chapter 2

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"helloooo" draco says slowly, walking up behind me at breakfast. his hand comes down around my waist as he sits down, kissing my cheek quickly before moving on to getting food.

"hey" i smile, looking across the table at daphne who's wiggling her eyebrows, smirking and sipping her drink. i kick her under the table and she winced slightly, but soon resume eating her food.

"i'll meet you in the library after class to work on the defense paper" draco says to me, finishing up his food

"ahh i can't today" i shrug, starting to pack up my bag

"why not?" he looks over at me, a stern sort of look on his face

"i already have plans" i draw out the sentence, trying to come up with something, "with daphne!" i smile over at her, and she looks up at me, "don't we, daphne?"

"mhm" she nods, forcing a smile onto her face. draco looks between the two of us for a moment, before shrugging

"alright, then" he nods, "i'll see you in class later" he smiles a little, placing his hand over mine for a second before standing up and walking out of the hall

"what was that for?" daphne glares over at me

"i have a DA meeting" i whisper across the table. daphne's the only one i trust with that information. i think draco would be furious if he found out i was part of the organization his inquisitorial squad is hunting

"you're going to have to tell him at some point" daphne warns, "i think he's starting to get suspicious"

"what am i supposed to say?" i sigh, "'oh by the way, draco, for the past three months i've been taking defense lessons from your sworn enemy, and defying the teacher you're working for'"

daphne screws her mouth shut, nodding slowly, "yeah you're right... doesn't sound too good" her eyes light up, "butttt! for you? I'm sure he would understand-"

"understanding is not an emotion in draco's vocabulary" i scoff, shaking my head, "it's only been going good so far because there hasn't been anything for him to be upset about"

"don't look at it that way" daphne rolls her eyes, "i swear, you're getting as negative as he is"


"stop it!" i chuckle, lightly slapping draco's hand off my waist as his lips trail across my cheek, "i have to go"

"go? already?" draco frowns, kissing by my ear and bringing his hand back to my waist

"i have plans" i say quietly, my resilience quickly starting to chip away as his lips brush across my neck, his hands leaning forward to rest on the table behind me, pinning me in place

"plans better than this?" he raises his eyebrow, a playful smirk coming across his face as he regards the empty classroom we've snuck into

"plans, draco" i reach back, placing my hand over his on the table and sliding it away, breaking off and ducking under his arm

"you've been doing that a lot recently"

i look back at him over my shoulder, seeing his arms now crossed. his head is angled down towards the floor, but he's looking up at me through his eyelashes. i chuckle nervously, "doing what?"

"sneaking off" he lifts his head

"it's not sneaking" i laugh, walking back over toward him slowly, placing my hands on his shoulder, "i'm telling you i'm leaving, aren't i?"

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