Chapter 5

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The Friday night she dresses with great care, fix her hair and make-up and strangely Andrew doesn't say anything degrading to her. At the Alvarez's house, Andrew changes to the very adoring and loving husband that he was in the beginning of their marriage almost a year and a half ago. Estrada warned her about Raoul and said she should never ever be alone with him somewhere, so she's ignoring him mostly except when he talks to her directly. Lolita isn't very welcoming but Pedro Alvarez enjoys talking to her about her work, especially when Andrew brags about the fact that they are living in her design. It's when the talk after dinner turns to business that Amber hears things that turns her stomach and with the front of grabbing a tissue in her little clutch bag, she turns her phone recorder on and leave her clutch bag on her lap. About fifteen minutes later Andrew says it's time for them to go. While putting the tissue into her bag, she stops the recording and hope Jacob will be able to hear anything. She couldn't take the chance to take out her phone and maybe make the recording a bit better. She hasn't even got to her room when Andrew slaps her across the face. "You fucking fat slut. You just had to flirt with the poor Lolita's husband right in front of her and even flirted with Raoul. You have no shame. I should have left you home then I wouldn't have to be so ashamed of your fat ass." She doesn't see the fists coming but she feels the impact of the two. One on the side of her face and one in the jaw. She struggles to keep her balance and falls back against the wall. He kicks her in the stomach and she puts up her hands when his shoe comes very close to her face before he turns around and walks down the stairs and slams the door behind him. For a moment she lies very still, then she struggles up against the wall and walk towards the room keeping her balance against the wall. In the bathroom she strips her clothes off and stands under the shower to get all the blood from her face. She washes her hair and gets into a track suit, before she searches for some painkillers. She knows tomorrow morning she's going to be sore and stiff but she hopes against all odds that she's not too blue to go to work. He never hits her in the face so she never had to worry about covering the marks with makeup. She puts ice on her face and lies down in bed, but sleep doesn't come. She hears the footsteps on the stairs and turns her back to his side of the bed and pretend to sleep. He reeks of alcohol and cheap perfume. Luckily she hears him in the shower and it doesn't take him long to give a loud snore behind her back. The next morning she's stiff and when she looks in the mirror she sighs. Her whole jaw is blue and the blue runs up her cheek bone towards her left eye. Her ribs are bruised and almost a black blue color. Even on her legs are blueish marks from his shoes. She gets dressed in a jean, t-shirt and sneakers before she went down to the kitchen. Gertrude and Ronald are in the kitchen and they gasp when they see her. She ignores them only grabs a cup of coffee, her Saturday morning breakfast and leave to sit in her study. Luckily she brought the new plans home that she's working on for West. It won't be abnormal for her to work from home. Over the past seven months she did that several times when she was to sore to make it to the office. She's still busy eating when Andrew appears in her doorway. She looks up without any emotion, but doesn't say a thing. "You were drunk Friday night and had a big fall down the stairs if the help should have the audacity to ask. Work from home the next week. I have a business trip with Pedro, I leave Monday morning until Wednesday night. Keep out of town and out of site of the nosey neighbors." She only nods and he luckily leaves her alone for the rest of the day. Late afternoon she looks for a folder she thought she brought home and went to look for it in her car. What she doesn't know is that a picture is taken of her when she comes out the door and again when she leaves the garage. Sneak phones Grim when he gets back to the car and watches the house with one eye and the pic on the camera display with the other. Hell she's a beautiful woman and if he understands the other guys correctly Pres had the hots for her since school and long before deployment. When he returned to McDougal's Creek she was away to college and when she came back it was with a boyfriend in-tow. "Sneak it better be very important while you're on a stake out to phone me." Sneak gives a dry laugh. "Pres I would never phone you if it's not of importance. I knew you said don't take pics of the Judge's wife, but this one you should see. I'll send it to your phone now." He puts down the phone then takes a pic of the display of the camera and then sends the pic to his President then resumes his watch of the Judge's house. Meanwhile Grim cannot believe what he sees and he doesn't know what to do. He wants to go to her house, kill the Judge and pack her up to move her into the club house, but he knows it will be a wrong move. Alvin aka Hack comes out of his computer room and smiles. "Pres you will not believe what I got when I did a bit of hacking into the Judge's computer and also Mr. Pedro Alvarez's many computers at home and in his office," Grim takes the pack of pages out of Hack's hand. "So it looks like both have several warehouses and Mr. Alvarez has a newly acquired factory on the outskirts of town but very near to the clubhouse. We should scout them and see where they stack their drugs. I'll send in Melcome and his team at sundown. Do you have a satellite image of the town with all the warehouses?" Hack laughs. "Off cause, I immediately looked at the images and printed them. Everything is in this file. There's other things too, look at the judge's bank account, there's several big cash deposits made into his account, I bet you it's Alvarez paying him for turning a blind eye to all the drug related crimes that come past him in court. I made you a list of all the drug cases of the last two months that the guys just got a slap on the wrist for and was let go." Hack gives him the whole file before he slips into the PC room again. Grim makes copies of the file then takes his bike and drives to the farm house where Melcome and his team are. They need to know all these things before they can go out and do some scouting.

