chapter 22

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we walk up to the door, behind which all of our friends are waiting, bottles in hand. draco looks over at me, planting a quick kiss on my cheek before leaning down, nudging down the door handle, and pressing the door open.

"the drinks have been acquired!" he says triumphantly, a bright smile on his face as he walks into the room, "completely forgotten where i'd left them the last time- sorry, nott, kinda had to dig through some of your things..." draco continues on, spinning a rather well-crafted lie, which the majority of the room seems to buy. daphne, however, catches my eye as i follow draco into the room, smirking suspiciously in my direction.

i place the bottles i'm carrying down onto the coffee table, then sinking down onto the loveseat. daphne doesn't break my eye contact from across the way, quirking an eyebrow and tilting her head. i shrug, smiling sheepishly and looking away.

i feel the cushion sink lower, draco joining me, his hand pushing a glass into mine before draping his arm across my shoulders

"to the birthday boy," draco raises his glass, "may your mum kill husband number seven by christmas"

blaises chuckles, rolling his eyes, "we're on eight now, mate"

"sorry," draco clears his throat, "to husband number eight. may his fight be short and his pockets be plentiful!"

"i'll drink to that!" theo shouts in response, raising his glass

they each clink their glasses against blaise's, the whole of us cheering at draco's toast, laughing at the absurdity that is blaise's family life. we all take a sip. the others begin chatting, discussing classwork and school drama- daphne complaining loudly about getting a low grade on a transfiguration assessment

draco's head rests onto my shoulder, his hand bringing his glass in front of me, "to you, for taking the pain away," he whispers, tilting his glass towards mine. i look down at him, kissing the top of his head lightly before touching our glasses to each others. we each take another sip.

"i say we make this night a little more interesting," pansy smiles after a few more minutes- a few more drinks, i should say. no one's quite sure what time it is anymore, "blaise, truth or dare?" her smile widens, her eyes smirking at blaise from over the top of her glass

"dare" he scoffs

"kiss daphne" she says without hesitation

daphne spits back up the sip she was taking, almost dropping her glass, "no way-"

"i pick truth, i change to truth," blaise says quickly over daphne

"can't do that, mate" draco chuckles, his arm now back behind my waist, my head leaning against his chest

"well- i- i can't kiss her!" blaise's eyes widen, "astoria-"

"god, that was ages ago" pansy rolls her eyes, "unless you're too much of a puss-"

"pansy" i tilt my head, giving her a disapproving look. we all look between each other, daphne and blaise meetings eyes

"i-" blaise clears his throat, "i will if you will"

daphne's face remains calm, "ugh, fine" she groans, sitting up in her seat, "let's get this over with" she waves him over, clearly not going to be the one to put the effort into standing up

the boys all whistle as blaise stands up, walking over towards daphne's chair. somehow, daphne is able to continue looking disinterested as blaise kneels down in front of her, reaching his hand up to her cheek.

the kiss is short, the boys holler through the whole thing, pansy grins- proud of her work- while i roll my eyes.

blaise pulls back, standing up quickly

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