Sirius x Reader

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Author: Queen of Geeks

Everyone stepped around me as I studied. In most of my classes, teachers decided it would be a good idea to give many different exams. That meant an extra level of stress added to my growing stress. Some people gave me encouraging smiles as they walked by. I sighed through my nose and ran my fingers though my hair.

“You look happy.” I looked up to see James and Sirius sitting outside my circle of papers. A sharp nervous laugh escaped from me and it sounded like a bark.

“Yeah, that doesn’t look insane.” Sirius noted.

“I hate everything and I need food.” I told the two of them.

“I’ll be back.” James stood up and stepped into my circle. He kissed the top of my head and left me with Sirius. I gave Sirius a smile and he smiled back.

“What do I do?” He asked.


“I want to help.” He picked up one of my many textbooks and read over it. “Which class are we starting with first?”

“You’re a star.”

“Named after one.” He smiled back and then we began studying. Every so often, we’d look up at each other and smile. Whenever I didn’t catch his eyes, I grinned. I couldn’t help but watch as his eyes scanned over the words on the pages of the textbook. His lips moved silently as he read.

As we carried on working, people began leaving for bed. James had returned and passed us food that he managed to get some the kitchens.

“My hair is going to fall out.” I whined. James gave me a sympathetic smile.

“You’ll still look great.” He grinned. Sirius rolled his eyes and leaned forwards on his elbows that were resting on his knees. I raised my eyebrows at him in question. Sirius shook his head.

The next day I walked out of potions and rubbed my eyes. We didn’t stay up too late, but I was still exhausted. And I just took one of the hardest tests this year. Two people joined me at my sides and I looked around. On both of my sides were James and Sirius.

“How’d it go?” Sirius asked wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

“Pretty good actually.” I smiled hiding my blush from him. James winked at me and I wrapped my arm around Sirius’ waist.

“Good?” Sirius asked. “You probably did amazingly!”

“What are your plans now?” James questioned.

“More studying. Emphasis on dying.”

“You’ll be fine. I mean, we’re the dream team.” James ran his fingers through my hair messing it up before taking my hand. Sirius noticed and I swear he pulled me closer to him.

James and I had a good relationship with each other. It was the same kind of relationship with Sirius. Except my feelings were different. I had strong feelings for him and James knew.

“I’ll see you guys later.” James nodded to us before leaving.

You need to come with me.” I took Sirius’ hand and pulled him with me. Classes had ended so we had all night to study.

Sitting next to Sirius, I spread out all my papers.

“This is what happens when you’re smart.” Sirius nudged and I smiled.

“Okay, so I need to study charms.” I pointed out as James sat opposite us. We nodded to each other and began studying. Every so often, both boys would make me laugh to make sure I was till sane.

“(Y/N), if you were a garden, I’d put my tulips next to your tulips.” James told me.

“Sirius told me that.” I pointed out making Sirius smile.

“How about we finish working?” Sirius asked. I nodded.

“Okay, but how about this: do you have a map? I’m getting lost in your eyes.” James smiled. Sirius closed his book and left abruptly.

“What’s wrong?” I asked James.

“Nothing, hang on.” He followed his friend out of the library. I followed shortly and stopped behind a corner.

“You know I like (Y/N)!” Sirius told James. I smiled and could feel myself blushing.

“I’m sorry mate. You know I like (Y/N) like a sibling.” James said.

“I know. But just stop with the flirting.”

“Then I’ll leave you alone. Sound good?”

“Good. I’ll see you later.”

I quickly ran back to the library and sat at the table. Sirius came back and sat next to me.

“Hey, so let’s finish this.” Sirius said. I turned to face him.

“Sirius, I really need to tell you something.” I told him. Sirius smiled. “I really like you.”

“I really like you too.” Sirius leaned forwards and kissed me on the lips. I smiled in the kiss and wrapped my arms around him.

“We should really get back to studying.” I sighed pulling away.

“Yeah, maybe not.” Sirius pressed his lips back on mine.

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