Chapter 2

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The plus size model Robin Lawley is my Amber.

A weak of this new diet and Amber is cranky, dizzy and hungry. She even had to tell Stella off of bringing her any snacks or food. Ronald comes with her to work and sits near the window in a chair scanning the newspaper or reading a book. He never talks to Amber except for greeting her when he picks her up in the mornings and dropping her at home in the afternoons or when he asks her whereto if she needs to go out and see a client. The people at work first found the bodyguard thing strange, until she told Stella the lie about being vulnerable because of threats to Andrew. Now people find it very endearing of Andrew to make sure his wife is safe at all times. Two weeks past in which Andrew punished her every night about something or the other that she did wrong. On the next Wednesday morning she has to dress very carefully to cover the bruises on her arms and legs. She wears a white silk shirt with long sleeves, a beautiful green scarf and black pants with very sexy black sandals. She leaves her hair down since the bruise on the side of her neck is still a purplish color and it wouldn't do for letting anyone to see it. To her greatest surprise her brother Jacob comes for a visit just before lunch. And much to his surprise she doesn't want to eat his surprise lunch consisting of a huge hamburger and fries. "O no thanks Jacob, give it to Ronald, I have a packed lunch here I don't want to waste." Jacob looks startled for a moment, but his sister's pleading eyes makes him close his mouth quickly. He turns to Ronald and pass him the burger and fries before he goes and sits in front of Amber's desk. "I haven't seen you in weeks Jacob, come sit here and let's eat." She takes her lunch and they both go and sit at the small table in the corner of her office while Ronald sits on the opposite side of the office on the couch. "Yeah, I was a bit busy, Grim had some trouble at the club that we had to fix." He leans towards her and lowers his voice. "What the hell is going on, since when do you have a bodyguard and what's with this stupid diet food suddenly?" She looks over his shoulder at Ronald but he's eating and reading the newspaper. "I... I cannot talk about believes I'm in danger since he received some threats..." Jacob shakes his head. "Bullshit man...he is the only danger in this town. I wanted to come and warn you...he's hanging with the wrong crowd. There's stories that he's getting paid to keep the Alvarez Cartel out of jail. I tell you Amber if he puts you in danger I'm going to kill him myself." Amber looks sad and she cannot look Jacob in the eyes. "He's not the same man that I married Jacob, I feel like I don't know him anymore." Jacob knows his sister and that's why he knows that there's something that she's not telling him. " know you can tell me anything under the son. Please I know there's to me..." She looks at Ronald and shakes her head. "There's nothing concrete I can tell you, except that he's out every night until early morning, coming in and smelling of alcohol, cigarettes and cheap perfume. Please just leave everything alone...for my sake please." She stretches towards the lunchbox on the table and suddenly Jacob grabs her arm. "What the fuck is this?" He turns her arm and sees the bruise on the underside of her wrist. "It's nothing...really. I'm so clumsy lately and I slipped in the bathroom and hit my arm on the faucet..." Jacob's face tells her he is livid. "Don't lie to me Amber, you know I hate it when people lie. I'm going to let this slide but I'm warning you, you better tell me if anything is going on with you and Andrew...and don't worry I'm not afraid of the judge or his bodyguards. I will make them all disappear if need be." Amber is very worried now. Her brother Jacob is a lawyer but also part of a Motorcycle club, The Shadow Reapers. Everyone of that club except maybe for the women are ex-military of some sort. The MC president is West McDougal, but he's known as Grim, his great great great Grandpa started this little town McDougal's Creek in Texas. The clubhouse is on the original ranch. The town was built to the west of the farm McDougal's Creek, so the farm lies next to town and Grim's Dad Weston McDougal still basically rules the town while his middle brother Chart is the mayor. His Mom Sarah is a real socialite and a bit snobbish although she's never outright impolite with anyone. They own the hotel, McDougal's Royal and the local small mall known as Mac's Mall. Grim and his club owns the hair salon, tattoo parlor, the bakery, Dairy Queen and local garage. Nobody tries to step on their toes, but Andrew is always talking about when he takes over this town how things are going to change and how he's going to run the MC out of this town. She works for Weston's youngest brother Mick and his Mexican wife Estrada also a fact Andrew doesn't like at all. These are really good people even if they are extremely rich and a bit strange. Andrew can just not take it that they are well liked and treated as royalty in town. As of late, there's a few new people in town and it looks like Andrew likes these new people. The quite well-off Alvarez family moved into town into one of the new houses that Estrada designed and built. It's a huge white double story with a beautiful driveway and fountains all over the place. The swimming pool and recreational area are to die for. Mr. Alvarez and his very young second wife Lolita lives there with his two adult sons out of his first marriage, José and Raoul. Amber visited with Estrada while the building was going on and after the interior designer was finished with the house and to meet the new owners but she never visited with Andrew. She only hears about these wonderful people he talks about when he tells her how pathetic and fat she is and how beautiful, well-kept and thin Lolita is.

Shadow Reaper's MC Book 1 Size doesn't matterWhere stories live. Discover now