Chapter 3

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A commotion at the gates makes Grim coming out of the clubhouse and seeing two guys shouting at the young prospect. When he looks closer he realizes he knows the guys. "Sneak...let them in please I know the bastards." Sneak nods towards his Pres and shows them in. "What the hell do you two bastards do here in my town of all places." He bro'hug them both as they laugh. "Brother it's good to see you, where's the rest of our low life ex-crew." Grim looks at Melcome and Tino and laughs. "Come they're here somewhere, let's see if I can find them." He walks with them into the clubhouse and gives an ear piercing whistle. Footsteps come on fast and the next moment the guys stop in their tracks. It's his second in command Gammon who laughs and realizes first who the guests are. "What the hell, Melcome and Tino...what are you doing here. Don't tell me the seals don't want your asses anymore." Melcome laughs boisterously. "Damm Gammon you're still the same welcoming asshole. We're actually here to save your asses. Where can we talk?" Grim looks at Melcome and sees the serious look in his eyes. "Do you want my whole crew or just me and Gammon?" Melcome looks at the other guys and nods. "I think it's better if I tell my story in one go. Maybe someone here knows more than their President." He smiles because he knows not much will go by without Grim's notice. Grim looks at the crew and haulers. "Church in ten!" Then he turns to the two guests. "Pick your poison. There's the bar and the coffee bar. Chelsy there will help you." He looks towards the tall blond behind the bar. "Chelsy will you make our guests welcome please.?" She smiles and nods. "Sure Pres, so what can I get you gentleman?" Tino grins. "Well darling you will do too..." He gets a whack at the back of his head from Gammon. "Behave you man-whore, this is my woman you cannot have her." He walks around the bar turns her around for Tino to see the back of her cut saying Property of Gammon, and kisses her in front of everybody until one of the guys shouts. "Get a room you two!" Which makes everybody laugh and Chelsy blushes a pretty pink. When the guys all sit down for Church Melcome looks at them all. "Where's Jacob?" Grim smiles. "Counsellor is still in court, he'll be here by 16:00. Why?" Melcome shakes his head. "No reason, just missed the bastard's pretty face. You can tell him about our visit later. I'm here because I need help, but first I want to know if any of your club members are involved in any guns or drug related things. And with that I also mean using drugs or smuggling with anything." Grim's lips become a thin line and his knuckles turns very white when he grabs the table. "Listen Melcome don't let our friendship go sour because of shit stories of bike gangs. We are no gang what so ever. We're a 99% motorcycle club, do you know what that means!" Melcome nods. "Just bare with me without getting your underpants in a twist Grim. I know what that means I'm just making sure I can talk without causing a shit storm. There's roomers of drug smugglers coming through Texas and specifically this side of Texas." Grim looks at Gammon and nods before Gammon looks at Melcome. "We heard rumors too and we're busy putting our ears out in town. You know the bakery, the dairy, the garage and tattoo parlor are good places to hear all the newest gossip in town. It's actually Counsellor's little Celia who heard it in the nail salon two weeks ago. She came to Grim with the story. Someone is bringing in drugs and arms into our town. The only new people in town who can maybe be responsible are the Alvarez family. Unfortunately, they have the local Judge as a family friend. You know the same Judge who is also the Counsellor's brother-in-law." Melcome swears. "The Fucking bastards. We're investigating Alvarez and his dirty sons for supplying drugs at some schools. We followed his journey all the way from Wisconsin and ended up here in McDougal's Creek, we need help to stop him and his whole cartel but I didn't want to involve you. Now I don't know if anything we do will be enough to stop him..." Grim holds up his hand. " don't understand how things work in this town. My father and even his brother Chart and Mick don't tolerate drugs in any form in McDougal's Creek. Yes, there are people in this town who were junkies, people who struggled with some sort of addiction, but they are all clean now and live their lives as decent citizens. I think we will have to tell Sheriff Clive he should talk to teachers and the Principals of the Primary-and High schools about drugs. There's a few families who came with the Alvarez Cartel. They stay among us and they are the one's who's supposed to recruit our children to be drug mules or drug users. We'll have to keep our eyes and ears on the ground." A loud commotion and harsh voices can be heard and two of the bikers get up to see who's disturbing the peace. The doors of Church flew open and Jacob aka Counselor comes in with fury. He looks at Grim and doesn't even sees Melcome and Tino. "I'm going to chop his fucking dick off and push it down his throat and then I'm going to hang the bastard upside down in the town square for everyone to see when I chop of his hands..." Then he sees Melcome and Tino. "If you're here you're definitely bringing some bad news or some