Chapter 1

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Dear Readers

I'm trying a new book again. Hopefully it's not too bad. I still have to edit it a bit.

**Please be warned there will be all kinds of abuse in this book, body shaming, verbal and physical abuse, rape, swearing and a few kissing scenes, I'm still deciding about the sex scenes. So if you have issues with any of these above mentioned situations, acts, behavior or if you're not old enough to read this, please do not read my book.***

This is all fictional, (although I know a bit about body shaming myself since I'm a plus-size woman.) I watch all kinds of crime series' and documentaries so my imagination can run a bit wild sometimes. I've heard and seen things that I never thought and believed people are capable of so yeah some of my stories may sound far-fetched, but believe me the monsters live all around us in any form, shape, career etc. Most of the time it's the people we never expected this type of thing from. I hope you enjoy reading my book, please remember to vote and comment if you have some positive comments to make.

Blessed be


"I'm sick and tired of your ugly fat face. I think you can do with a few less dinners." Amber makes herself ready for the verbal abuse that's coming. She is a fantastic cook and she always makes sure it will be something that Andrew likes. She isn't even married a year and he changed over the last six months. He was a gentleman and still is in front of other people, but when they are alone he verbally abuses her. He used to like her fuller figure and always made her feel very feminine. Now he only tells her how bad she looks. "You can go to the room while I eat this rubbish you call dinner. Shower and get into bed." Amber gets up from the table and go to their room on the second floor. A while later she's showered and in bed when he comes in and starts to undress himself. "I don't even know why I still tolerate your huge body in my bed. You're not even that good in bed, but for tonight to get the edge off you will have to do." After his shower he just got into bed, used her body and turned away to fall into a deep sleep leaving Amber wet eyed, sore and wide awake. After an hour she got up and raided the fridge. In the early morning hours, she cleaned the kitchen and went to bed after eating all of the left over dinner and a whole tub of ice cream. The next morning on her way to work she immediately went through the drive-through of the nearest Mc'D's and order herself a lot of food. "Good mornin' can I have two of the double cheese burgers with two large fries and two sodas please?" She pays for the food and at work she sits in the parking lot and eats before she goes into work. She works as an Architect for a well-known company Estrada's Extravagant Designs and she is well loved by everybody. Amber is extremely good with difficult clients and therefore she usually gets the problem clients who like to change the plans a gazillion times even while they are already busy with the built. After a very long and difficult day she goes home but stops at Mc'D's to get her usual order that she eats in the Mc'D's parking lot before she goes home just in case Andrew withhold her dinner again tonight. At home she cooks and when he arrives the verbal abuse starts again. "So how much did you stuffed your face with today?" Amber feels totally dejected and guilty. "I didn't eat much, really I didn't even had lunch. I had a very difficult client. How was your day?" Andrew looks at her as if he knows she's lying. "As usual I had to deal with stupid people doing stupid things as well as dumb lawyers who still tries to get away not doing their work properly. I'm going out with a client tonight in the next town over, maybe I'll stay over at the nearest hotel. Don't wait up." And just like that he's on his way with a bag packed in no time at all. For the next two months it's going on like this and she soon realizes it's not a client it's another woman. His clothes stink of cheap perfume and cigarettes and he doesn't smoke himself. One afternoon he got home with a temper and when Amber put food on the table he wiped everything of the table. "What the fuck is wrong with you, all you think about is food. If I enter this house I smell food. You keep on eating, looking like a walrus already, but you never seem to stop this eating.

I'm sick and tired of this. I'm putting you on a diet and I will have a bodyguard following you to make sure you don't buy any food. Be ready to visit a diet clinic with me tomorrow." Amber doesn't know what to say and just cleans the kitchen and put away the food she already made. She's not hungry but she eats all the potato salad and a tub of ice cream before she goes to bed. The next morning, she sits with Andrew in the waiting room of the diet clinic until they are shown to a dietician consultant. "Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Hill, I am Helen Blarney. I hear you're here for help with Mrs. Hill's diet." The dietician looks at Amber but it's Andrew who answers her. "Yes Miss. Blarney, Amber wants to lose weight but she doesn't know where to start." Helen looks at Amber and Andrew's fingers bit into Amber's neck where his hand is on the back of her chair. "Yes, please Helen I need help." Helen starts explaining about diets and eating plans and everything while Amber cannot concentrate properly. She just goes with the flow while they take blood samples to see what her cholesterol and blood sugar are. Then Helen starts to work out a diet and after two hours they leave with a lot of do's and don'ts. "Now you take this diet and go buy the food with Ronald who is your new bodyguard or rather food guard while I go to court." Amber looks at Andrew and then at Ronald. " I'll go home for my car first?" Andrew shakes his head. "No Ronald will take you and make sure you don't buy take away." Amber doesn't answer but waits for Ronald to show her the way to the car. They get into this black Suv and he follows her everywhere while she shops. Back at the house Ronald empties the fridge and cupboards and dumbs all her cookies, sweets and ice cream outside in the trash. "Sorry Mrs. H but that was an order from the Judge." She only nods and leaves for her study to work on some plans for the mayor's wife's new garden gazebo. Near lunch time she's tired and miserable since she hasn't eaten since the previous night. When she enters the kitchen there's an older woman with Ronald in the kitchen. "Good day Mrs. H. I'm Gertrude your new chef and housekeeper. I prepared one of your lunches as per the dietician's orders. Would you like to sit in the dining room for lunch or rather on the patio?"

Amber wants to laugh, now she's not even allowed to prepare her own food. "Um...Hello Gertrude, I will eat in my study if you don't mind, then I can keep on working." During dinner which Gerdtrude made, she decides to ask Andrew about the bodyguard and her working at the office. He starts to laugh. "O that is easily explained. I'm a prominent figure and working with criminals and high profile cases my family and I are always in danger of kidnapping and ransoms. I already phoned your bosses and so they know why you have a bodyguard, although they won't know it's because of your food addiction and looking like a walrus. So don't think you can get out of the bodyguard. From now on he will drive you and watch your every move. Gertrude will pack your lunch and that's what you will eat. You will not go out with co-workers or clients for lunch and that's final. Don't try to sneak any food in, because if I found out I will punish you." Amber sits and stare at him for a moment before she let her eyes go over her plate with food. It's not bad food, just a very small amount. "Do you understand me Amber?" She looks up to Andrew cause by now she knows he hates it if you look away when he's talking to you. "Yes I understand Andrew." After dinner Gertrude and Ronald disappear and Andrew goes out to be with his new lady friend. When Amber enters the kitchen she cannot believe all the cupboard doors have locks on them. When she opens the fridge there's a few plastic containers with fruit and veggie sticks in, marked as morning-, afternoon- and night snacks for each day of the week. Prepacked for a week of seven days. There's nothing else in the house to snack on. Very dejected she goes to her study and starts working on her design for the Mayor Chart McDougal's wife Helen. Hopefully she can survive this whole diet thing and Andrew's sudden character changes without many more complications.

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