Chapter6: hes just a friend /:

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               Mr.millers POV: that Michael kid has been over for a while. I walk to jesses bedroom to check on them. When I open the door there cuddling and asleep, well it is 12 am BUT CUDDLING. I will talk to her when she's not around him... They better not be doing any thing. I guess i do have to trust my daughter, shes not as stupid and reckless to be having intercourse at such a young age. I sigh closing the door softly heading to my room and going to bed. 

~the next day~

               Michaels POV: when I wake, jesses sleeping on my chest, I don't move so I don't wake her. She's so cute when she sleeps. I look down to see her arms wrapped around me. Shit, what will her dad think? Oh well I'll deal with it later. I look around for a clock to see what time it is I can't find one so I carefully reach over and check the phone. It's 11:00 am hmm guess we were tired. I yawn and Lay my head down and enjoy this while it lasts. After five minutes I look down to see Jesse rubbing her eyes. "Good morning sleepy head." I say then let out a soft chuckle. "Shut up." She mumbles and sticks her tongue out but then her eyes widen.

                         Jesses POV: I wake up and blink a few times when Michael says "good morning sleepy head." I tell him to shut up then I realize my arms are around him and I freak. "Are you okay?? What's wrong?" Michael asks a little concerned. "I'm so sorry." I say slightly panicked. "For what ?" He says with a half smile. "For sleeping on you, you must have been really uncomfortable." I frown but he grins. "Aha that's okay Jesse no bother." I half smile. "Promise?" He smiles as well. "Promise." He says quietly. I laugh. "Good because I like to cuddle, anyway. 

             My parents aren't home right now, my brother might be at a friends. What do you want for breakfast?" He smiles. "Cereal is fine with me." He replays politely. "Okay." I say getting up but he catches my arm and rolls on top of me. "Micchhaaaeellll I'm huunggrryy and I can't breath get offfff meeee." I whine and play hit him a couple times. He chuckles. "Noooooooo, lay with me ten more minutes??" He whines back in question. "Fine Michael Clifford ten and no longer, now get off of me." He chuckles then rolls off and I lay my head down on his chest. We play on our phones a while then we kinda just look at each other for a while. It's kinda weird, but I like it. I finally look at my phone and it's been almost an hour and it is now twelve. "Well looks like we're having lunch." I say with a chuckle. He laughs as well then we et up and throw pizza rolls in the oven.

               Michaels POV: we lay for a while. I really like this. After a while she checks her phone and announces that were having lunch and not breakfast and we both laugh. We get up and put pizza rolls in the oven and go back to her Room as we wait. She turns on adventure time and we just sit on her bed and wait. She gets up and leaves the room and a couple minutes comes back with a plate full of pizza rolls. We eat as we watch tv. When were done she takes the plate and puts it in the sink. I get a text from my mom and the boys asking where I am and when ill be home I just tell them I'm at a friends and I'm not sure when I'll be home then Jesse walks in.

               "Hey sorry if it's boring here." She says with a shy smile. "Nah it's fine I'm having a great time." My cheeks heat. She then stops "get out." I look at her in surprise. "What why?" I partly whine but I'm freaking out what did I do? She laughs. "I'm just going to get dressed." "Oh, buttttt I wannaaa watch tv!" I whine. She scowls at me. "Fine turn around, and if you look I will rip your throat out and throw it to the birds outside." I chuckle. "Okay,okay I won't look." I turn around and watch tv. I can here her a little behind me. "Done!" She says and I turn to see what she picked out. 

             She's wearing a sleeping with sirens shirt and black skinny jeans. I smile then watch the show.after a while of us laughing and playing video games watching tv u look at the clock and it's around four. Then the front door opens. I'm guessing her dads home. "Hey, Jesse I got to go soon, if you want to come to my house tomorrow you can okay?" She Frowns but it follows with a smile. "Yea okay sure thing I'll txt you."

             Jesses POV: after Michael leaves my dad glares at the door. "What the hell were you guys doing last night??" I sigh. He gives me a concerned look and I know he didnt mean to be harsh. "Dad, I swear it's not like that were just friends, and he doesn't like me like that, there no need to worry." I sigh once more then let out a laugh. "I promise dad." He rolls his eyes. "Yea whatever there better not be anything going on." After that I go to my room and find a txt on my phone. "What's up chicken nugget ?" It says then I laugh, of course it's from Michael. I reply with  

Me: "nothiinnn you??"

Michael: hanging with the boys

Me: ohh funn

Michael: haha not really there annoying me rn

Me: aha okay ya noodle, imma go to bed ill see ya tomorrow!

       Michaels POV: I smile at the texts, I think I may be following her, I hit off my phone after she says she's going to bed. I then look up to see Calum passed out on the couch, Ashton on twitter, and Luke cuddling a penguin half way asleep watching mean girls. I swear I have the weirdest friends. I then drift off to sleep. 

AN: Heyyyy sorry I havnt updated in a while /: anywayyyy I got I 5sos shirt along with a sleeping with sirens shirt. Yiippeeeee haha any who have a nice night guys :3

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