I Don't Give a Damn

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I'm sorry this is not exactly what you wanted but I hope you like it anyways!

 You were a simple girl, in your third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You were the almost exact definition of a Ravenclaw, you always worked, you were known for your top marks on exams and you were a rival to Hermione Granger. However, you were not exactly like a Ravenclaw. You liked Slytherin for some odd reason. You looked at it in an entirely different view than anyone else and admired them for their ambition and how hard they worked to get what it is they wanted and cast aside any obstacle.

You walked along the first floor and into the Great Hall. Sitting next to Cho Chang and watched as she swooned over the scar child Harry Potter. You chuckled at her and shook your head, serving yourself some eggs and toast while opening your book. None of the Ravenclaws really talked to one another, it was quite lonely in the common room when everyone was glaring when someone would interrupt their reading or studying. So you quickly finished your breakfast and left the Hall.

As you walked through the hall you failed to notice someone beginning to follow you, particularly a platinum blonde boy with cold silver eyes. When you'd reached your destination after walking through endless corridors, the courtyard that was surrounded by trees and flowerbeds, you sat on a stone bench and opened your book, now fully aware that someone else was with you. He spoke up, his voice always gave you shivers with how cold it was; you however, did not let it faze you.

"You Ravenclaws never put down books do you (L/N)?" He boomed, as if the courtyard was full of people who were speaking at the same time. The birds in the tree next to you fled as he spoke. You sighed and looked up from your boring old book and gave a half-hearted glare, "Malfoy, excuse me for prying, but shouldn't you be with Pansy Parkinson?" At your words, Draco gave a visible shudder "(L/N) I would much rather prefer your company over that pug-faced troll!" He shouted. You smirked and covered your blush with your over-sized book. Through the pages however you saw him catch himself and begin to blush slightly. He looked down at you from his position of standing in front of the sun and you. "Whatever are you reading?" You looked up at him "An astronomy book, it has many constellations in it; I'm rather fond of them." You ended the conversation by looking down at the book and reading charts and looking over different constellations. He then pointed out one "That ones a dragon." "Indeed it is, Draco."

And another "It's a weird thing." "Yes Draco, it's pretty weird."

Another, "It's got three heads!"

"Actually Draco, there's four."



Until the book was long forgotten and you two began to talk.

"-And after I told Granger she was a Mudblood she slapped me!" He complained, resting his head in your lap as you nodded, finding it was a bit insulting considering you yourself were muggle-born. "What is your purity?" He asked, looking up at you with warmer but sharper eyes, daring you to say that you were not of pure blood. You looked down at him, any hints of playfulness gone and no ghost of a smile. "I'm Muggle-born." you said flatly; you ignored his shocked expression and sighed. You picked his head up and off of your lap and retrieved your book along with your wand that was being used as a bookmark. "See you, Malfoy." you said plainly, not looking back to find the blonde was still staring at you in shock and hurt as you hurried to the Ravenclaw common room.


It had been almost a week since you'd spoke to Malfoy. You were avoiding him, sure you'd go to his quidditch matches, of course Pot-head always won however. You knew he probably disliked you greatly due to the fact that your blood was not pure in the slightest. In fact he did, he gave a damn about your purity, once word got out that you were muggle-born not many of the pure-bloods spoke to you anymore. They'd all thought that of all people you were a pure-blood, considering how you carried yourself wasn't like any of the half-bloods or others in school. In the Great Hall, the whispers were all of you, which greatly amused Dumbledore for some odd reason; he always knew things that no one else did. You didn't dare look at the Slytherin table in fear that Malfoy was speaking the loudest of you and how you kissed his shined shoes and hailed him like a god.

You stabbed your lunch, glaring into your plate with frustration peaking its highest when someone spoke your name among the crowed tables. You decided soon after to leave the hall after everyone started to talk about the rumor of you kissing Malfoy's shoes. You had no classes today; the winter holidays were starting. You choked on tears that you didn't know started to fall. Suddenly there was a pain in your chest, it stretched and hurt when you breathed. You clutched your chest and gasped, hot and soaking tears leaked from your eyes and rolled off your cheeks as you leaned against the wall in an empty corridor. The stress was getting to you, now all the bottled up emotions from this week were pouring themselves down like a volcano. You felt someone drag you up and pull you into a hug, but you were too tired of everything to care who it was and accepted their embrace.

Your wrecked sobs turned into small sniffles and whoever had comforted you wiped your tears way with their thumbs, revealing themselves as a very disheveled Draco. "D-Draco?" You sputtered and tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let go. "L-Let me go! Why are you h-here?!" You began to tear up again as he shushed you and brought you both to the floor, rocking the both of you back and forth. "Because (L/N), I don't like to see you cry. It's unattractive." He grinned and you glared "I thought I was one of the ugliest creatures considering I'm not a pure blood." You spat. His grin widened and he laughed "Oh (Y/N), I don't give a damn." Your eyes widened as he crashed his chapped lips into your own plump ones that were salted from tears. His hands abandoned their place at your sides and reached up to your cheeks, wiping away the new set of tears. When he pulled away a ghost of a smile remained. "(Y/N). You are a beautiful creature no matter what you do, I'm sorry it took so long for me to realize it, ever since we were first years and I saw you sorted into Ravenclaw you intrigued me. You're such a strong girl and even if you are a Mudblood you're amazing..." He trailed off. You smiled "Thank you."

He snorted, "Why are you thanking me?" You brushed his hair out of his face, "You're not as heartless as you seem." He stared, "One day of conversing with you (Y/N) and I've become Potter." He gagged and stood up, brushing off the dust and dirt from his robes "It's filthy down here, why don't we go over to the Great Hall and get you some hot chocolate instead of being out here in the cold, it's started to snow anyway." You looked out of hall and saw it was indeed snowing, but you stayed put. "Draco..." He gave a short 'Hmm?'

"Are you sure you don't mind? I mean you're a pureblood, and I'm a simple muggle-born. It wouldn't look right and-"

He cut you off with a short peck on the forehead and pulled you off the floor, chuckling he said "I told you (Y/N)...

"I don't give a damn about what they think. You're beautiful."

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