Chapter 6

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Melcome's team together with the Reapers have a great plan to catch Alvarez and the Judge in the act, he's just worried about Jacob's sister whose going to be smack right in the middle of this shit storm. She did help them very much with planting all the bugs even the one she planted on Raoul's person when she accidently fell and he caught her very gallantly while she put the bug inside the small breast pocket of his suit. That day, they actually heard the precise date and time of a big shipment's arrival. They have a whole month to plan on a sting operation to bring down the Alvarez cartel as well as their sly, devious and crooked judge in their pocket. Melcome is sitting at the bar when he sees Grim walk out the door on a mission, so he gets up and stand in the door looking at Grim who's waiting on a car to stop near the row of bikes. Jacob is busy with Brick playing with the club's kids. When the car stops, Grim opens the back door for a beautiful woman. When her driver gets out all the eyes are suddenly on him. He screams ex­-military and obviously he is her bodyguard. She smiles at Grim and laughs about something he said. Then suddenly Jacob moves in their direction. "What the hell are you doing here Amber, you shouldn't be here." Grim turns to Jacob. "Counselor that is no way to greet your sister or my guest for that matter." Jacob shakes his head and Amber smacks him in the head with her hand. "Well hallo to you too bro'." Grim looks a bit pissed with Jacob. "Since when is she your guest, what is going on here?" Grim and Amber starts walking towards the clubhouse with the bodyguard at their heels. "There's nothing going on here your moron, ask her bodyguard Ronald. Amber is the architect of my new house." Jacob is still not believing his sister is here and the bodyguard may just see the seal team and know one of them. "What house? Why would you suddenly need a house for yourself." Grim starts to laugh a somewhat strange laugh. "You know Counselor you should mind your own business, I'm still your President and you're on my turf at my clubhouse so mind your tone when you speak to me or Amber. To answer your questions. One, I'm sick of staying in the clubhouse and seeing your face on a regular basis when I walk out of my room. Two I didn't ask you so many questions when you decided to build yourself a grand house in town and three I don't really need to explain myself to anyone least of all my crew. If you will excuse us now. I'm going to take Amber and Ronald with my truck to the site where I plan to build my house." He grabs his keys just inside the door on the hooks and come out to open the passenger door for Amber and leave Ronald to get into the back seat. "Sorry about that, you brother is plain difficult lately, must be the moon affecting his manners because I know your parents wouldn't have taught him those back veld manners he just showed." Amber only laughs and look out the window to see how beautiful everything here is. She was here only once before when she was maybe ten. It's still as beautiful as what she can remember. When he stopped the truck she sat there and look at the sight in front of her for a moment before he opens her door and helps her out of the huge truck. "I know it looks a bit rocky but I want the house more to the left on that open piece of grassy part there. That big tree will not be too near the house but still near enough if one wants to sit underneath it on a sunny day. What do you think?" She takes out her equipment and start checking the distances put little flags out while she talks to Grim over her shoulder. "It's perfect, this piece of land lies in a perfect spot. It's not too high up to get all the supplies here but it's also not too low to make it a disaster when the rain comes. You're still sure about the wrap around porch though?" He nods. "Yip a place where I can unwind in the evening maybe with a beer or two." Ronald listens to what they say and he cannot find anything to make him believe Mrs. H will cheat on Mr. H. Even the biker doesn't flirt or seem to want something more from Mrs. H, than her professional help with his house plans, so there's absolutely nothing to report to Mr. H. It's sad to say it looks like Mrs. H will be better looked after by the biker than Mr. H. with his hands-on attitude of discipline and how he handles Mrs. H. Later on when Andrew asks him questions he just tells him how professional Mrs. H. handles all her clients, the biker dude included. Hopefully he will spare her the beating tonight, but you never know with Mr. H. It wasn't very late that evening that Andrew grabs her by the hair and flings her to the wall of their bedroom. Then he picks her up, rips her clothes of her body leaving scuff marks on her skin and drops his pants at his ankles. He drapes her over the big chair in the room to pummel her mercilessly from behind. When he's finished he drags her to the bathroom where he basically rapes her again with an enormous vibrator before he cleans himself up and getting dressed to go out for the evening telling her she better be cleaned up when he comes back. In the early hours of the morning she hears him coming back and wishes he would disappear from this earth. The next morning she's stiff and sore all over, but she needs to go into work so she showers and does a lot of make-up to cover the bruises. In the office she keeps to herself and catches Ronald's thoughtful looks twice but she just ignores it. By now the household staff knew exactly what's going on but not one of them interfere because they all have families to care for. Estrada sees the bruises and she phones Grim. "Hey West, Estrada here. When are you going to take her out of this abusive relationship. She's blue and purple again this morning. It's now every week. She works a lot from home lately and I'm certain it's because she's too bruised to cover it all and come to work." Grim swears. "Fuck Estrada don't think I'm not working on a plan here. At this stage she doesn't even know how I feel and I won't tell her before she's divorced from that scum. She doesn't need to feel guilty all the time working on my house too. There must not be any reason for him to contest a divorce or using me against her in a divorce court. I think we'll be ready to grind him this week." After talking to Estrada Grim is in no mood to tolerate anyone's shit. He grabs the various envelopes and starts sending his prospects out on a delivery run. Then he gives Crack, Rooster, Hack, Wolf and Razor the green light on moving the stuff he needs moved. Ink and Runner are the lookouts and Melcome and his team are on standby. As soon as the drugs are secured in another warehouse one of the ATF guys will make the phone call immediately after one of Alvarez's goons phoned him to tell him the whole shipment is gone. With Ambers help they can listen to all his phone calls. The ATF was notified that Amber is working with Melcome's team and actually came to them with the first few tips. So when things go down hopefully Grim will have her with him at the clubhouse going through the house's final plans.

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