Chapter 13 Epilogue

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Dear Readers we're at the end of Grim and Amber's main story. They will feature again in another MC Shadow Reaper's book that I already started. If this book is received well then I will put up the next book with one of the other guys' story.

I hope you enjoyed this one.

Blessed be



During the short trial in Wisconsin, Amber sits in court with her and Grim's parents and when her ex in-laws walk in and sees her they gasp and want to talk to her but the bikers get up and make a circle around Amber. It's Grim's Grandpa Reaper who speaks to them. "If Amber is willing to speak to you and you still want to talk after the trial you're welcome to speak with her, for now she doesn't want to talk." That make them nod in understanding and they move away to the other side of the courtroom. Andrew Hill steps through the door and for a moment Amber stiffens and takes Grim's hand. He squeezes her hand and puts his arm over the back of the bench to play with her hair. That always seems to sooth her and she relaxes against him. The Judge Tom Hardy is someone she met in the early days of her marriage to Andrew when he tried to impress her. She kind of liked the older man with his no nonsense wife, she just hopes he can be impartial about Andrew. Andrew sits down and turns his head to look at Amber and she looks him right into the eyes without any emotion on her face while her insides are turning. Grim also just looks at him. The Jury is aghast when they have to watch the video and since the lawyer is a friend of his parents they get to see it too. Several photos are shown in court of Amber's injuries also the one where his name is carved out on her back. When he sees that one specifically he smiles and looks with pure malice directly at Grim who grins back and smiles as if he knows something that Andrew doesn't. That makes Andrew frown and look away. Amber knows what she's going to do just before they leave today and she feels very satisfied with her decision. Everything is going fast and all the evidence are making this case a slam dunk. The jury is not even an hour in the jury room when they come out. He's founded guilty on all the charges and receives life in prison without parole. Now Grim smiles even broader because he really knows what's going to happen to him tonight. When the judge leaves the court and Andrew's ready to walk out with the guards he looks directly at Amber smiling and touching his left clavicle as if he wants to scratch it. Amber gets out of her jacket and turns her back on Andrew and pandemonium breaks lose. He shouts. "Noooooo you bitch! no, no, no, no, it was supposed to be my name on your back forever." His parents lower their heads with shame and his brother ushers them out the courtroom with all the other people except the Shadow Reapers and her and Grim's parents. Amber looks at him while the guards tries to hold onto him and calms him down. "I told you, you can rape me, mark me, kill me, do just as you like but I will never be yours. In my head I will die as the Precious Property of Grim McDougal President of the Shadow Reapers and you know what, I didn't die and I'm still the precious property of this wonderful and sexy President of the Grim Reapers and you're just going to be someone's bitch on the inside. I hope you have a great time in jail before you rot in hell."

By midday the following Wednesday Grim gets a call from someone telling him Andrew was severely raped and beaten in jail for the past week and he's in the hospital unit since that morning. He smiles satisfied and sits back in his office telling the news to Gammon who cannot wait to tell the rest of the crew. This type of news reaches Grim several times more. Just as Andrew's back in his cell he gets raped and beaten again. This kept on happening until his parents ask to get him transferred to the L.A. County jail. Unfortunately, that's where the Alvarez family were waiting for him and Pedro Alvarez wants him dead. When someone lets it fall that Andrew Hill raped his ex-wife and almost beaten her to death even after she had a restraining order against him, Pedro Alvarez decides to wait a bit longer and turns him over to a few friends to teach him a lesson. He always liked Amber Hill because he knows that she knew about Andrew and Lolita and still she stayed with the bastard. He never believed Raoul when he said he's quite sure that the judge abused Amber but now he knows his oldest son was correct in his assumptions. Well now the wonderful stuck up judge will see who he's dealing with. It's during lunch time that Raoul puts his tray on the table and slides onto the bench next to his Dad. "I assume you heard about the judge's transfer?" Raoul peered at the other prisoners coming into the lunch hall and nods when his Dad talks to him. He finishes chewing before he lifts his head and watches his brother José over his shoulder where he goes to sit with another group. "Mmm...José is just talking with Paulo Carcis about that. It seems that Carcis' baby brother is in Wisconsin in prison. He has written to him about the judge and how he was severely beaten and raped several times in Wisconsin. Apparently the Shadow Reapers found the toy that Hill raped her with when they found her and send it via someone into the prison. Looks like the bastard got some of his own medicine, but I still want to be the one killing him. She could have been mine if I just killed him when I had the chance." Later in the afternoon a few new prisoners enter the prison but everyone inside knows one of them is the judge everybody is talking about and that he's as good as dead. Raoul Alvarez has nothing to lose he already got life in prison without parole for all the drug charges and the murders they could connect him to. When Andrew Hill enters his new cell he sees the big man on the one bed and when he grins at him he knows he's in a shit load of trouble once again. Friday morning when everybody is busy somewhere with work Raoul Alvarez walks into the laundry where he works and sees Andrew Hill standing there busy to fold laundry. He walks up to him and peeres down onto him. "You thought you're going to get away with it all didn't you. You even had a plane ready to take her away, but you forgot about the Shadow Reapers you fool. If you rather took Lolita and just fuck off none of this would have happened but then you got greedy and took our shipment. You're going to pay for your stupidity Hill." Andrew watches Raoul carefully. "I already paid enough. I lost the woman I loved and I was beaten and raped over and over. So don't think I haven't suffered. If you saw what she did you wouldn't think so much of her. She's a fucking slut and she shacked up with that fucking President of the Reapers, I'm sure it was even before our divorce. She has his tattoo on her back now and she wears his cut." Raoul starts to laugh uncontrollably. "She got you good, I like her even more now. You're a fucking piece of low class shit and you're a cheater, a back stabber, a rapist and a scumbag who should never have been a judge and don't try to tell me you loved her. You were obsessed with her but don't know the meaning of love. When I kill you, you should know it's not about the money or the drugs and I couldn't care less about my Father's little whore Lolita. It will be for Amber, the only woman that I ever loved." The knife comes so quickly that Andrew only realizes it's in his stomach after a few seconds and his eyes grow big as he sees it's the same knife that he cut Amber with. He's going to bleed out before anyone can help him. When he falls down Raoul takes the knife wipes it on Andrew's overall, then gives it to the officer in front of the laundry door and they both walk off to where ever they should be. The cameras in the hallway will be fixed later today, so this was the best time to rid the world of a scumbag like Andrew Hill.

Grim and Amber are busy planning their small wedding when Jacob arrives in the office door. "I have some news I'm not sure if it's good or bad..." They watch him for a while and Grim's whole face is a question mark so he continues quickly. "Andrew is dead. He was murdered the day after his transfer. No one knows for sure but it will possibly be Pedro Alvarez or Raoul." Grim caught sight of Amber's smile before it disappears and he cannot fault her for that. She went through hell with that man. "Well that's the end of that bastard then. Now we can get married and get on with our lives." That's the only thing she says before she scans the pages in front of her to make sure she has everything for their wedding written down. Three months later Amber walks down the isle of the small white wedding chapel in town. She's dressed in a cream colored dress with her cut over it. Grim is dressed in his black leather pants with a cream dress shirt, his cut and a black leather bow tie. Their families, friends and the crew are all their and that's what counts. Grim picks her up in the early morning hours and carries her over the doorstep, but she complains. "Put me down I'm too big to be carried around Grim." He shushes her by kissing her. "Darlin' I told you from the beginning size doesn't matter. Just think about it I have so much more of you to love."

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