Never Stop Loving You

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Ok so I haven't updated in a few months (vacation and all) but to DrMimishi I am almost done with the request you sent me. Here's a George x Reader for y'all. 

"Oh my god, I'm so nervous!" I said twirling around looking for my shoes. "Ugh, where did I put those blasted things?" I was a wreck. The wedding was today and I couldn't be more unprepared.

"Y/N, relax. They're right here." Hermione told me, pointing to the two nude heels in her hand.

I plopped down on the couch in the small room. We were currently at my mother's getting ready. George and I decided to have the wedding at home, instead of in a church. I could hear light music begin playing from the backyard, "They must be done setting up." Hermione told me as she took a seat next to me on the couch placing her hand on my thigh.

"Oh no, I haven't even finished my vows!" I know, I know..It's the day of the wedding and I still haven't finished them. I was going to finish them way earlier but I just didn't know what to write. I was now spazzing out looking for a pen to write with when two small hands grasped my shoulders.

"Calm down, Y/N. It's going to be okay. You'll know what to say when you get up there." I slipped on my heels agreeing with her. "You're right, I just need to relax."

I looked in the body length mirror and admired myself. "Wow, you look beautiful." My head snapped around at the male voice from behind me. There was Fred, dressed up in a suit and tie, leaning on the door. I blushed,

"Thank you." I quietly said to him.

"Ready to marry my brother?" I nodded. He pushed himself away from the door. "Well, everything is set. It's all on you now. Unless, of course, you want to back out." He smirked as I playfully hit his shoulder. "No, I love George and there's nothing I want to do more than to marry him." My cheeks turned red at the thought of him being my husband.

"Well then, lets get moving so we can make that dream a reality!" Fred said, ushering us to move along.

"Alright, alright. We're coming, just go back and tell them we'll be right there." Hermione said to Fred.

As Hermione and I walked downstairs towards the backdoor, I began to panic again. "What if he changes his mind? What if I trip or worse-" Hermione cut me off. "You'll be fine! George will be right there with you. He won't change his mind, Y/N, he loves you!" I was now in front of the door leading to the back yard.

"Okay, but what if-" Hermione pushed me through the door and all eyes were on me. I gulped as I headed towards the aisle as the well-know song began to play. I looked over and spotted George, straight down the aisle of foldable chairs from me. All my anxiety drifted away as he looked me up and down and mouthed "wow". I blushed as I began to walk.

My dad came up from the side of me and hooked arms with me. "You look beautiful, hun." He whispered. When I met George under an arch of flowers, my dad let go. I took both his hands in mine.

Before long we were coming to the end of the vows. "I do." I muttered, never looking away from George. The priest said something about us being able to kiss but George didn't wait for his cue. He grabbed my cheeks and whispered "I love you," before placing his lips to mine in the most memorable kiss we have ever shared. All the cheering and clapping from behind us was a blur. All I could see and hear was George. As he pulled away he whispered "I will never stop loving you even on the day I die." George continued to tell me he loved me every minute, for the rest of the day, although, I can't say I minded

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