chapter 58

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the next two weeks of may are much the same.

distance in class. quiet at lunch. apart in the common room.

and then he comes striding into the potion's lab every friday, a smirk on his lips and his eyes glued to mine.

arrogant, confident, and god damn gorgeous.

at the end of may, my resolve is fading. i'm rationalizing returning his smirks. i find myself moving closer to him in groups. laughing and pressing my shoulder against his as we walk between classes.

things are better— they seem better.

i haven't been to the room of requirement since the accident, nearly a month ago. theo's kept me in the loop— somewhat— although he says he can't talk about much.

it makes it all the more easier to pretend. pretend he isn't— doing what he's doing.

pretend he's just a boy. just a boy who fell for a girl and is doing everything he can to win her back.

and i'm starting to believe i just might let him.

the third friday in may he doesn't come walking through the door, however, blaise does. looking jovial as ever, his bag slung over his shoulder as his teeth shining in a wide smile.

"i've been put on potion's duty it seems, malfoy's in a right mood today," he huffs, tossing his bag down onto the floor and then making his way over to me. "you would've ripped each other's heads off— trust me— i deserve a thank you—"

"is he alright?"

blaise rolls his eyes, walking over to stand next to me. "he's all for the dramatics— just having a fit over the cabinet, per usual. don't know why— he's gotten it to work you know— even sent me to borgin and burke's last week—"

"wait, the cabinet's working?" i drop the knife i was holding, the metal clattering against the countertop.

blaise shrugs, "yeah— i thought nott had been filling you in—"

"he has been but he never mentioned—"

"oh," blaise says, his face falling. "oh fuck, i wasn't supposed to tell you— was i?"

i turn to face him, blinking my eyes, my jaw gone slack.

"please don't tell nott— or god forbid malfoy, they'll crucify me, y/l/n—"

"yeah— okay," i nod quickly, seeing his face fill with worry. "secret's— safe with me i suppose."

"good god, thank you," blaise sighs, falling back onto the stool behind him, a hand on his chest.

i'm still stuck, thinking of the possibilities now that the cabinet's working. any day now. everything could change.

what the hell is draco waiting for? some kind of signal? he was meant to do this ages ago so— why doesn't he?

unless he's planning on not doing it— as i've suggested time and time again. fess up and in exchange for his assistance be granted immunity by the order.

that would be the smart thing to do.

but— although draco malfoy is the smartest wizard of our age— he didn't tend to make very wise decisions.

"when is he—" i clear my throat, steadying myself on the table. "is he planning on— going through with it all?"

blaise tenses beside me, his fingers curling in the fabric of his dress pants.

he hangs his head, hesitates, and then looks up at me— eyes dim and a frown on his face.

he nods— and my heart breaks.

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