chapter 4

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"i'm going to fail. i'm quite literally going to fail"

"yeah, probably"

i glare over at draco, who's reading a completely unrelated book next to me in the library. O.W.L.S. start next week, and despite our teachers reviewing with us constantly, i still feel wildly unprepared.

draco, on the other hand, has never seemed more confident. as i drown in my textbooks, retaking all of my notes, he sits calmly next to me, his textbooks untouched on the table.

"thanks for the support" i mutter, flipping to the next page of my potions notes. he grumbles, shutting his book and sliding down off the couch to sit next to me.

"you need to destress" he says, reaching across me and trying to shut my book. i swat his hand away and he laughs, "seriously, you've been in such a mood-"

"i'm trying to pass my exams!"

"just take a break" he says quietly, leaning over and kissing my cheek. i stare back at him, almost considering it for a second. he starts to lean over, a small smirk on his face-

"8 inches away, malfoy" i joke, placing my hand on his chest and pushing him backward, "you heard umbridge's announcement"

"oh please" draco rolls his eyes, "those rules don't apply to me" he starts to come back in, but i turn away to look back at my textbook

"help me with potions and then i'll take a break" i say firmly, "deal?" i look back over my shoulder at him, raising an eyebrow

draco sighs, "fine"

he leans over, placing his head onto my shoulder to look at my book. we spend an hour going over my notes, and by the end of it i actually feel much better. draco's an expert at potions, so his advice is a great help.

"- and that's why you would add mandrake root to finish the potion" draco finishes, "can we take a break now?" he proposes, leaning back against the couch. i chuckle a little, shutting my book and leaning back against him.

"you really should study" i say, resting my head on his chest

"i'll be fine" he shrugs

"it determines your whole future draco! i mean, they had to give hannah abbott a calming draught yesterday because she's become so high-strung over it!" i exclaim, "you've got to put more effort in-"

"i don't get to pick my future, y/n" draco says solemnly, "my exam scores are obsolete" he shifts slightly, so my head no longer rests on him, "but you'll do great. work hard, get a good job-"

"well you should want that too-"

"it's not my path" he shrugs, "i'll get good enough grades to move on, and then we'll leave and i'll become a mini version of my father. inherit the family name" his eyes move away from me, as he picks at a loose string on his cardigan, "it's nothing new. i've always known that that was how it's going to go"

"that's really it then?" i raise my eyebrow, "you're not even going to try to break away from it all? just become another wealthy, stuck-up asshole of a governor who's so out of touch-"

"like i said, not my choice" draco clears his throat, standing up, "i think i'm going to go for a walk" he says quietly, looking down at me

"oh.. okay, let me just pack up-"

"no, no" he shakes his head, "you should study" 

i try to start to protest, but he's already walked out of our small, secluded corner of the library, disappearing into the bookshelves. i sigh, looking desperately at my textbooks piled across the table. i put my head in my hands for a second, rubbing my temples. we're only 16... life shouldn't be this difficult yet, right? i shake my head, trying to refocus, but something catches my eyes.

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