Black Dog

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This is by queen-of-fallen-angels on Tumblr

It had been a terrible day.

From the moment you had left your bed in the morning, (well actually you fell out of it, shaken by the horrifying realization that you had slept through your alarm ) until the very moment you had been thrown out of the local library for being "a potential threat to innocent visitors" some fifteen minutes ago.

...although this guy had completely deserved the smack on the forehead; that's what you get for sexist pick-up lines. You only wished you would have used a heavier book, so he wouldn't have been able to get the librarian to complain about you... stupid cry baby.

The time in between hadn't been any better, a few incidents included your favourite mug broken on the floor, your mum scolding you for not visiting your stupid relatives in ages (followed by a visit of said annoying relatives), a huge ass dog barking at you on your way through the city (you slipped and landed in a puddle, covering your whole outfit in dirt and something you hoped to be mud) and last but not least your best friend cancelling your meet for, so far, unknown reasons even though it was August, school free time.

He was always so busy...That's what happens when you're close with wizards or witches.

Yes, your best friend was a wizard as sure as you were a Muggle. You had known each other since you could remember, so when he, as muggle born, received his letter and was going away to 'Hogwarts' you were the first one, besides his parents, he told about it.

At first you had been envious...but that went away as time passed by. The world of magic and fantastic creatures was exiting, full of new and strange things...and dangerous and frightening as hell.

Quidditch for example was a murderous game. 'Nah, nobody died within the last few years' wasn't exactly the kind of sentence that described a neat sport. Also all those things like living trolls with giant, wooden clubs, terrifying jailers who made the blood in their victims veins freeze, sucking the soul out of them and black horses that could only be seen by those who had looked death in the eye.

All in were happy to be what you were. You already had enough problems to handle.

Still you wanted to get away from everything...if it was only for two hours though.

With your favourite book and a small pack of biscuits, two things whose existence alone seemed to lighten your day up a bit, you strolled through a little park, looking for a calm corner to read.

After a while you had found the perfect place: a small wooden bench, covered in colourful leaves the closer coming autumn had shattered over them. It was hidden behind a row of high grown petunias so it was slightly foreclosed from the rest of the park.

With a swift swipe you removed some of the leaves and sat down, breaking a smile for the first time on this awful day.

It faded however when you opened your book and tried to start just weren't able to focus on your book. Too many thoughts were rushing through your brain, too many sorrows and bad things on your mind, throwing you back in your terrible mood instantly.

After a while your head was so full of terrifying things, that you weren't able to hold back the tears anymore.

You started sobbing, your hands covering your face to hide from everything and everyone. You weren't sure why you were crying at all...maybe you had held back all the tears of the last weeks for too long and this one, particularly bad, day brought you to cry them all at the same time.

After what felt like an eternity of sobbing you suddenly felt something lightly brushing your leg. You heard a quiet whimper and when you removed your hands from your eyes, you were able to see something really furry sitting in front of you. The tears were still blurring your sight but a few seconds later you had recovered...and were slightly surprised by what you saw in front of you.

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