You Just Got Loki'd

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SO DarkElizabethShadow requested a Loki imagine. I like this better than what I had originally planned to write.

     I paced back and forth in my chambers, the one that I had shared with my husband Loki before he had himself arrested and placed in the dungeons. The late Queen and I had pleaded with Odin not to kill him for what he had done. I paused and looked at the door, knowing that I needed to go see him. He must be terribly sad, I thought as I began to pace once again. Frigga was indeed the only person, besides me, that believed that Loki wasn't all mischief and lies.

     "Oh, this is ridiculous!" I shouted at myself as I crossed the chambers towards the door. 

     Wrenching it open, I was a little more than surprised to see Thor standing outside. "Lady Sigyn! I am sur-" He started to say before you interrupted him.

     "You are surprised to find me in my own chambers?" I asked, his befuddlement was almost laughable.

     "Well yes, I thought you would be down in the dungeons comforting my brother." 

      You looked down at the dark marble floor and then back up into the astonishingly blue eyes, "Well I was just about to head down there now. Would you like to accompany me, or shall I go alone?" You held out your arm, waiting for him to take it.

      After a bit of hesitation he linked your arm with his and steered the two of you in the direction of the dungeons.

     "I have been thinking of a plan to save Jane Foster. It involves Loki." He said plainly as we walked the halls of the palace.

     "What do you need him for?" I asked hesitantly.

     "You ask me what he is needed for, but you do not protest at the prospect of him being released from his imprisonment." humor laced in his voice.

     I scowled at the blonde and looked ahead to see some guards pass us by, "Thor", I said in a hushed tone, "I do not wish my husband to be released from his confinement. He needs some sort of punishment for what he did on Midgard, but I do not think that putting him in a prison cell will teach him anything. His plans to rule Midgard as their 'god' was a way to prove to Odin that he was capable of being the King of Asgard. He was promised the throne as a child and suddenly to have that taken away from you it' has to be devastating."

     Thor said nothing as we started to descend the stairs. I tugged him to a halt just before the cells came into view.

     "Thor, he will betray you, he will. It will be when he has gained all of your trust and it will haunt you like nothing else. I am warning you now." I said. 

     He let out a laugh and looked at me with humor in his eyes. "Lady Sigyn, go to him and say your goodbye's I do not know when we will be back." he said.

     You scowled at Thor and then went to Loki.

     "My dearest Sigyn, what a surprise! Have you come to say 'I told you so'? That you were right-" 

     "Loki." I said looking him in the eyes. He turned and the illusion fell.

     "Look at you, wife, still treated like royalty. Is it because Odin thought you were truly on his side?" He said bitterly, looking at my expensive jewelry and gown.

     "Loki, you know I was. I tried to stop your shenanigans because proving yourself meant slaughtering thousands innocent Midgardians! I could not stand by you and pretend that I was enjoying what you were doing! AND DO NOT TAKE YOUR RAGE FOR FRIGGA'S DEATH OUT ON ME!" The anger bubbled within me as I shouted at him.

     He blinked his eyes at me as if he were trying to rid himself of tears.

     "My love..." he murmured as he came to kneel by where I had collapsed outside of his cell, "you must be-" I held my finger up to my mouth to silence him. 

     He knit his eyebrows together in confusion but I ignored it as I started talking fast and quietly, "Loki, Thor is coming to ask for your help, probably to find a way off Asgard to help Jane Foster get the Ether out of her. I have a plan, though. Once he has finished, you must find a way for him to just leave you alone. I know he will try to find a way to destroy the Ether, but you can't just destroy it easily. Once Thor has left you, you must come back to Asgard. Odin, I suspect, will send everyone he can to go after Thor. I trust you know what you need to do after that." I said with a small grin on my face.

     Loki looked at me with a proud smile on his face as he actually shed a few tears, "My Sigyn, how long did it take you to think up that plan? A few minutes? My, you are brilliant. I will do as you have asked me to. Will you be waiting for me when I come back?" He asked, wiping the stray tears from his cheeks.

    "Of course, my love. I will be right by his side." I smiled up at him and looked back over my shoulder to see his brother walking in to see him.

     I got up from where I sat on the steps and smiled at Thor, "Shall I leave you two alone to chat, or do you want me to stay?" I asked.

   "Is he calm?" He asked, and I nodded my head. "Then I do not see the need for you to be here. I am sure Lady Sif would be delighted to see her old friend, don't you think?" I smiled and nodded again, before turning to wink at Loki.

     My footsteps echoed off the walls of the empty corridor as I went off to find Sif with a devious grin plastered on my face.


     I paced back and forth in the throne room as the All Father looked up at the throne. He was awaiting news of the safety of his sons, but I was awaiting news of Loki's success of deceiving Thor.

     "I am sure your husband will be fine." Odin said, watching me as I turned to walk across the floor for the thousandth time.

     "I, too, am sure that he is fine. His safety is not what I am worried about." It was true. I have no doubt in my mind that Loki had swindled his brother into believing whatever lie he had fed him in order to sneak back into Asgard. 

    Odin gave me a perplexed look before I turned to look at the guard that had just entered the room. He walked up to the steps and stopped.

     Odin turned around as he spoke, "Forgive me, my liege, I have returned from the Dark World with news."

     "Thor?" Odin asked, emotion making his voice go soft.

     "There's no sign of Thor or the weapon, but..." The guard climbed up a couple of the steps as Odin gazed wonderingly at the guard.

     "We found a body." I came up next to the king and rested my hand on his shoulder.

     "Loki." Odin said, as I plunged my dagger into his side. The guard turned back into my beloved husband and smiled at me. 

     "Good work, my Queen."


"I'll tell father what you did here today."

"I didn't do it for him."

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