Chapter 10

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Amber goes through the next two days with the feeling someone is there even though she knows she always has two of the club watching her. She's extra careful and she chastises herself because she misses Grim. She hasn't seen him in two days although she talked to him on the phone, but he hasn't said anything about the old lady story that he mentioned the previous weekend. Today she needs him to sign the final papers for the building plans. So she sends him a message and then leaves for work. After work she is in the parking lot of the mall after she did some grocery shopping when a big blue van with dark windows cruises past her slowly and she immediately moves around her car, to keep her car between her and the van. The van stops but keeps on idling and she knows there's someone watching her but the next moment Crow is there with his bike in between her car and the van. The van pulls away and she realizes it has no number plates. Crow sits on his bike talking on his phone and when he puts his phone away he folds his arms and nods at her to go ahead. She gets into her car and drives home but she feels rattled. She's turning off into her street when she sees all the bikes turning from the other street and following her into her driveway. She smiles because it's an impressive sight to see but when Grim gets of his bike her smile fades. His face is battered and bruised and his left hand's knuckles looks quite bruised too. She forgets that she doesn't have the right to question him and stand with her hands on her hips looking at him. "What the hell happened to you?" He looks guiltily away and she knows he's not going to tell her because he doesn't want to lie to her. The next moment Jacob stops only meters away and it's when she sees how he looks that she realizes what happened. She looks at the two and the rest of the crew who stand behind Grim and Jacob and grin like they want to see how this pans out. She pulls her Taser out of her pocket. "Do you two morons tell me what the hell happened or should I tase your asses until you speak up." Jacob shakes his head and Grim talks to her harshly. "It's club business and we've handled it. Leave it alone Amber it's water under the bridge." It's the first time any of them see Amber angry and so mad, she's a sight to behold. Her eyes look gold and she speaks very testily with Grim. "O really Mr. Truth and Honesty. Then you should be going to your clubhouse to handle your club business and please take your whole club with you. I don't want to see any of your faces near me. I'm not part of your club or club business so I would appreciate it if you go. And you..." She looks at Jacob. "...Better go before I do something Mom and Cecilia are going to hate me about for forever. Just leave me the hell alone." She storms into the house and locks the door. Jacob looks at Grim and starts to smile. "I told you she's not your average woman and she will not tolerate your shit. You'll have to explain club business to her now if you ever want her to be your old lady. Good luck bro' she's all yours." Jacob gets on his bike and drives out the yard. The others stand and wait to see what Grim is going to do when he walks up to the door and he totally forgets about them for the moment. "Amber please open the door we need to talk. I don't want to shout through a door." She looks through the window and talks to him through a small opening. "Go away, I don't want to talk to you. You're wasting your time." She disappears from sight and Grim sighs. "Amber Darlin' let me explain..." There's no answer and now he gets pissed. "Amber don't let me break down this fucking door, because I will and then you will regret it. Open this fucking door." He slams against the door with his already sore knuckles, now he becomes livid. "YOU HAVE ONE CHANCE TO OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR THEN I'M TAKING IT DOWN." She's not reacting so he tries one last time. "Please Amber don't make me do this." Grim walks back and his crew think he's going to leave so they mount their bikes. Grim takes something out of his saddle bag and walks up to the door. He works on the door a bit and the next moment the door opens. He walks in and slams the door behind him. Gammon looks at the others and smiles knowingly. "Well brothers I think that is our que to leave them alone. The garage is open, pull his bike and her car inside and leave the keys just inside the garage before the door closes." Amber thinks they are all leaving and she lay back in the bath with tears streaming down her face. She thought for a moment he's going to get violent like Andrew and break the door down to beat her. She's so fucking stupid, she should have listened to Jacob, now it's too late she has gone and fall in love with Grim. She cannot stay here she will have to go somewhere else to lick her wounds. The next moment she feels eyes on her and when she opens her eyes and look at the door Grim leans against the doorframe looking at her. She has frozen and he can see how afraid she is and he realizes with great shock that he sounded exactly like that bastard she was married to and that's why she didn't want to open the door for him. Grim walks slowly to the bath and sits down on his haunches before he starts talking softly to her and touching her hair. "Amber, Darlin' please don't cry you're breaking my hart Baby. I'm sorry I shouted at you, I will never hurt you. I will definitely never lay my hands on you. I care too much for you." She looks at Grim and sees the sincerity in his eyes. "I know I just...I cannot deal with the violence. I never thought it would bother me this much, so when you raised your voice and hammered on the door I was back in the moments when he would..." She shivers and Grim gets up and grabs the towel from the rail holding it open so Amber can get up and into the towel without feeling totally vulnerable with him there. "Come let's get you out of this water and into some clothes so you and I can talk like civilized human beings." It's as she only now realizes that she's naked in the bath and Grim was there with her the whole time. She blushes profusely and he starts to chuckle softy. "It took you long enough Darlin'." She gets up but turns her back on him and he wraps the towel around her from behind. "It doesn't help much Darlin' you have a delectable behind too." He picks her up out of the bath and let her slowly down on the bath mat where he turns her towards him so that he can look her in the eyes. "I'm going to make us some coffee and see what those nosey crew of mine did with my bike. Get dressed and come to the kitchen because I have some serious groveling to do." He leaves the room and when he goes through the kitchen into the garage he wants to laugh. Her car and his bike is parked in the garage and on the hood of the car is a bouquet of red roses and Amber's favorite chocolate bar. On the floor by the door he finds her grocery bags with a note.

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