget about each other"
Anna:"They never did! Look! Bring him close to her! Now! Listen to me! Now"

Carlos's brother bought Carlos close to you and you guys necklaces touch each other.

Anna:"They always loved each other! I got this for them cause they not allow to buy cause they scared! This necklace touches together when they close to each other. Carlos and y/n never stopped loving each other! They soulmates"
Gabriel:"Yes! They were and still now! When I was dating y/n. I knew she never love me the way she loved Carlos!"
Mom:"My babies!"
Dad:"I always wanted her to forget about him! But look where it got them!"
Carlos's brother:"Same and my respect to you guys!"
Brother:"I knew they dating! I never told you guys cause I know what will happen to them. But this type of love was like Romeo and Juliet"
Dad:"My baby! My princess is gone"
Carlos's brother:"Carlos was the only brother and family to me. I have no mom and dad. We didn't! But I have a family here with me and Carlos! My brother my brother! Is gone and there nothing we can do about it"

Romeo and Juliet.

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