chapter 13

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draco's pov

i walk towards the door.... and then i turn away. walk back up the alley. i can't do this, i can't do this, i can't do this. i turn back towards the store. there's no way i can do this. my hand finds the door handle. she will never forgive me if i do this. i tilt down the handle and the door swings open. shit, i'm doing this.

"mr. malfoy?" my eyes look up and meet the shopkeepers, i take a deep breath

i still fucking hate it here. i curse myself for telling mum about the vanishing cabinet at school, they wouldn't have realized-

fifth year. those weasley twins shoved montague into the cabinet in the room of requirement. he told me what he heard in there- the sounds of borgin and burkes. it didn't take long for me to figure out that the cabinets were linked- twins. had i known that information would lead me here... i would've kept my mouth shut.

"i need some things" i say, lifting my chin up and puffing my chest out. confidence, that's what my aunt says scares people. fear, she says, will get me killed.

i start walking around the shop, eyeing the products i pass by. it was difficult, to get out of the castle. i had to wait until y/n went up to bed, and then find a way out without arousing any suspicion. i used one of the secret passageways to get into hogsmeade and then apparate to diagon alley.

apparition was difficult to get the hang of- at first. what with all of the other lessons my family put me through over the summer. blocking jinxes nonverbally, occlumency (as my aunt insisted she teach me it in the case i was ever caught), and the protean charm. could never get that fucking patronus though, she was furious at me for that.

i see the hand of glory. i remember visiting the shop with father in second year... he wouldn't let me get it. well, he's not here now, is he?

i pick up the hand and continue looking.

"what's this?" i point at a necklace, with a large warning label set next to it

"cursed necklace, that is" the shopkeeper smiles, "killed nineteen muggle owners"

i raise my eyebrow, looking over at him, "by touching it, i presume?" he nods, "i'll take it" i say, exhaling slowly. he nods with excitement, running over and collecting the hand from me, as well as carefully packaging the necklace

"and what use do you have for these things?" he says curiously as i hand over the money

"business" i reply, taking them off the counter with a grimace. i turn away without a goodbye, walking out of the shop quickly

at least this way i won't have to do it myself


"you're not coming to hogsmeade?" y/n stands in front of me on the couch, her arms crossed and a frown on her face

"can't, i've got detention"

"detention?" she raises her eyebrows, "what for?"

"missed a transfiguration assignment" i shrug

"are you serious?" she laughs, "i told you to finish that essay-"

"i had other things to do" like fixing that god damn cabinet... buying a cursed necklace...

"other things?" she laughs again, "mysterious, malfoy" i look up and see her smirking

"won't happen again, promise"

"sure it won't" she rolls her eyes, leaning down and kissing me quickly before backing away towards the door, her smile faded slightly

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