Draco x Reader

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Original Request: "May I please have a one shot where y/n and Draco have a very big argument, and break it offa and when ever one does something, the other gets jealous? You can end it off as you like."

Author: http://miss-ilera.tumblr.com/

Word Count: 795

Warnings: Alcohol usage, harassment, attempted sexual assault, violence (Okay, I'm probably being over cautious with these warnings but better safe than sorry -K)

A/N: Alright, I changed this prompt slightly from getting jealous (instead that's why they break up) to Draco being her knight in shining armour since it would be a pretty nice ending.

"I don't care, Malfoy!" you spit out, not caring of the audience your feud has gathered.

"But (y/n), you don't even know what happened! You're always jumping to conclusions. Why won't you ever let me tell my side of the story?"

Distress is written all over Draco's face but you honestly don't care. It's one thing to see another girl flirting with him, you'd just scare her off like all of the others. To see him actively participating in the actions is a whole different league.

"How about you explain this to me, what am I to you?"

"You're my girlfriend." he says lamely, not able to look you in your eyes.

"Well you sure weren't acting like it, now were you? You know what? I don't even care anymore. I'm done with it. I'm done with the jealous glances since guess what? You're back on the market."

You don't even bother to look back as you storm away, angry tears falling down your cheeks. Draco's calling your name but you blatantly ignore him. You love him but you can't help the one thought racing through your mind.

He obviously doesn't love you if he's willing to play flirting games with Pansy Parkinson.


It had been two months since your horrible fight in the halls with Draco. The whole school was laughing at him for a week since you hung him out to dry. You were angry at them for calling him pathetic before you had to remind yourself not to care.

Eventually the rumours stopped. You never saw another girl sitting down with him at dinner or walking through the halls with him. As matter of fact, he appeared to have been avoiding Pansy like the plague. Not that you ever noticed.

You can't even lie to yourself.

"Hey, (y/n)!" a boy yells from across the hall, running to catch up with you.

You flash him a big smile noticing Draco nearby, deciding to play nice.

"Hey!" You say enthusiastically. You think you have potions with the Ravenclaw but aren't entirely positive.

"So, uh, you going to the party? Well, uh, you're invited if you want."

You giggle slightly as his face turns red. "Sure, I'd love to go. Do you know if anyone else is going?"

"Um... not really. I just wanted to invite you."

His shy chuckle says it all and you can't help but smile even more. You talk about the details before he dashes away for his next class as the bell rings and you saunter into yours, not even caring that you're late.


You arrive at the Ravenclaw tower later than planned but the party is in full swing. You make smallchat with a few of the different guests, ignoring the corner where a head of white-blond hair can be seen through the crowd.

Someone offers you a butterbeer and you sip it, looking for your date. You aren't even surprised by the amount of alcohol they've managed to smuggle in. The Slytherin house parties were far more wild.

You decide to take a seat on one of the worn down couches, making sure you don't sit where someone spilled their drink. You've only barely started to relax when your 'date' plops down on the wet spot, obviously drunk.

"Hey (y/n). Did ya know you're a babe? Cuz I do!"

You cringe at his word choice. You always thought Ravenclaw's would be more... refined.

"Pucker up baby." he said moving in for the kill.

You put your hand up between the two of you, revolted with his behaviour. "Listen, you're drunk so I think I'm just going to go."

He wasn't listening though. Instead he moved your hand away.

"Oh c'mon! I got you in here, didn't I?"

"I still don't want to kiss you!" you yell trying to get away from him.

"You owe me!"

"No she doesn't." You'd recognize that voice anywhere. It was one that would comfort you when you were sad and just talk to you for no other reason than to hear you speak.

You don't even look at him before you see his fist fly out and hit the Ravenclaw boy. Draco grimaces and shakes his hand out but it was effective and the boy walked away muttering "whatever." The blond takes the seat beside you.

"I'm still mad at you. Why did you do it anyway?"

"To save Pansy from that same creep."

You can't fight the small smile that makes its way onto your face. "Really?"

"Yup, and now I have to spend eternity making it up to you." Draco says offering his hand to you.

"Maybe only a century or two." you reply, entwining your fingers with his. "But don't you ever do that again."

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