Mischief Managed (Sirius Black X Reader)

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Author: Nancy-Rose27 (Tumblr)

"Urgh." Was the first thought you had upon waking up that Saturday morning. You couldn't believe that you had detention until this afternoon just because you threw a book at the back of your friends head by accident. You look outside at the wind and rain thrashing your window and want nothing more than to curl up in your warm bed and sleep for a few more hours.

"I guess I better get up." You groan to yourself as you lift yourself out of bed and get dressed.

Plodding over to detention you notice how quiet the castle is and feel a pang of jealousy knowing most people are spending their Saturday mornings in bed.

You knock hard on the big wooden door but there's no reply.

"That's odd." You muse.

Just then the door swings open to reveal that there is nobody else in the room apart from a boy sat in the middle row, chair spun around to face the door, his legs on the desk in front of him.

"Ah!" he exclaims "finally, someone to keep me company."

The boy was tall and quite muscular with striking grey eyes and shaggy black hair framing his face. You immediately recognise him as Sirius Black, one of the troublemakers of Gryffindor.

"Where's McGonagall?" you ask.

"Don't know," he answered "she was here a bit ago but said she had to go and see Dumbledore."

"And she just left you in here on your own?" you question.

"Well I'm not on my own now am I, Y/N?" he smirks "what are you here for anyway? Been a bad girl again?" you sense a flicker of a wink on his face and hope that he's too far away to notice your cheeks flush a bright pink.

"No," you say, regaining your composure "I threw a book and it was supposed to land on my friends desk but it hit her on the back of her head instead."

"Crappy aim you've got there Y/N." he laughs.

"What did you do to land yourself here then?" you enquire, walking towards him.

"Let's just say my mischievous mind got me into a spot of bother." He states, eyeing the sway of your hips as you saunter towards him.

"Go on.." You urge, shifting his legs and sitting on the desk in front of him, your arms crossed over your chest pushing your breasts together provocatively.

Sirius flicks his wand towards the door and with a slam it swings shut. You note a glimmer of a smirk on his face as he stands up and tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear.

"Well, James and I were going for a stroll the other day when we came across a couple having rather a steamy session on a balcony below the staircase we were on," he says, his eyes fixed on yours as his finger draws circles into your knee "so we thought it would be funny to pour ice cold water over them," he continues, his hand now travelling up your thigh and under your skirt, stroking the fabric of your underwear "but unfortunately," he whispers into your ear, "old McGonagall  caught us and now here I am in detention with you." At these words Sirius removes his hand abruptly, his smile widening upon seeing your flustered reaction as his hand left your skirt.

"Sirius!" you clamour, reaching out for his hand only for him to snatch it away and sit back down in his chair sniggering.

You took this as a challenge, stood up and slowly walked behind him.

"Are you teasing me Sirius?" you whisper into his ear, your arms reaching over his shoulders to unbutton his shirt.

"Not at all Y/N." he smirks.

You reach down into his shirt, running your nails across his broad chest and softly biting the skin of his neck. He rolls his head back into your shoulder to give you more access and you begin to suck harshly at his skin, deep purple bruises scattering across his neck as you go.

"How am I supposed to hide these?" he hisses in pleasure.

"I don't know," you answer "I'm sure your witty mind will think of something." You whisper, pulling away from his body and moving to stand in front of him once again.

Sirius quickly spins you around and effortlessly pulls you onto his lap. Purposefully landing directly onto his crotch you turn your head to look into his face.

"Still reckon I have crappy aim, Sirius?" you smile innocently.

"I reckon it's vastly improved Miss Y/L/N." he smirks.

You feel his member stiffen underneath you as you grind slowly into him, listening to him groan in delight, his arms snaking around your body as his hands find your breasts.

Sirius kisses you deeply, his tongue expertly exploring your mouth as you moan softly into his.

Just then the door swings open and you shoot up, stumbling as you do so and look up to find Professor McGonagall walking in, her eyes fixed upon a piece of parchment.

'Thank GOD she didn't see that!' you think to yourself as you feel your face turn scarlet.

"Oh, Miss Y/L/N, sorry I'm late. I had a meeting with Professor Dumbledore that could not be postponed." She states "Please take a seat. I'm sure you have work to be getting on with?"

"Err, yes Professor." You stutter, still flustered.

Taking your seat you look over at Sirius who is calmly writing on a piece of parchment.

'How can he be so calm!?' you ask yourself, taking some books out of your bag and placing them on your desk.

A few seconds pass by and you feel something bounce off your hair and land on the desk. It was a crumpled up piece of parchment. Looking over at Sirius you find him staring directly at you, a cheeky grin plastered across his face. Opening the piece of parchment you read simply: 'Meet me outside the Great Hall after dinner'

With butterflies in your stomach you look back down at your books and try your very best to concentrate on your unfinished essay, finding however, that your mind and your eyes can do nothing but wander to Sirius Black.

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