Monday morning Amber phones Estrada and say she will work from home this week. She looks awful with the blue face but she doesn't care, Ronald and Gertrude can see her like this, so they can see what kind of animal their boss is. She will not hide that from them. Andrew left early for his business trip and while Ronald and Gertrude are in the kitchen she slips into Andrew's office. She takes pictures of a lot of his bank accounts that lay in a drawer as well as a receipt for a safety deposit box and also a new warehouse he acquired. There's two new keys in his top drawer underneath a piece of paper. She takes it and runs to her bathroom where she pushes it very hard into a soft piece of soap, cleans it and go and put it back precisely how she got it. Then she goes to her office, seals the soap in a big envelope and send the photos to her computer before she emails it to Jacob and send him the recording of Friday night. It's not long after that, that he phone's her. "You're playing a dangerous game little Sister, but I thank you." She gives a throaty laugh. "I have something else I need to give you, I found two keys and made you two replicas' in soap. I'm not allowed to go out or leave the house so I'm not sure how to get it to you."Jacob smiles by himself. "Okay I tell you what we do. I have some little things, actually undetectable bugs I want you to plant on his phone and in his office. I'll make use of a courier to come deliver it, just make sure your bodyguard doesn't get his hands on it. It's also washable so you can even bug his favorite jacket. You probably have Courier envelopes, so put the soap in an envelope and if someone asks tell them it's house plans you need to send to a client. Address it to Melcome Renard, 44 Avalon street here in town." Amber knows that name. "Don't tell me Melcome is here?" Jacob laughs loudly. "Then I won't tell you he is here and according to his office he is in Hawaii on holiday. Keep out of trouble Amber. I cannot tell you everything but know that you will be fairly save in all this." She wants to cry when he puts the phone down. She feels alone in this although she knows Jacob will try his best to keep her save. She puts the soap with some papers in the envelope so it doesn't look strange. Then she walks to the kitchen where she hears Ronald and Gertrude. "Ronald can I ask you a favor please. I'm waiting for a courier delivery and when he brings my parcel I want to give him this parcel in exchange. I cannot go out looking like this and deliver a client's home plans, so the courier will have to do." Ronald nods. "Sure Mrs. H. just leave it in the foyer on the table. I'll answer the door when they come." She smiles sincerely."Thank you Ronald. I'll be in my study then." Amber listen's and about an hour later the doorbell rings. It's not long after that, that Ronald knocks on her door. "Mrs. H here is your parcel and I've given the other parcel to the youngman who calls himself Joey." She takes the quite heavy parcel and thank Ronald."Thank you Ronald." When he leaves she closes her door and opens the box. There's a piece of paper in Jacobs handwriting explaining all the different devices. The one she needs to install in her own landline and one in her cellphone to make it secure and so that no one can tap her phones. Another one she installs in Andrew's phone, one at the back of his filing cabinet and three others that are water proof she puts into his three favorite suit jackets. One she puts at the back of her drawer to put it in the suit he took with him on the trip. She still has one for inside his car and one other for some other place, but she will hang onto it for a while. She shreds the piece of paper with the details and sits behind her drawing board when she gets a message on her phone from Jacob. She's shocked to see it's a photo of her showing her bruises. She immediately phones him. "Where the hell did you get this? Are you watching me?" He snorts. "I'm just showing you we have you covered, although we could not do anything about this, because you hide things from your family, we're here for you. If things get worst, you call me." Amber doesn't know what to say. "Thank you Jacob but I cannot involve anybody in my private affairs. The other things that concerns our town and the lives of the people we know and love, that's what I will report back to you. Did you get the parcel?" He confirms he received the parcel before he says good bye to her and Amber wonders about what's going to happen to her in the near future. Andrew is busy with the wrong things and she cannot do anything to stop him from getting arrested even if she wanted to which she definitely doesn't. It's a story of what you sow you will reap. And then she suddenly thinks about the bike club her brother is a part of, they aren't named the Shadow Reapers for nothing. Especially their President Grim. She heard enough rumors about him. The problem is she knows him as West McDougal and she had a huge crash on him since she was fifteen. He still is a very charismatic and attractive guy especially in his biker cut, wearing a tight fitting black t-shirt and jeans, a bad boy with a killer smile. She almost fainted when he entered her office with Estrada on Friday. He was the least of all people she expected to see entering her office...ever.

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