Chapter 2: a new day

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I get my jacket on along with my pack pack then head outside to feed my horse, after I wait at the end of the driveway for my brother I see him walk out of the door so I put in my ear phones silently walking down to the bus stop listening to pierce the veil. I get there and silently waiting, watching the kids arrive, when they all get there the bus comes and I get on.

I walk town the lane searching for
My friend Tiana. I spot her and sit down, I pull out one ear bud and say hello, she smiles and waves then I put it back in.


     I walked over to my friends putting my phone and ear phones away , "hey guys" I said then smiled. After waiting for awhile my Other best friend sky hops off the bus with a cheeky smile, I swear you could see that dimple miles away. When she reaches us she complains about living with a bunch of her cousins, I just laugh and tell her she'll survive when suddenly the bell rang.

    I walked into math, my third hour and sat down in my usual seat, I hate sitting in the front row. For some reason the teacher likes me? After I begin writing in my planner (which we get graded for) I look over to see a new boy with blondish hair walking through the door, the teacher gives him a friendly smile and asks his name and where he's from, he says his name is Michael and he's from Australia, Australia?!? .... Wow that's a long ways away. I continue to watch them as the teacher assigns his seat next to me. My cheeks heat realizing that i had been starring and quickly turn away as he sits near me. After around 45 minutes I look back over. He's pretty god damn cute I thought to myself I better claim I like him before my friends do I shook my head and laughed absent minded to myself, I'm childish and I knew it.

Michaels POV:
I walk over to the seat I was assigned and sat down to see a girl looking at me, she glances back at me after awhile and before she can turn around I quickly smile "hey I'm Michael I'm new" she replies with "well duh, aha. Well nice to meet you Michael I'm Jesse call me Jess." I smile at her and turn back around.

Jesses POV
I meet my friends in the cafeteria and get my food and everyone snags off of my plate. "Hey!" I yelled at Natalie, those are my fries!! She just laughs and finishes chewing then we all head outside. As we walked on to the field I noticed the boy I had met today in math, I decided to say hi to him, I began walking toward him and his new?? Friends... Hmm all four of them? Anyway as I walked one my friend marley had asked where I was going and I slowed down and waited for her so I could explain. "I'm going to go say hi to those boys, I met one if them in math today"  I told her in a quiet voice.

We walked up to them, I smiled and said hello while sky fell silent, but then got loud, I smirked knowing she liked one of them. And if she likes one of them, I don't doubt that one of them Liles her back. I scanned my eyes, looking for a sign that one of them had liked her.

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