The Bet

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Author: Belladonna (Tumblr)

“You ready for the big game today?” George asked as he put his arm around you. You shrugged it off. You and George had just started dating a couple weeks ago. You weren’t sure when would be a good time to start telling everyone you were together. It surely wasn’t now especially since the quidditch season was in full swing with you and George playing for opposing teams.
“George we talked about this,” you sighed as you moved away from him.

“I know. I just wish we didn’t have to sneak around. What’s so bad about people knowing?” George teased. 

“I don’t know maybe because they might blame the team loss on one of us for making googly eyes at each other,” you argued. 

“I’ve never let my stunning girlfriend win a game on purpose ,” George smirked. 

“Then how do you explain loosing at the burrow,” You sassed as you placed your hands on your hips. “Home field advantage wasn’t enough of an incentive for you?” 

“The teams were stacked and you know that,” George retorted. “If you’re so confident how about we make a bet.” You raised an eyebrow at him. Your team was doing quite well this season, so what did you have to lose? 

“Name the stakes,” you answered. 

“If I win, you have to kiss me in front of everyone at the game,” George explained. Your face flushed red; George certainly was confident on Gryffindor. Then again, he was usually overly confident in everything he did, and that’s what you liked about him. 

“If I win, you have to watch one of my muggle films that you loathe so much,” you decided. George couldn’t tolerate any of the romantic comedies you picked, mainly because he didn’t understand any of the muggle terminology. You tried to teach it to him, but it just wasn’t sticking. George moaned in displeasure sliding his hands through his hair, 

“Alright. Man Y/N, you are very cruel with these bets,” George sighed. 

“May the best team win,” you extended a hand out to George only for him to pull you in a hug. You felt warm lips against your ear that whispered,

“I intend to.”

The air was bitterly cold, as you took your first flight around the pitch. Hopefully your gloves would be able to keep your hands warm. You stole a quick look a George, he was so confident in the air. He didn’t look the least bit cold as you did and you envied him for it. Then you heard the whistle and off you flew. 

The matched passed in a blur as you sailed from one end of the field to the other, your hair flowing in the breeze. You played your hardest as you were determined to beat George to prevent PDA. You didn’t even know what the score was until the final whistle was blown. Gryffindor won and your stomach dropped. You flew down to the ground, stabilizing yourself before you dismounted your broom. You saw the Gryffindors cheering, George in the center of it all. Your heart fluttered as you looked at him; suddenly you weren’t embarrassed that you had to pay up your part of the bet. You were crazy about George, and it was time everyone knew it. George started making his way toward you, 

“So how about that kiss Y/N?” he teased. You pulled him closer to you and pressed your lips against his gently at first then you began kissing him roughly. You were fuelled with adrenaline and this newfound desire to let everyone know how you felt for him. When you finally pulled away, the cheers had transformed into roars. You were blushing like mad. “If I knew you’d be this thrilled to lose I would’ve bet something more embarrassing.” 

“I’m full of surprises,” you beamed and leaned in to kiss him once more.

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