kind of a shit storm hit you..." They laugh and bro' hug Jacob before Grim asks the question on everybody's lips. "Who pissed you off?" Jacob gets this mean disgusted look on his face again. "The fucking no good Judge...he's been putting his fucking hands on Amber. I'm going to kill him." Grim's face changes for a moment before he gets himself under control but Melcome saw that look and he just knows Grim still have the hots for little Amber Price. Grim's question comes softly. "He did what?" Jacob nods. "You heard me. I went to have lunch and suddenly she didn't want to eat a burger and fries. Told me she's on a very strict diet. Since fucking when does my little sister cares about diets and stuff. When she reached towards her own lunchbox her sleeve moves up and I see this purple bruises on her arm and she fucking lied to me, telling me she fell in the bathroom. He suddenly has this fucking asshole bodyguard Ronald who watches our every move. You know what bullshit she tunes me? She has a bodyguard because Andrew is worried about her safety because he got so called threats. I tell you it's a shit story, he's just a fucking control freak, a narcissistic control freak. I talked to Estrada on my way out and you know what she told me. She said Andrew and Amber were invited for dinner last week and he showed up without Amber because she struggles with depression and she doesn't want to be with other people...have you ever in all these years seen a depressed Amber? Let me tell's a definite NO... Amber loves people, she never in her life was depressed. I talked to my Mom, she hasn't seen or heard from Amber for three weeks. When she phoned her the day before yesterday Amber said it's because Andrew doesn't want to bring trouble to my parent's door with the threats. I tell you this is all bullshit." He flops down in his chair and looks at Grim. "Sorry Pres for going of like that but I'm truly pissed." Grim nods. "I do understand Counselor; we'll talk about your problem a bit later. Let Melcome bring you up to speed first." Jacob listens to Melcome's story and then suddenly looks at Grim. "So the stories are actually true." Grim nods his head. "Well Melcome what's your plan or do we all pitch in and make a plan to catch these bastards?" Melcome thinks for a moment before he answers. "Well the rest of my team wait for word from me. If I give the confirmation they will be here within the next two hours. I need a safe place for them to stay under the radar. Tino and me will do the food runs etc., but they have to lie low. We all think about a plan that could smoke these guys out then we execute it, a quick and hopefully a clean operation. Although with this kind of things, it always gets dirty to the end of things." Grim turns to one of his guys. "Crow get the old house ready. There's enough space for twelve to sleep and get their equipment ready. I'll get one of our woman to do all your food runs, I think even you and Tino should keep it on the low. Rooster, Smokey and Gunner you guys go do some scouting in town while you go and get Razor and Ink ready for anything. Fill them in on everything. Don't tell the women everything just enough so they can keep themselves and the children safe at all time. If need be and shit go down we'll have a total lockdown, so prepare all the women. Doc you, Tequila and Chelsy get everything war ready here at the clubhouse. If you need to fill up the hospital, do so without alerting the Citizens in town. Counsellor prepare your wife and see if she can visits Amber so we can have a better feel for that woman abuser. I'll have to fill in my Dad, Mick and Chart so I'm going to do that now and run a few basic errands. Melcome, you know where the farm house is. Go and relax a bit before your crew gets here. Chelsy and Doc will deliver food and bedding in a while. Brick you stay here with Sneak and make sure when Mel's team arrives that they go right through to the house." Everyone gets up and move out. Doc and Tequila immediately start making lists of what's needed and Gammon tells Chelsy to go get some food to stock the cupboards and the Seal team in the farm house. She looks at him and nods, asking no questions because she knows when to not say a word. Grim and Gammon get on their bikes and ride into town towards Weston McDougal's office. Meanwhile Counselor left and enters the Nail salon where his wife Cecilia works. She looks up and the moment she sees his face she knows there's something wrong. Luckily her last client just walked out the door. He fills her in on what's going on and then he pulls her down onto his lap and tells her about Amber. Cecilia cannot believe it. "You know you should have given Grim the go ahead years ago when he started looking at Amber, at least then she wouldn't have been an abused wife now." Jacob knows she's right and he feels sad about his beautiful sister's fucked up life with Andrew Hill. "You know what pisses me off so much! It's the fact that he sentences other men who lift their hands for their wife's or girlfriends, while he is busy abusing his own wife. I want you to visit Amber tomorrow at work, but don't take any food except if you want to eat a salad with her and get her to talk. You were always best friends and still is." Cecelia smiles. "I'm going to find out everything I can."

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