chapter 11

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(chapter 12 has since been unpublished. previously contained a sex scene)

"malfoy? malfoy?" i'm awoken by footsteps around the dorm, my eyes fluttering open

"oi, malfoy, we'll leave without you if you don't get your ass out of bed" i hear theo's voice clearly, and then hear the other boys laugh.

i feel draco shift next to me, opening his eyes, he looks down at me for a second with a groggy smile, before tilting his head towards the voices, "i'll be up in a minute", and then looking back at me with a smirk, leaning down to kiss me-

"c'mon mate we're going to-" goyle starts

"i said in a minute" draco snaps, his lips just about to meet mine

"we're already-"

"will you shut it, crabbe?" he scowls, sitting up in bed. he looks down at me with a frown, mouthing "i'll get rid of them" and disappearing through the curtains, "what do you want?" i hear him say

"hogsmeade?" blaise says, "we were supposed to meet the girls there five minutes ago"

"daphne's going to kill us" crabbe says

"pansy's going to kill me-" theo argues

"no one's killing anyone" i can hear the eye roll from draco's voice, "give me five, i'll meet you downstairs"

everyone grumbles, but after a couple more protest i hear the door close, and draco sigh.

"hey" he says quietly, opening up the curtains to let the light in

"hi" i smile, yawning and pulling the covers up

"how'd you sleep?" he says, still holding onto the curtain rod

"amazing, you?"

"best i've slept in months"

we both smile for a second, before i curl back under the covers and shut my eyes. my head rests into his pillow, surrounded by his smell.

"sorry about them" i feel the bed sink as he sits down, "i'd completely forgotten about hogsmeade"

"me too" i yawn again, turning onto my side to look at him. he tilts his head down towards me, smiling

"you knoww..." he says slowly, leaning down, "we don't have to go" his lips catch mine softly as his hand comes to my cheek

"we really should" i respond, although my hands don't seem to be following my words, as i pull him closer

"mmm... you think?" he smirks, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me up to sit on his lap. he leans back against the headboard, his hands still holding just above my hips

"mhmm" i smile, leaning forward to kiss him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. i can feel his smile against my lips, his kisses getting more passionate with each pass-

"malfoy, how long does it take to change?" a loud knock comes on the door and our lips break apart as draco groans

"leave it alone, nott, will you? i'm coming" he starts to shift, giving me one more kiss before moving me off of his lap

"pansy-" theo says from the other side of the door

"oh shut it, stop being a pus-" i hit him in the arm as he starts to stand, and he stops mid-sentence, seeing me glare at him, "fine, fine i'm coming" he mumbles, glaring back at me for a second before going to his trunk and grabbing new clothes to change into. he switches shirts with his back facing me, and i watch as his muscle flex as the shirt pulls over his head. he pulls on black dress pants and then laces up his shoes, looking in the mirror for a second and ruffling his hair.

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